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    martinet Beispielsätze


    1. Skeets and his sister, ‗Chita, lived in a low water boot camp operated by a motherly martinet but they were always clean and neatly garbed

    2. Although she was a martinet, tough on discipline, she gave her deputies room to make their own decisions

    3. Poor Mammy, still the martinet about such unimportant things even though war and death had just passed over her head! In another moment she would be saying that young Misses with blistered hands and freckles most generally didn’t never catch husbands and Scarlett forestalled the remark

    4. A commissioned flying officer, knowing that his mission and even his life are in the hands of each member of the whole group, is not likely to become the self-sufficient martinet

    5. “You can tell that wretched martinet downstairs what I think of her, if you have sufficient command of language,” I rejoined, wiping my eyes furiously

    6. Yet Aunt Susan could not be a martinet; her hall, furnished for other people, showed due regard for their comfort; the living room, which took the entire western side of the cottage, bore unmistakable signs of much occupancy, with wide and varied interests

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