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    mental exercise

    1. “But I never knew anything of where I came from as a young woman,” Ava said, obviously not caring that this woman wasn’t up to the mental exercise of going with her

    2. Imagine what you can do by combining physical and mental exercises

    3. That sounds like a worthwhile mental exercise and would be much better than simply surrendering myself to “the way things are” and wait for the end to come

    4. It went on to indicate an exercise and dietary regimen that would lay a foundation toward accomplishing that goal, adding that “stress management techniques and brain stimulation exercises like cross-word puzzles should be part of a mental exercise component

    5. I have to think of this as a mental exercise, not a physical exercise

    6. “We created a strong set of mental exercises to discipline our minds

    7. This, I suppose, is more of a mental exercise, but I

    8. This, I suppose, is more of a mental exercise, but I guarantee that if you go

    9. As to relative importance, I would say that of the two types, mental exercise

    10. In connection with your mental exercises, be certain to use this faculty of the

    11. As you proceed with your mental exercises, build on the thought that they are

    12. Mental exercises were introduced and,

    13. In one recent study of lab rats, mental exercise was found to generate new cel s in the learning

    14. If you stimulate your brain cel s with mental exercises

    15. thought it was about time I did a few mental exercises too

    16. mental exercises that work with sequencing in various forms

    17. “He will need to be trained in mental exercises,” Spock said

    18. the hardship of submarine warfare, he relied on this mental exercise

    19. Daphne had begun to like the resort and its experimental exercises until now

    20. Writing is a form of mental exercise

    21. Writing is a mental exercise

    22. I was going through the paces of a mental exercise, conserving my psychic health

    23. demanding short-turn of concentration, the mental exercises were left to the keen hearted

    24. She is to be similarly trained both in bodily and mental exercises

    25. The purpose of mental exercises is to repeat certain thoughts over and over until the thinking of those thoughts becomes constant and habitual

    26. In another chapter will be found an illustrative mental exercise and further directions on this point

    27. A mental exercise is an exercise, not in repeating words, but in the thinking of certain thoughts

    28. The purpose in taking a mental exercise is that you may think certain thoughts repeatedly until you form a habit of thinking them; then they will be your thoughts all the time

    29. This mental exercise lasted until Biddy made a rush at them and distributed three defaced Bibles (shaped as if they had been unskilfully cut off the chump end of something), more illegibly printed at the best than any curiosities of literature I have since met with, speckled all over with ironmould, and having various specimens of the insect world smashed between their leaves

    30. drown the pain, in the same way Alexey Alexandrovitch needed mental exercise to drown the thoughts of his wife that in her presence and in Vronsky’s, and with the continual iteration of his name, would force themselves on

    31. There were hours in which Bulstrode felt that his action was unrighteous; but how could he go back? He had mental exercises, called himself nought laid hold on redemption, and went on in his course of instrumentality

    32. I know that you can’t actually trade the PCR—this is just a mental exercise—but the point should be obvious

    33. Steenbarger on this mental exercise are embedded in our training program, the SMB Foundation

    34. In her books, The Law of Attraction (Hay House, 2006) and Ask and It Is Given (Hay House, 2004), she gives many mental exercises readers can practice to raise their vibrational frequency

    35. As a child that has been hurt skips about, putting all his muscles into movement to drown the pain, in the same way Alexey Alexandrovitch needed mental exercise to drown the thoughts of his wife that in her presence and in Vronsky's, and with the continual iteration of his name, would force themselves on his attention

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