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    1. For some reason the United States is different from the rest of the world and measuring temperature and in lots of other areas (we use inches, feet, and yards while the rest of the world uses the metric system)

    2. there is a very important metric you need to be aware of based on the number

    3. Knowing what a customer is worth to you in the long-term is a metric every

    4. In total the US has 71,000 metric tonnes of spent

    5. Without a metric (calculation based on measures) the comparison is not viable or useful

    6. For showing percentage of different contributors/stratification in a metric, a pie chart is apt and usage of bar chart should be avoided

    7. A bar chart is used more to show the count or discrete values of segments in a metric

    8. routes are the Administrative Distance and the IGRP metric, in that order

    9. Now that Roger is retired, he has decided to dedicate some of his time, every now and then, to write poems about topics that penetrate his heart, for poetry possesses that special capacity to communicate passion and sadness, beauty and love, joy and nostalgia… Perhaps these poems, all originally written in Spanish, do not deserve prizes in modern poetic contests, but they reflect in the author an eagerness to mix the old cannons of rhyme and rhythm with the metric flexibility of the modern free verse

    10. Walton Beach by Metric Systems for all-day interviews to be their third lawyer, but primarily a CA

    11. metric location to another, where a receiver recognizes those received

    12. ✗ Task Effort: A task metric, such as effort, is usually included with the task, obviously suggesting that the estimation is done when constructing the project

    13. This metric could be expressed in

    14. metric objects identified by physicists and the physical-etheric particles of

    15. released in the explosion of 22,000 tons (20,000 metric tons) of TNT

    16. 13,000 tons (12,000 metric tons) of TNT

    17. A common metric is to risk 2% of the

    18. It is safe to expect the Metric business to only continue to reshape the way sports are

    19. It‘s over forty years since we went metric, Mum!‘ Anyway, I‘m not a certainty to win and I‘ll feel stupid if you‘re watching when I lose

    20. his education just after the metric upon a fool’s

    21. No one knew how many days it had been missing and CCTV footage (can we use that term in our metric world?) could not help as the camera angle was elsewhere

    22. They were probably using the metric system for counting

    23. pounds, or one metric ton apiece

    24. At low speeds and on the ground, the core TF-58 would function alone, each of the two engines of the XF-83 delivering a very respectable twelve metric tons of thrust with the economy in fuel typical of turbofan engines compared to the pure turbojet designs that were presently common

    25. In fact, a variant of the TF-58 with a rear post combustion tube, designated TF-58P, had been developed and had proved already able to deliver a maximum thrust of seventeen metric tons with post combustion

    26. This allows the XC-10 to take off vertically at a weight of up to 41 metric tons

    27. Laziness and stupidity have too long delayed the inevitable American acceptance of the metric system of measure, also now referred to as the International System of Units (SI)

    28. The first life pod, an ovoid-shaped armored steel shell with a mass of eight metric tons and built to withstand the tremendous pressures and temperatures of even Venus’

    29. In the case of the VEON SHOURIA, I am talking about a central reserve of 1,840 metric tons of those four rare metals, most of it in gold and platinum

    30. That part will probably be the trickiest for her, as the friction of the atmosphere will heat up parts of her space plane to temperatures of up to 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1,260 degrees Celsius for those who prefer the metric system

    31. Pushed hard in her seat by the 320 metric tons of thrust from her two solid propellant rocket boosters, Ingrid made her space plane climb at a shallow angle at first, wanting to take on speed while having enough air around to start her ramjet engines once past the speed of sound

    32. The cryogenic hydrogen, passing first through thermal exchangers in the inlet ducts of her Marquardt ramjets, nearly instantly cooled down to the freezing point the inlet air that had been superheated by being compressed in the inlet duct through ram effect, increasing its pressure and greatly increasing the efficiency of her ramjet engines, with the now vaporized hydrogen igniting after mixing with gaseous oxygen and producing a total thrust of 240 metric tons

    33. Her two rocket main engines, creating a pumping effect in the thin air still going through the ramjet ducts, produced then a total of 180 metric tons of thrust at first, with Ingrid progressively switching off the flow of liquid hydrogen through the ramjet ducts and going to pure rocket mode

    34. As she now burned over 34 metric tons of fuel per minute, her space plane’s weight diminished rapidly, while the acceleration increased progressively

    35. He talks about an “insider” metric he calls 13 ASSEMBLE YOUR TORCHBEARERS

    36. If we use the 14 principles of the high growth business as a metric, you can

    37. future exit valuation of the firm is a metric that is of real interest to both parties

    38. million metric tons of carbon in 1990 to 147

    39. 4 million metric tons in 1998

    40. 13 metric tons of carbon

    41. The Climate Change Levy was initially announced in the March 1999 budget and is expected to prevent at least 2 million metric tons of carbon per year

    42. Reference case scenarios by the Energy Information Administration project that carbon emissions in the United Kingdom will rise to 181 million metric tons in 2020, up from 147

    43. industry burns 170 million metric tons of fuel each year

    44. year, therefore, aircraft produce 255 million metric tons of vapor, much of it injected into the dry upper

    45. For example, is the metric an increased rate of innovation, an increased quality of innovation, or an increased number of innovations in a given area? Furthermore, what constitutes an innovation? In the long-term, “increased innovation” could be expected to result in quantifiable outcomes, such as an increased number of patent applications or patents, more white papers in the company library, more 154

    46. For example, the metric he selects for cost savings is dollars saved per quarter, and he uses employee turnover rate to quantify the metric of organizational stability

    47. For example, in assessing the corporate scorecard, an indicator might be identified as cultural change, with a metric of the number of communities of practice in the corporation

    48. However, whether the number of communities of practice is the best metric of cultural change is debatable

    49. The metric could as easily be the number of interdepartmental e-mail messages, and the objective could be to quadruple the number of such messages per month by the end of the first year of implementation

    50. The print made from the negative is mounted on a card in a space of definite size, along the edges of which a metric scale is printed

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    Synonyme für "metric"

    metric system of measurement metric unit metric function measured metrical