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    marten Beispielsätze


    1. It was a pine marten, running up the trunk of a nearby tree, its body undulating as it moved over the rough surface

    2. One or two pine marten swept across the cliffs and steep slopes

    3. In the long “protest” initiated by Marten Luther and carried on by others, the heretofore monolithic Church was now challenged on the basis of its answers, they must accord with the Bible, members of the “Protest” declared as they appealed to the hierarchy to reground their answers

    4. Marten nodded, then looked at Jonir

    5. “You’re what they call a Lander, right? I suppose that’s what Iago here is, too?” Jonir remained similarly quiet, so Marten leaned over and rapped on the door

    6. A Cleric appeared, and Marten pointed at Galen

    7. Galen opened his mouth, stretching his jaw while Marten motioned the Cleric back out of the room

    8. “Where are the others?” Marten moved to stand directly in front of Galen

    9. Marten nodded, then thought for a moment

    10. Beads of sweat formed on Galen’s brow, and he couldn’t resist the urge to blink incessantly as Marten moved closer and closer to his face

    11. Marten nodded for a second

    12. Marten stopped, considering that question, probably deciding whether or not to answer, ignore or respond with more violence

    13. What had he done? He looked at Iago, who stared back at Marten with an expression that betrayed… panic?

    14. ” Marten smiled wickedly

    15. ” Marten could barely contain his delight now

    16. "It may do for the Royal Americans!" said Hawkeye, laughing once more in his own silent, heartfelt manner; "but had my gun often turned so much from the true line, many a marten, whose skin is now in a lady's muff, would still be in the woods; ay, and many a bloody Mingo, who has departed to his final account, would be acting his deviltries at this very day, atween the provinces

    17. Most hunters are at the front so the woods are full of marten and deer

    18. The sound of high heels and Doc Marten boots were louder than the record that was playing, which was “Harlem Shuffle” by Bob and Earl

    19. Some thought it was part flying squirrel or some other wild animal, which is not impossible, for, according to naturalists, prolific hybrids have been produced by the union of the marten and domestic cat

    20. A high cap of marten sable, ornamented with gold tassels, came closely down over his flashing eyes

    21. " Marten Bruus led the way to the eastern side of the garden near the hedge

    22. A species of marten has lately been presented to the Lyceum of Natural History in New-York, which was brought from that country, and appears to belong to a peculiar species, very different from the common martens of Europe, Asia, and America, although it has, in common with it, the character of the yellow throat; but the head, feet, and tail, afford so many peculiar characters, that no doubt can be entertained of its diversity

    23. I have, therefore, given to it the name of Mustela vulpina, or Fox Marten, owing to its head and tail being somewhat similar to that of a fox

    24. From the above accurate description, it will appear evident that this animal is very different from the common marten of North America

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