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    military strength Beispielsätze

    military strength

    1. Their most holy animal was the wild boar which was also the symbol of their military strength

    2. “So what do you think his comparative military strength really is?” Osbald asked, making his way to the fore

    3. What I do hope is that with our newfound military strength, the human leaders will count the cost of war and decide to make peace

    4. While less than a quarter the size of the Aggadeh Empire, they were considered nearly equal in military strength

    5. Having the shipyard moved into the heart of Federation space did not bode well for the Swordsmen ability to maintain their military strength

    6. In any case the combined operations required to execute this would inevitably exhaust Germany and allow the Soviet Union additional time to build her military strength

    7. Considering the explosive force that Japan deployed in her conquest of South-East Asia, one is stunned by the irresponsible propaganda that was put out in the American press about Japanese military strength

    8. Perhaps, this only goes to prove how successful the Japanese were in concealing their military strength from foreign observers

    9. The disastrous battle at Fort Hope reduced military strength

    10. The only trouble was they obeyed authority more unquestioningly, they worshipped military strength more unquestioningly, they were a more military culture who worshipped, idolized and obeyed military authority figures more unquestioningly than any other nation also

    11. They knew that Germany did not yet have sufficient military strength to survive a war with either France or Britain, let alone the two of them combined

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