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    middle class

    1. It is particularly so for the lower middle class and poor people

    2. By arranging the suits, shirts, blouses and skirts by label, size and colour she managed to shift most of the better items to middle class bargain hunters and a good deal of the less fashionable items to the local student population

    3. Around her home there had come the houses of merchants and bankers, followed by the lowlier dwellings of middle class managers and finally there came the estate houses of the common workers

    4. Apart from the discomfort caused by the occasional call from their friend to enquire on the fisherman’s health, the couple thoroughly enjoyed their new life embedded in one of the higher strata of the aspirational middle class cliff face

    5. most of the better items to middle class bargain hunters and a good

    6. strata of the aspirational middle class cliff face

    7. induces the idea the access of middle class

    8. nation is in the middle class and it is the reason

    9. any nation lays in culture of the middle class

    10. humans than the poor or middle class

    11. I learned when I started to college that the lifestyles, values and habits of poor people are often different from those of middle class

    12. And isn"t it interesting that the largest market for this garbage is white middle class teenagers?

    13. America‘s ―expanding‖ middle class is merely an artificial construct synthesized by the fusion of ―easy credit‖ and arbitrarily defined (economic) assumptions

    14. The ―growth‖ of the American middle class is generally defined by its spending habits and adopted lifestyles rather than capital or income

    15. In this manner, the learned classes, for example, are often dismissive of ‖pretenders who would breach their professional authority or the clergy, its moral authority, or, as such questions may relate to propertied interests, the upper classes who try to remain inconspicuous by drawing attention away from their wealth or by downplaying its significance or the working and middle classes, who, equally envious or threatened by other groups situated above or below them, are likely to spend nearly everything they earn as fast as they can earn it while stashing the remains or the lower classes who seek hollow ―comfort‖ in their anger and resentment of everyone else who may enjoy more of the ―finer things‖ which have been ―unfairly‖ denied them

    16. The ―Propensity to Save,‖ especially among the middle classes, has been superseded by Social Security, Pensions, 401(k)s and Home Equity

    17. Minorities, especially African Americans and Latinos, have been unfairly criticized for the rapid rate of urban decline, (Remember what a nice neighborhood this used to be before ―they‖ moved into it?) although an honest assessment would inform any fair-minded individual that many of these neighborhoods were already in a transitional state of decline years before ―other‖ groups started moving in following the departure of White working and middle class families to suburbia in search of ―greener pastures‖

    18. Why pay taxes to make spaces for poor people’s kids in daycare? The middle class hated, feared and loathed the poor; even as they condemned single moms on welfare for not trying to make some kind of better life for their children

    19. Early progressives were reformers, often from elite or upper middle class backgrounds

    20. For the latter, they practiced warfare by the wealthy and upper middle class against the working class

    21. Mike had seen groups of longshoremen such as that, singing ballads in unison, their arms draped over shoulders and mugs held high: men who were the backbone of the middle class, those who managed Little League teams and took Boy Scouts for outings in the forest

    22. Contrary to stereotype, most people on welfare are white, were once middle class, only use welfare for a short time, and are helped by it

    23. Her comments had led him to believe that she had come from at least moderate wealth, more likely upper middle class, but that didn’t tell him whether she would have cast her vote for Dewey or Roosevelt

    24. It was also be an important agent in the rise of the new and growing middle class in nineteenth century Scotland

    25. manufacturing and the middle class in the USA by transferring manufacturing to Mexico

    26. It was your typical middle class neighborhood with backyards and trees and trick or treating on Halloween

    27. Baptist, a middle class man’s worse dream

    28. The middle class will simply find itself at the top of the poor heap,

    29. Therefore, they leverage the economy because the upper class and middle class doesn’t obtain to consume the immensity of products that day-by-day is gushed at the market for consumption in mass in order to guarantee survival of the companies with its formal employees and the revenue of the State

    30. A middle class evolved

    31. The middle class continues to spiral downward in their pursuit of a false dream they will never, ever be able to achieve

    32. social standing of the family into which she was born—upper middle class, at least

    33. Democrats are like scientists and forward thinkers of change for poor and middle class

    34. Not even a comparatively temperate middle class revolt such as the Beatles satisfies today’s lost generation

    35. The top and bottom classes form the jaws of a gigantic vice turning slowly and painfully to squeeze vitality and life out of the productive middle class caught in between

    36. 25 differences in thinking between the Middle Class and the World Class:

    37. The Middle Class has a lottery mentality

    38. The Middle Class operates out of fear and scarcity

    39. The Middle Class focuses on having

    40. The Middle Class is frustrated

    41. The Middle Class thinks they know enough

    42. The Middle Class chooses fear

    43. The Middle Class believes their vision only when they see it

    44. The Middle Class speaks the language of fear

    45. She is the epitome of the great middle class that has sustained this democracy for over two centuries

    46. It has the appearance of a well-dressed middle class who has followed the rules and made it to work everyday

    47. means and by appealing deliberately to the middle class

    48. I would think of how I grew up in an upper-middle class town, and

    49. Several union members founded the Independent Labour Party (ILP) in 1893, but it grew more middle class with ideological members devoted to Socialism

    50. This is a hidden tax on the working middle class

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