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    meme Beispielsätze


    1. within the cultural meme set, you can create your

    2. ‘Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose,’ or, the more things change, the more they stay the same

    3. Didn’t my Rickmansworth meme fall into that category? Well then, since I wasn’t exactly enamoured with the way that I wrote, why not pass my ideas along to

    4. Does the meme of ‘progress’ work for us?

    5. MEME , Stallman cited Scribe's sale as irksome, but hesitated

    6. After a tense argument, in which Aureli-ano Segundo acted as the laughing go-between, they baptized her with the name Renata Remedios, but Fernanda went on calling her just Renata while her husband’s family and everyone in town called her Meme, a diminutive of Remedios

    7. Meme, his sister, dividing her time between Fernanda’s rigidity and Amaranta’s bitterness, at almost the same moment reached the age set for her to be sent to the nuns’ school, where they would make a virtuoso on the clavichord of her

    8. So when she heard Fernanda all upset be cause she had lost her ring, Úrsula remembered that the only thing different that she had done that day was to put the mattresses out in the sun because Meme had found a bedbug the might before

    9. Three months later Aureliano Segundo and Fernanda took Meme to school and came back with a clavichord, which took the place of the pianola

    10. Fernanda did not understand why she would write occasional letters to Meme and even send her gifts and on the other hand did not even want to hear about José Arcadio

    11. The greatest worry that Fernanda had during her years of abandonment was that Meme would come to spend her first vacation and not find Aureliano Segundo at home

    12. When Meme returned, her parents had made an agree-ment that not only would the girl think that Aureliano Segundo was still a domesticated husband but also that she would not notice the sadness of the house

    13. But unlike Amaranta, unlike all of them, Meme still did not reveal the solitary fate of the family and she seemed entirely in conformity with the world, even when she would shut herself up in the parlor at two in the afternoon to practice the clavichord with an inflexible discipline

    14. The first sign of that calamitous inheritance was re-vealed on her third vacation, when Meme appeared at the house with four nuns and sixty-eight classmates whom she had invited to spend a week with her family on her own Initiative and without any previous warn-ing

    15. thing to regain her privileges as his legitimate wife because the following year Meme found a newborn little sister who against the wishes of her mother had been baptized with the name Amaranta Úrsula

    16. Meme had finished her course of study

    17. Only after the death of Amaranta, when the family shut itself up again in a period of mourning, was Meme able to lock the clav-ichord and forget the key in some dresser drawer without Fernanda’s being annoyed on finding out when and through whose fault it had been lost

    18. Meme bore up under the exhibitions with the same stoicism that she had dedicated to her apprenticeship

    19. Meme would never forget that night when she arrived home chewing licorice lozenges, and without noticing their consternation, sat down at the table where Fernanda and Amaranta were eating dinner with-out saying a word to each other

    20. Sitting at the head of the table, drinking a chicken broth that landed in her stomach like an elixir of resurrection, Meme then saw Fernanda and Amaranta wrapped in an accusatory halo of reality

    21. In the haziness of the alcohol Meme thought with pleasure about the scandal that would have taken place if she were to express her thoughts at that moment, and the intimate satisfaction of her roguishness was so intense that Fernanda noticed it

    22. But Fernanda felt so moved that she thought she would go mad when Meme awoke at midnight with her head splitting with pain and drowning in vomited gall

    23. Having lost her courage, in a miserable state of demoralization, Meme had no other recourse but to bear up under it

    24. At that time Aureliano Segundo postponed any appoint-ments in order to be with Meme, to take her to the movies or the circus, and he spent the greater part of his idle time with her

    25. Meme was entering a fruitful age

    26. He was so lavish with Meme that he did not even know how much money he gave her because she herself would take it out of his pockets, and he kept abreast of every kind of new beauty aid that arrived in the commissary of the banana company

    27. So that when she noticed the complicity between father and daughter the only promise she extracted from Aureliano Segundo was that he would never take Meme to Petra Cotes’s house

    28. Petra was tormented by an unknown fear, as if instinct were telling her that Meme, by just wanting it, could succeed in what Fernanda had been unable to do: deprive her of a love that by then she considered assured until death

    29. It too was an unnecessary effort because Meme had no desire to intervene in her father’s affairs and if she had, it would certainly have been in favor of the concubine

    30. Brown opened the doors of his house to Meme and invited her to the Saturday dances, which were the only ones where gringos and natives mingled

    31. “Just think,” she said to Meme, “what the colonel must be thinking in his grave

    32. Meme sensed the thought of her great-great-grandmother very well and the day after the dances she would get up earlier than usual to go to mass

    33. Fernanda’s opposition lasted until the day when Meme broke down her resistance with the news that the Americans wanted to hear her play the clavichord

    34. Meme learned to swim like a professional, to play tennis, and to eat Virginia ham with slices of pineapple

    35. Aureliano Segundo was so enthusiastic over the progress of his daughter that from a traveling salesman he bought a six-volume English encyclopedia with many color prints which Meme read in her spare time

    36. He had made her promise that she would let him know about her first love affair with the same confidence, and Meme told him that she liked a red-headed American boy who had come to spend his vacation with his parents

    37. ” But Meme also told him that the boy had gone back to his country and had disappeared from sight

    38. She saw it on one burning afternoon sewing with her on the porch a short time after Meme had left for school

    39. One week before she calculated that she would take the last stitch on the night of February 4, and without revealing the motives, she suggested to Meme that she move up a clavichord concert that she had arranged for the day after, but the girl paid no attention to her

    40. A little before five Aureliano Segundo came to fetch Meme for the concert and was surprised that the house was prepared for the funeral

    41. Aureliano Segundo and Meme took leave of her with mocking farewells and promised her that on the following Saturday they would have a big resurrection party

    42. Meme could not help thinking about her when they turned on the lights on the improvised stage and she began the second part of the program

    43. Meme avoided the conversation with a short laugh

    44. Úrsula did not insist, but she ended up confirming her suspicions when Meme did not come back to visit her

    45. It was too obvious that Meme was involved in secret matters, in pressing matters, in repressed anxieties long before the night that Fernanda upset the house because she caught her kissing a man in the movies

    46. Meme was so wrapped up in herself at that time that she accused Úrsula of having told on her

    47. She al-ready had a great deal of proof that Meme was doing different things from what she said, and yet she would give no indication of her suspicions, hoping for the right moment

    48. One night Meme said that she was going to the movies with her father

    49. “I’m sorry, love,” she heard him say, and she took Meme out of the place without saying a word to her, put her through the shame of parading her along the noisy Street of the Turks, and locked her up in her bedroom

    50. Meme had met him by chance one afternoon when she went with Patricia Brown to get a car to take a drive through the groves

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    Synonyme für "meme"

    meme remembrance observance testimonial celebration ceremony memorial souvenir