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    Verwenden Sie „misrepresented“ in einem Satz

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    1. He felt exploited and misrepresented

    2. Truth, in whatever manner it is misrepresented or discredited, is oftentimes sufficient in itself to overcome the censorship of its harshest critics

    3. Christians, on the other hand, can apparently be called for everything and generally misrepresented, rubbished and ridiculed with impunity

    4. People and organizations that had seemed trustworthy are seen to have misrepresented the truth, and even to have advanced known falsehoods, to serve political and ideological purposes

    5. The McCarthy hearings in the 1950s were doggedly misrepresented and maligned by the

    6. He was misrepresented

    7. The teachings of Jesus in this respect have been grossly perverted and much misrepresented all down through the centuries of the Christian era; you have also held perverted ideas about the Master's meekness and humility

    8. So America is not only misrepresented by these hoodlums; they have hurt us deeply and need to be relieved of authority and control

    9. Jeremy Foster’s death, a situation that had been misrepresented by the

    10. and the story is being simplistically misrepresented to you

    11. Accordingly, the statement “He frowned and averted” does not serve that admonition which some fabricated and molded in the form of that misrepresented story

    12. reported to have gone through would ever have ever misrepresented vuvh/ the divine presence within

    13. Or what today has been miscast and misrepresented as a cross of two wooden timbers

    14. Most of us would acknowledge that the meaning of the word “Lucifer” relates to and is just another word used for the words Satan, Devil and Prince of Darkness and the meaning these words represent, which themselves, are words, that have also been misrepresented and misinterpreted

    15. This verifiable evidence has been both misrepresented and misinterpreted by all three so-

    16. Most of the symbolism that was later recast, misrepresented, and misinterpreted by religions and

    17. has been greatly misrepresented as referring to physical disaster

    18. misrepresented within the canons and concepts of the so-called “Three Faiths of Abraham” and their

    19. misrepresented in a way that completely obscures their most profound purposes and meaning

    20. misrepresented by religion throughout the ages

    21. sky, spirits, and heaven have been purposely confounded and misrepresented by these religions

    22. zodiac, have been grossly misinterpreted and misrepresented

    23. misrepresented as mystical and religious in nature or as an ancient view of the physical components

    24. greatly confounded and misrepresented by Christianity actually refers to truth and justice, hence the

    25. They misrepresented that

    26. symbolism purposely misrepresented by Christianity

    27. 7 as the number of God and the number 6 as the number of man, based on misrepresented ancient

    28. the arrival of the long-prophesied, though mostly misinterpreted and misrepresented events

    29. symbolized events have long been purposely misrepresented and obscured by the Vatican, religious

    30. over the millennia have misrepresented the true sources and meanings of their canons

    31. These are very specific parts of the prophecies that have been recast and misrepresented by

    32. been misrepresented and misinterpreted

    33. Peter has not misrepresented it

    34. Truth should neither be abandoned nor misrepresented, in consequence of its perversions, or because of the sins and imperfections of its advocates

    35. misrepresented in a national magazine is one of those things, especially

    36. And I had a whisper from a ghost, who shall be nameless, "That these commentators always kept in the most distant quarters from their principals, in the lower world, through a consciousness of shame and guilt, because they had so horribly misrepresented the meaning of these authors to posterity

    37. I told him, moreover, that as to this valley, he had quite misrepresented the thing; for before honour is humility, and a haughty spirit before a fall

    38. Perhaps they felt as helpless as I did, but they left New Orleans misrepresented to the world

    39. But as my conclusions have lately been much misrepresented, and it has been stated that I attribute the modification of species exclusively to natural selection, I may be permitted to remark that in the first edition of this work, and subsequently, I placed in a most conspicuous position—namely, at the close of the Introduction—the following words: "I am convinced that natural selection has been the main but not the exclusive means of modification

    40. Considering the explicit nature of the reports that were sent in to him, it is impossible to suppose, for instance, that it was through ignorance that he so entirely misrepresented the truth as to the engagement of the advance-guard under Murat

    41. Ever since his arrest he has been obstinately silent, or has misrepresented the facts as far as he could

    42. —I ask pardon of the gentleman if I misrepresented him; because the gentleman's argument was quite vulnerable enough, without my making it more so than it really was

    43. Such conclusion was to be expected, even if the extent of dissatisfaction had been fairly reported to them—even had it been in no degree misrepresented

    44. This book comes forth to defend and justify, and make more clear what was 'obviously misunderstood or seemingly misrepresented

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    Synonyme für "misrepresented"

    distorted misrepresented perverted twisted