She had a male cherub that she modeled closely after Morgan Evans
"It's modeled after idealized places on the planet Earth
But the half-buddy had a hot female cousin who modeled in a few magazines
She modeled a portrayal of abject misery and resignation as she turned her gaze back to her father
It was an ―accident‖ waiting to happen! Now President Bush is allowing himself to be (further) manipulated by his political opponents into revitalizing the area through spending initiatives and designs modeled on the wasteful, economically improvident urban programs of the sixties instead of providing relief and (financial) assistance on a needs basis
“The so-called ‘hard sciences’ are actually the easiest sciences, so easy that the concepts being modeled can be readily mathematized
Joshua, as did the disciples of Jesus, the apostles, modeled how the Word affects those who implement it in their lives
One reason there has been precious little progress in stopping the flow of illegal immigrants is the fact that the concept of a North American Union modeled after the
Japan modeled her army after the Prussians and her navy after that of Great Britain
It is modeled after the Wang Shi Garden of
We have shown this on occasion to incoming or graduating Johnson School Park Leadership Fellows, after which I point out that my father was an entrepreneur, a pioneer who constantly sought and took advantage of opportunities, as well as a civic leader in his community who continuously strove to do the same for others, and that these are also the ideals on which the Park Leadership Fellows Program at the Johnson School are modeled
”54 As reported by Byrd in the Winston-Salem Journal in February 1983, my father “left instructions for after his death that he says were modeled on those of Frank E
“Some sphinxes had the faces of animals, but the one you speak of was a symbol of beauty modeled after a mixture of your four main races
Every social form of hierarchy and abuse is modeled on
Once the core processes have been modeled (as described in the second step,
Because jobs are based operationally on the work needed to execute the well-defined and aligned core processes, through color-coding jobs to the core processes, each job can subsequently be modeled based on the actual work to be fulfilled
Each of these work groups will be modeled using the same six-element work model of the Language of Work
Once identified and modeled, the work groups will collectively form the basis of the second part of ORGANIZATION; what is commonly thought of as the organizational structure
As with all the operational, technical and support jobs already modeled in the Re/OrgSystem, management jobs are then modeled using the same six-element Language of Work ModelTM
Thus, at the end of any modeling session in which you have modeled business unit, core processes, jobs or work group models, you can ask questions and make observations that assess current and missing organizational support
It is only later, in Phase 5, that support and management jobs will be identified and modeled
These are best modeled by exemplary job performers within your enterprise
These teams or work groups are determined by the same management team that modeled the core processes with further details integrated from the already completed job models
Work groups should be modeled by exemplary performers representing the various jobs that will comprise a team model, with the aid of a sponsor from the core process modeling team, and facilitated by the re/org facilitators
Most work groups can be modeled easily within a day
modeled after the Malcolm
Within four hours, we had massed to the very foot of the huge stone fortress called the Castle, modeled after the stone Fort Ti across the river
man, "He reported back that the software was modeled after
She was modeled after my granddaughter at that age who loves those cookies
The weapon was nycarman modeled silver blue with and narrow at the front end and grip
Somehow I feel Steven Wright would be proud of me for the last chapter of for seeing eye dogs only, which is modeled on his creations
Abel; the tribe of Seth is often the tribe or son that is modeled for us to be like
It’s modeled on the precepts of Martin Luther King, Jr
I still modeled my crazed life after
He says that the human brain can be modeled as a
says that the human brain can be modeled
He says that the human brain can be modeled as a hologram
with the honest method Jesus modeled
The stately clubhouse modeled after the Palace of Versailles could be seen in the distance in an almost spooky haze as Wickland and Del, accompanied by a contingent of law enforcement officials, turned off the tree-lined and fountain-lined main entrance leading to the clubhouse and onto a service road that took them parallel to the tenth and eleventh fairways flanked by deep pothole bunkers filled with loose white crushed marble as sand and mounds of pampas and switch grass
chicken characters are modeled off this chicken
modeled his reforms after European customs to his west
The Japanese modeled their modernized navy after, and received training assistance from the British Royal Navy; with the majority of their primary warships built in Britain and France
And the Imperial Japanese Army was modeled after the French and then the Prussian, or German, Army, receiving military advisors from both countries
Garcia returned from behind the rock and modeled his new trunks, purposely changing the subject
Kirk reported to Star Fleet what he did find: a world modeled after the
She felt as though she’d been modeled for my hand
They probably all had the same face, modeled after some sour-faced supervisor in an understaffed production factory
Muhammad had modeled now came back and touched his own
who were also a little ‘flat-chested’ could happily fit in to the suit Brooke had modeled and soon most of the
modeled on the gangsters of old Earth, was their solution to a greater problem that the Hood created
It was modeled after the Tabernacle in heaven
Any image of a stained kind of nature in our lives is modeled out whenever we are being exploited out in any form
Our kind of àbeingìs currently modeled out from the contents of
Our kind of an èntityìs currently modeled out from the contents of `relativity` to be applied over
Our kind of àselfìs currently modeled out from the contents of
Our kind of àpersonìs currently modeled out from the contents of `matter` to be versed out inversely over here
Our kind of a `being` is currently modeled out from the contents of `space and time` to be reflected over her
Our kind of an `entity` is currently modeled out from the contents of `relativity` to be applied over
Our kind of a `self` is currently modeled out from the contents of `polarity` to be projected over here
Our kind of a `person` is currently modeled out from the contents of `matter` to be versed out inversely over here
She really believed that God had given her a vocation to the Salesian Monastic Community, but she did not realize that the “death and rising” modeled by Christ that is an on-going part of monastic consecration, would involve so many human bodies
‘Had you modeled Marlene Dietrich’s legs would have been cut down to size,’ he said in all admiration
who has access to celebrity, you wonder: I wonder who s/he modeled this character
The bull instinct to do harm lies in its fighting spirit modeled by its two horns to force blood
All of these relationships are reciprocal: each forms and is formed, each models and is modeled, each mirrors and is mirrored by the other
Any interaction can easily be modeled using information
Rather, it is easier to simply will it and be modeled and molded in the I'mage of it – for it is the many games of GameWorld which make Us better at what we're becoming: gamers of The Game
he modeled what he'd chosen
For that, we modeled their government
modeled on the system of the Latin union
” It was modeled after the work of Tim Gallwey,
But his behind wasn’t hidden, and the two rounded buttocks had been modeled quite distinctly
little blondes and they modeled children's clothes when they
What is modeled by very distinct — narrowly-specific — qualitative states of MENTO- and ASTRO-Plasma for scenarios that are characteristic of some inertial parameters of Time Flows (that we describe as linear: epochs, ages, years, days, hours, minutes, seconds and moments) absolutely cannot be precisely realized in other time parameters, absolutely different Forms and their states
This is why there are no essential differences in the duration of their Lives, because the first and second groups, in essence, live in one (joint) Formo-system of Worlds and in subjective Reality of one type modeled by the same SFUURMM-Forms
So that you can refocus into NUU-VVU-Forms with Self-Consciousness so highly developed that it allows you to study IISSIIDIOLOGY or to be professionally occupied with any other mental-sensuous creative activity, an innumerable set of lower-quality Formo-Types have been initially modeled in the lower diapasons of vibrations of the Collective Intelligence of your LLUU-VVU
With the help of purposeful Meditation combined with a deep state of Intellectual-Sensual Experience, we will be able to extend, virtually to infinity, the range of external characteristics of bodies individually modeled by us in order to realize our life creativity
In other words, any Form of Collective Intelligence has more universal (as compared with those of another Form) characteristics of Self-Consciousness only because the wave Configuration of another Form is already initially modeled (programmed) to reliably provide implementation of the most important Principle of quality balance to “individual” states of Forms of all other Directions of inertial development
All these waves of different kinds and types and all possible combinations of them are nothing else but VVU-Information modeled (dynamically manifested) in Space with the help of Energies modulated by identical wave structures of Self-Consciousnesses (VVU-Configurations) of all Forms around you
If your stable Conceptions concerning whom you want to become in the nearest “future” are higher than the range of the fragmented Self-Consciousness of your highest-frequency (among most active ones) UU-VVU-personalities (which is usually the case), then the thoroughly modeled and considered (by you) Karmo-Form of your Desire supported by the strongest Aspiration for one goal will serve as a uniting factor for coordinated actions of several conglomerates of high-frequency UU-VVU-copies used by you
And at the moment of another “Death” of the “personality” focused by You, strictly according to the rezonational principle, the highest-frequency conglomerates of Formo-copies that are activated in the information space of the Self-Consciousness of “the previous personality” will resonate with that NUU-VVU-Configuration, which to the maximum corresponds to realizational possibilities of the Karmo-Form which you have modeled
The fact is that any positive situation (modeled exactly by such guiding SFUURMM-Forms), together with its least favorable outcomes, has ALWAYS been programmed in the skrruullerrt system, in the slloogrent dynamics of TEC, and in the initial energy-information base of the O-D-system that structures all NUU-VVU-Configurations of this Stereo-Form; and it has manifested in your “now” only because you, through your stable Thoughts, Feelings and Desires, has resonated not with anything else, not with some other interests, but only with this scenario of development, in the inertial dynamics of which this situation is already initially holographously encoded
For example, the wave length of Our “hydrogen” Reality in one of highly-developed “dense-plasmic Pleiadian” civilizations equals 21cm, while the wave length of irkkulligren Realities modeled by us now is just 7cm! From the scientific point of view it is complete nonsense and absurdity! Any physicist would use formulas to prove me that this cannot be, because scientists are sure that the higher the frequency of any oscillation, the less its wave length must be
Then you must relax to the maximum and try to entirely “plunge” into the modeled state
In this way, you “will distinguish”, in the general wave dynamics of your Self-Consciousness, a very narrow frequency of vibrations typical of one of high-frequency conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies (of course, in order to do it, they must be quite active in your everyday life creativity!), SFUURMM-Forms of your Desire will become an eglleroliftive Element of the Creativity (“an organizing and directing” Impulse) for the Formo-Creators of the brain of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by You; then, using a special breathing technique, you will provide a necessary rhythm and you will reproject, “inside” the general dynamics of your UFS, into that part which in the greatest degree resonates with your expected qualitative states (with projections of the conglomerate of UU-VVU-copies modeled by you), and “you” yourself as if “will become an Observer” of your own subjective “small world” (“niche”) formed by these Formo-copies in the individual ODS of your Self-Consciousness
All that which you seemingly negate, you in fact affirm, and that which you begin to intensively affirm is automatically created — by you! — in the subjective Reality of your Life! That is why meet any variants of “the future” modeled by you without fear and regret, without reproach and despair, trying to go deeply into the hidden Essence of the processes that happen and perceiving them as a specific beginning of some new “future” achievements in your Eternal Development
The only difference had been; which peer example they modeled themselves after: Class A: the Runners, or Class B: the Killers
Africans who modeled themselves after the elite Class B of Lions sat on their thrones in their territories and did not move
That Romans had idolized him so much: they copied him in everything; they modeled their entire idea of civilization after him
She became a beacon of democracy; because it was the first city ever founded in Europe that was modeled after the losing side of the Trojan Greek war instead of the winning side: Paris
“In that case,” Doug said, “It seems likely that we are in a construct—a construct that has either been deliberately modeled, or has naturally evolved into some, er-- alternate version of the Royal Hotel
They are also modeled by the Seven Angels/Stars of The
of truth, I explain that truth is properly modeled as a straight line in space between a correct
modeled by a serpent
modeled concepts, principles, etc
results that are organized and modeled by the symbolism of four elements
dimensions comprising our reality, which are directly modeled by the 11 angels/stars (cycles)
Depending on your viewpoint, this can be modeled in the same way that a mountain
images and related perceptions as symbolism framed and modeled using physical universe concepts