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    meteorological Beispielsätze


    1. You would also have to determine accurately what the meteorological conditions and strength of the magnetic field that existed before this time was, about 4,500 years ago

    2. Gina's senses told her this was no more than a storm – albeit unlike one she had ever before witnessed, but still a natural meteorological phenomenon

    3. One year after his first meditations and meteorological calculations, trusting in the repeated promises of his correspondents, he had acquired the habit of strolling through the streets, looking at the sky, hanging onto the sound of the breeze in hopes that the airplane would appear

    4. Did the meteorological conditions change so much over the course of ten minutes?

    5. A meteorological forecast is nothing more than a guess based on existing conditions relative to similar ones in the past

    6. She then went to check the meteorological information board and frowned again: even though partially cloudy skies were announced for the Philippines and Formosa, the conditions predicted for today were passable, thus making a Japanese air attack possible as soon as the Sun was up

    7. Ingrid was still examining the meteorological predictions when a corporal from the transmissions department came in, a catastrophe air on his face and a message in his hands

    8. Going at a tired pace to the tent complex sheltering her air task force’s operations center, Ingrid entered it and stopped first in front of the blackboard showing the meteorological predictions for the region

    9. Resolved to get to her new command as quickly as possible, she had however taken a gamble and had departed Newfoundland despite the advice of the local meteorological officer

    10. researchers also recommended that contrail reporting become part of standard meteorological

    11. North of the equator, the "meteorological" summer season includes the months of June, July,

    12. reporting become part of standard meteorological practices, with measurements repeated every few years

    13. , at a conference of the American Meteorological Society

    14. About such things it is as difficult for a woman to be mistaken as it is for a barometer to be hoodwinked in matters meteorological

    15. The old headquarters of the meteorological bureau sits atop a small hill overlooking the congested roadway below

    16. "Lightning is the spears hurled by the thunder giants when they fight," it said gently, "established meteorological fact

    17. My descriptions of weather conditions in the Seattle area, throughout the book, are drawn from daily Cooperative Observers meteorological records taken at various stations around Seattle and reported to the U

    18. And she had the best technology to aid her, including a laser rangefinder, the best long-range optics, a portable meteorological device, and state-of-the-art ballistic-prediction software

    19. According to Owl’s meteorological data, they might see fresh snow accumulations north of the Kalgaran Mountains as late as the second five-day of May

    20. Worse, unless the weather changed drastically—and that wasn’t going to happen, according to Owl’s meteorological projections—Sir Dahrand Rohsail would reach Hahskyn Bay no later than the twenty-sixth

    21. On Sundays, when his mother called, he filled the dead air between them with perfunctory reports about teaching and meteorological conditions and whatnot, but couldn’t lift his voice into the melodious register of well-being

    22. The same is true of meteorological, geological, astronomical, and epidemiological studies, where with a large amount of available data, investigators naturally focus on the “interesting” patterns

    23. On 13 September 2012, however, the World Meteorological Organization disqualified the higher reading, restoring the record to Death Valley

    24. Driest place on Earth: Between 1964 and 2001, the average annual rainfall for the meteorological station in Quillagua in the Atacama Desert, Chile, was just 0

    25. From a meteorological point of view, these cold winds possessed this peculiarity, that they did not preclude a strong electric tension

    26. I believe that observations upon the time of the germination, foliation, florification, and fructification of plants, afford a much more correct criterion respecting climate than thermometrical, or other meteorological journals

    27. —, a means of making meteorological observations, xlii, 150

    28. —, on storms and meteorological observations, xx, 361

    29. —, meteorological journal at New York, for 1837, with average results for the preceding five years, including surface winds and cloud currents, and barometrical observations, xxxiv, 373

    30. —, meteorological register at New York city, for 1838 and 1839, with the mean results for the last seven years, xxxviii, 323

    31. —, meteorological observations at St

    32. —, meteorological observations during; the years 1741 to 1757, xl, 204

    33. Meteorological Journal of Pres

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    meteoric meteorologic meteorological