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measure up Beispielsätze
measure up
1. DD would study all the information he could find on his opponent including all his personal family history, because there was an aspect of DD’s game that no one could measure up; that was talking shit
2. Many (young) adults are failing to measure up to the basic reading, writing and number skills required for ordinary jobs, not to mention the highly specialized skills required by more challenging working environments
3. Imagine the circus if every newspaper in the world had front-page pictures of a modern-day crucifixion carried out by people supported by American tax dollars? So, I was ordered to join him on a mission to evaluate the situation and most unfortunately, I had to report that he didn’t measure up so it was decided to pull him out of the game
4. And we can measure this resistance using this circuit, It can measure up to 220k ohms of resistances
5. sufficient and cannot measure up with the Holy
6. The very next chapter we see their son, Cain who wanted the relationship with God that his brother Abel had but he did not measure up and his jealousy turned him into a murderer
7. Our inspections were not only to see if a restaurant qualified for a Duncan Hines listing, but also for those already in the book that didn’t measure up, we had to remove the signs hanging in front of their establishment
8. I had no special knowledge or talents to offer, so would I have to remain a ‘bottom feeder’ during my life there? How could I measure up to those who had training, schooling, connections, social standing, a family and a network behind them? Would I be marginalized as a reluctantly tolerated DP? Would I have to grovel or could I take my position among equals? I wasn’t looking for a place to sleep, I was searching for my future home that would last me to the end of my days
9. Here she was, raised in a life of privilege as the child of a Nazi officer, educated in the best schools and yet in some strange way, she was overwhelmed by the feeling that she somehow did not quite measure up to this intense peasant girl with the soft green eyes, whose face was as beautiful as her name
10. Jesus knew the sort of Messiah his compatriots expected, and he had all the powers and prerogatives to measure up to their most sanguine expectations, but he decided against such a magnificent program of power and glory
11. Any sack which failed to measure up was returned along with the
12. which failed to measure up was returned along with the entire shipment to
13. � I can also demonstrate to you on the spot that you don�t measure up to me in unarmed combat
14. in that it could never measure up
15. Each night he seemed to measure up more question as his interest in Christ grew
16. The part will never measure up to the whole, and it sure wasn’t designed too
17. and few of us have what it takes to measure up
18. “The blade is quite light but I doubt that it could measure up with a good katana
19. Niggers and spics did not measure up
20. ‘Well, the measure of a lover lies in his ability to envision the nuances of his woman,’ she said in all admiration, ‘and how you measure up to be a lover of lovers
21. Now that I have seen it today, it is indeed measure up to your fame
22. measure up to the best that is in them
23. He judged me to see if I could measure up to what he wanted from me
24. It wasn’t about children with weight problems or physical features that didn’t measure up
25. to measure up to those who preceded you
26. But why should we expect more? We have the same Greek they had 2,000 years ago; the same Campbell had a century back; all we need is a Lexicon by which to determine if our theologians have measure up to their pretension, or rather up to the spirit of true Bible exegesis
27. lovingly provides us with a way even when we do not measure up
28. Every one of them believed he was simply lucky to be rowing in the boat, that he didn’t really measure up to the obvious greatness of the other boys, and that he might fail the others at any moment
29. Cole, as soon as we were conveniently alone, insured me, in virtue of her long experience in these matters, "that for this bout my charms had not missed fire; for by his eagerness, his manner and looks, she was sure he had it: the only point now in doubt was his character and circumstances, which her knowledge of the town would soon gain her the sufficient acquaintance with, to take measure upon
30. Here’s how the two scenarios measure up:
31. Make every trade measure up to the criteria that your investment methodology dictates, and if it does not, nix the trade! By focusing on the criteria of the trade and the market’s action, you will also trade with less stress, which is caused by trading in a manner that tries to anticipate rather than flow with the market and individual stocks
32. Madison that a war with Great Britain is not a measure upon which he dare venture
33. We wish to express our devout thanksgiving for the grace of hospitality which has been bestowed in such abounding measure upon the churches of Christ and the good people of this city of Providence, with whose name in its divine significance we are to associate this peculiarly impressive anniversary