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    Verwenden Sie „minutes“ in einem Satz

    minutes Beispielsätze


    1. There was motion for a few minutes before she tottered groggily out

    2. How much does this 20 minutes a day that I'm

    3. If your goal is to lose twenty pounds, please don't drive around the parking lot wasting those minutes looking for the closest parking spot

    4. Instead of spending those couple minutes driving around waiting for

    5. In just a couple of minutes, you will turn to the pages where you can put all of this new knowledge into action

    6. After a few minutes of slashing, the bodies become a body fort

    7. “I left for less than five minutes and my lunch is completely gone!” Ackers whined

    8. "I think it would be reasonable for everybody to loosen up, and spend about 15 to 20 minutes a day laughing," said lead researcher Dr

    9. After about twenty minutes, the pony stopped, its neck lathered with sweat

    10. We sit there in silence for some minutes after the policemen have left the room

    11. The driver chats about the weather for a few minutes then concentrates on the driving, leaving me to my thoughts

    12. We leave it that I’ll ring her later in the week and let her know for definite then; after a few more minutes of general conversation, she rings off

    13. Herndon had fallen asleep with his head on his pack, only a few minutes after her, she hoped

    14. He called back and said he was on lunch break but would be there in thirty minutes or so

    15. It was after breakfast in her world, still on a twenty four hour daily cycle, not twenty eight hours and thirteen minutes, more or less

    16. He left here about twenty minutes ago so I expect he will be there soon

    17. the ticking of the clock attracts my attention and I watch the minute hand as it slowly moves round the clockface steadily using up the minutes of my life

    18. He’ll be here in about 10 minutes

    19. At the beginning fifteen minutes is ample time

    20. ‘Mum, what are you going to do workwise?’ she asked a few minutes later, apparently casually

    21. Method 2: Slowly bring water to a boil (use low flame), then turn off heat, add 1 cup of the herb, steep for 5 minutes, turn on heat to low and simmer for 5 min

    22. Stephen’s mobile goes to voice mail when I ring it a few minutes later

    23. minutes of pregnant silence he reached for a pen and then spoke as he signed his

    24. Five minutes later, I stand beside Stephen in the main room of the annexe

    25. She took a few minutes to compose herself, wiped the rain and tears away from her face

    26. "Oh another hour, I only had it out a few minutes before you got here

    27. The full moon has risen about 30 minutes before

    28. We stare at each other in an openly hostile way for a few minutes

    29. in another one of it’s recalcitrant moods I sat idling away a couple of minutes thinking

    30. I sit watching him for several minutes, remembering that other occasion when his temper got the better of him … and how he found it virtually impossible to rescue the situation


    32. With all he had to do he probably wouldn't have thought about sex this sleep, but she had seen him come in and asked if he'd mind? He'd said come up in twenty minutes, he was already in bed when she got there

    33. enough to read the Bible for 20 minutes and shed tears before a re-

    34. ligious icon for 10 minutes

    35. "They say they are, but a quick five minutes around the estate once or twice a night doesn't add up to much

    36. They were quiet a few more minutes after he was gone

    37. BobbingTwo even put his chin on doostEr's lap for a few minutes

    38. Within five minutes of his head hitting the

    39. Trying to comfort her, though horribly aware that there is nothing I can say which will make things better, I sit beside her uttering soothing noises, one arm round her shoulders as she sobs for some minutes

    40. Fifteen minutes later I was presenting myself at Darklow Garda Station

    41. Minutes later he was at St

    42. She soothed him gently for a few minutes, bringing him back to the

    43. "Me and Michael had been out for about 20 minutes and we were just passing the spot where the body was found

    44. I sit in the car for nearly ten minutes muttering imprecations about that bloody man before my sense of humour gets the better of me and, realising just how stupid this whole thing is, burst out laughing

    45. A few minutes later, putting my mobile away in my bag again, I reverse the car out of the parking space and drive down the road

    46. cancer is hard at work 24 hours a day, it is not enough to spend 10 minutes a

    47. ’ He said coming into the room a few minutes later

    48. It was 20 minutes to 11

    49. in tongues for 10 minutes a day is very little! Cancer works around the

    50. ’ I faltered, my grip on reality becoming more firm as the minutes tick past

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    Synonyme für "minutes"

    minutes proceedings transactions journal memorandum note