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    masterpiece Beispielsätze


    1. In the centre of the floor was a pebble mosaic, a masterpiece in stones forming two huge circles, one enclosing a six-pointed star and six concentric circles; the other showed a two-headed eagle

    2. It was, he said, a stunning masterpiece of the gardener’s art

    3. masterpiece of the gardener’s art

    4. After a few hours of hashing over the events of the day, Emma thought it would be an added treat to start a fire in the masterpiece of a fireplace

    5. It was God at work writing his masterpiece, and it started in Israel

    6. At the gardens he left his horse with the attendant at the gate and entered, marvelling again at the sheer beauty of the place and the ingenious way in which the hanging masterpiece had been engineered

    7. It has been celebrated, however, as a masterpiece of the commercial policy of England

    8. He looked at the rounded sandstone of the strange, old building with the little bridge over the street that many of his fellow university students talked about as being such an architectural masterpiece

    9. Earth is thus the medium or fabric for this masterpiece

    10. masterpiece of success for yourself are right here in this

    11. He would need the ability to anticipate and have knowledge of future events, at the time when the books were written, to be able to design and construct this masterpiece

    12. It was a beautiful fall and they were basking in the beauty of New England and it’s masterpiece of colors

    13. through that arch” She sighed, holding the back of her neck as she looked upward! “It’s truly a masterpiece

    14. King's Cross, and the tall gothic masterpiece of St Pancras station, evidence of eras - the canal era, and the railway era close behind it

    15. The good Captain’s crowning masterpiece was to bring the hilt of her sword down precisely over the area of his left kidney, bringing Lt

    16. This masterpiece, since its first publication, has been translated and distributed internationally, and was frequently referred and used by generals and theorists

    17. The story goes that a pope was admiring Michelangelo’s David, and asked the sculptor how he could create such a masterpiece

    18. the sequent instant by this masterpiece

    19. ” (I’d sung this masterpiece of Mozart as a solo with the choir just two Sundays ago

    20. I figured I could write my own masterpiece

    21. learned that I’m not a mistake, but that I’m God’s masterpiece

    22. Earlier I contemplated leaving without saying goodbye, but to miss the look on her face would be like dying just before the applause to my masterpiece

    23. God has created a masterpiece tool

    24. How is my proposal? Did they like my masterpiece? Finally, I have a TV show that will set the trend of Philippine broadcasting

    25. this universe, why not make it better? Make it a masterpiece that others can

    26. It might not be a masterpiece, but I think it’s pretty solid and gives you

    27. Your smile is like a masterpiece of art - there is nothing like it

    28. What kind of masterpiece could a sorry breakup like that produce? Real

    29. even started to consider the masterpiece of workmanship the house I was approaching

    30. Also as I promised Scarlett would be the star of this thirty second masterpiece

    31. as if she had just produced a masterpiece

    32. The ceiling was a masterpiece to put the rest of the artwork in the castle to shame: fashioned from jewels, diamonds, and bits of smooth glass was an expansive, inverted model of the open sea, replete with cruising fins and schools of fish, tropical islands and archipelagos, a tortoise with a scale forest on its back, and a replica of Coral Wing itself carved out of a sparkling prism, so faithfully rendered that Jai wondered whether there was an even tinier version of the fortress inside the first model

    33. The meal was a masterpiece

    34. “Oh my God” Matthew exclaimed as he gazed upon the masterpiece, he had only seen in photograph

    35. Have you not read that masterpiece of Semitic literature -- the Scripture story of the afflictions of Job? Do you not recall how this wonderful parable begins with the recital of the material prosperity of the Lord's servant? You well remember that Job was blessed with children, wealth, dignity, position, health, and everything else which men value in this temporal life

    36. Graffiti has been painted on what is essentially a divine masterpiece

    37. masterpiece (depending on the observer) with all the

    38. This masterpiece I have painted of you

    39. “That was my masterpiece,” he said with satisfaction

    40. They are a masterpiece of simplicity and clarity

    41. Their land is an environmental masterpiece, combining permaculture – a branch of self-maintained, sustainable farming embracing nature

    42. It was a masterpiece featuring over fourteen hours of horror, gore, violence and shock

    43. wisdom in this gift of life and hopefully create a masterpiece along the

    44. And to go with one’s first dry martini or, depending on one’s drug preference, one’s first joint, this masterpiece, masquerading as a view, transformed itself completely into a night spectacular, with all the lights of the city shining under the dark, starry sky like a set of a Stanley Kubrick movie

    45. � Air Chief Marshal Dowding�s plan was a masterpiece of air strategy: it has broken the back of the Luftwaffe in France and Belgium

    46. The ceramic masterpiece of hi-tech armament was fitted with a suppressor

    47. The TIME-LIFE photographer had produced a masterpiece article that had caused consternation around the United States, by taking a series of pictures of the final evacuation of American troops in Pusan

    48. The overall concept and execution of Overlord was a masterpiece of strategic planning made possible by the enormous capacity of Allied industry

    49. Far from being a strategic necessity as the Japanese were later to claim, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour was in effect a short-term tactical masterpiece but a long-term strategic blunder

    50. The raid in Manchuria, while incredibly risky, was in my opinion a masterpiece and, apart from freeing hundreds of our soldiers from communist captivity, has demonstrated once again the hypocrisy of the Soviet Union in all this

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    Synonyme für "masterpiece"

    masterpiece chef-d'oeuvre magnum opus exemplar