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    military machine Beispielsätze

    military machine

    1. This was the finest military machine, prior to Rome

    2. At first there were only large military machines, catapults among them, all smashed and strewn

    3. change the foundation of the Church from a military machine that has dominated since the

    4. Could his Time Patrol, even with its fantastic technology, defeat a military machine that counted millions of soldiers and which had conquered the whole of Europe in mere months? More importantly, would these people keep their promises? If Czerniakow had to go with his previous experiences, then he had doubts about that

    5. Part of my forces are in Hawaii, helping destroy the Japanese military machine in the Pacific, but some recent developments are making me think about relocating those forces elsewhere

    6. We have basically wiped out by ourselves both the German and the Japanese military machines, potentially saving you from losing tens of thousands of your soldiers and sailors, and the only thing you do in response is to snub me? Well, I do have power and I will use it, but only to make this world a better one and to prevent deaths and suffering

    7. � England was at the time at war and its situation was quite desperate, being left alone to fend the attacks of the German military machine

    8. When the mighty German military machine finally crumbled, seventy million bewildered and terrified people were left friendless and outcast

    9. military machinery of the Nazi regime; as a child he was under the

    10. I ain't got representation steps up and takes the young girl's hand, saying confidently, “Only love vaporizes the military machine

    11. Little Girl Ain't turns towards Main Street and begins the funeral march, “Bury the military machine” she chants and steps into the street

    12. “Bury the military machine

    13. “The salvation of the world begins with the cessation of the military machine

    14. … The propaganda of convincing all of civilization that one man hiding in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan was a threat to all of human civilization a threat to the most powerful nation on earth, a nation with nuclear weapons and missiles and aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines… is so disingenuous, it is not even funny… A huge nation that is so weak and so inept and so incompetent… that it could not find this one man for 11 years, this enemy which they invented, this scapegoat… The idea that America, the nation with the most weapons of mass destructions, should be admired and loved and respected for its brave army and navy and air force, er… this huge military machine to battle against this one man who has no aircraft carriers and no nuclear submarines and no jet fighter and no missiles

    15. The politically correct bullshit propaganda of his era portrayed Wilhelm ii as a man of peace in the American robber baron controlled newspapers: a king who was single-mindedly building up his nation’s military naval and ground forces into the most powerful military machine in Europe

    16. Just as in the mechanism of a clock, so in the mechanism of the military machine, an impulse once given leads to the final result; and just as indifferently quiescent till the moment when motion is transmitted to them are the parts of the mechanism which the impulse has not yet reached

    17. Should it ever become the settled doctrine in this country, that the opinions and the measures of the Executive are entitled to our prompt acquiescence and blind support; that, like the devoted soldier, a mere military machine, we are not to pause over a vote; that free discussion of the merits of the Executive shall authorize suspicion of the purity of the citizen; the time will be fast hastening when a throne shall be erected upon the ruins of the Constitution of the United States, and the name of America be added to the list of those Republics which have "risen like the rocket, and fallen like the stick

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