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    midday Beispielsätze


    1. The Gardai just informed me this afternoon He died at midday

    2. down at midday, mopped his brow with a red, paisley handkerchief, and reached into

    3. Under the broad limbs of an oak, in a deep hollow that provided both shade and yet was open to the breeze that continually blew in from the sea, the old man lay down at midday, mopped his brow with a red, paisley handkerchief, and reached into his bag for the hard, round goats cheese and the hunk of heavy bread that he had picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light

    4. ” Looking outside towards the north he added, “Should be here by midday tomorrow, I figure

    5. But once a week with Klanden is better than wakeup, midday and sleep with you

    6. “If we’d been tending sail we wouldn’t have had time for the midday

    7. By midday, the sweat-beads had formed into

    8. By midday they stood on the peak

    9. By midday they had passed beyond the

    10. The end of the drive where they stand is sheltered and they’re not exposed to the midday sun; it seems they like standing there

    11. It was nearly midday when the first witness arrived in the

    12. The ash-filled clouds veiled the sun, covering the land in a dusk-like gloom even though it was not yet midday

    13. At midday he stopped by

    14. next few days, and when they stopped for their midday

    15. traversed the broad plain quickly, and by midday had

    16. The crowd gathered every midday to hear the separate policies each political party stood for

    17. They followed the track down to the canyon and carefully skirted the fallen rocks and irregular path until by midday they met a waterfall and grassy area

    18. Later, as they sat eating their midday meal, Richard

    19. When they stopped at midday by the youthful

    20. They expected lunch to be announced soon as they could smell it in the slow-moving midday heat

    21. In an attempt to resolve the problem between the two, Ashpenaz arranged a meeting after the midday meal where they would be present

    22. Something about the brilliance of the midday sun warmed him and reassured him that his appeal was heard

    23. By midday, they’d checked all his snares

    24. During the midday meal Zarko recounted the king’s threat to Darniil and his friends

    25. Zarko heard the gong sounding in the distance to announce the advent of the midday meal

    26. Many days I prepared something for Joseph"s midday meal and carried it to him at the shop

    27. About this time, we stopped for a break during the midday so we could rest for a few moments

    28. We started cleaning our rifles for the hundredth time and we had just finished tying rags round the breech to try to keep the dust out when the midday rations arrived

    29. It was nearing midday by the position of the sun, a golden ball of fire moving towards the centre of the sky

    30. The guards came for him at midday and escorted him through the corridors to the yard

    31. It was nearly midday

    32. The sand turned to patchy shale outcrops and by midday every step sounded like walking over broken glass, as the soft sandstone cracked and crumbled beneath their weight

    33. By midday they were in the bottom of the valley, after skirting the forest

    34. Just after midday they found the exact gully they had scaled before and descended even quicker, almost twisting their ankles in the process

    35. The midday sun brought a brisk north by north-westerly breeze

    36. At midday clothes might go; the natives were to be envied; and the noblesse oblige of civilisation, in dress at least, was to be lamented

    37. The generals rode into the city as the midday chimes from the cathedral wafted across the valley

    38. I finally received a joint permit with Armstrong, and we rode in at midday

    39. It was harder to hide, and the warmth of the midday sun did not last long

    40. The light was growing stronger, roughly corresponding to about midday on the surface

    41. Its force pushed the breath from him in an involuntary gasp and lit the room with midday brightness

    42. What had become of his cousin that he’d run his life into such a quagmire that each choice was grimmer than the last? The nets were pulled free and all three stepped back, squinting into the dazzling brilliance: five hundred eighty-seven snow-white kilos of cocaine reflected the full midday glare of Caribbean sunshine

    43. LP called out, "Nutter’s got a mention on the midday news!”

    44. They crossed Baresun and the water blinded them in the midday sun

    45. It was late morning, maybe almost midday?

    46. alone for his midday bath (Sanyasis are required to bathe thrice a

    47. “This is Arthur Chi’en for PIX11 News, live from the scene in Nutley, NJ where a midday shootout has resulted in the deaths of five people, one of whom was an 8-year old girl

    48. 29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there

    49. Now midday, though in Ardara it was always dark and gloomy, Dacian and the

    50. Go to the house with the green door near the causeway to Tenochtitlan at midday on the second day of the Founding Festival

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