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    modernization Beispielsätze


    1. b) Modernization of the State, Development and

    2. ” A pro-Soviet intellectual from Cambridge regarded the Gulag as the necessary price for Russian modernization

    3. the native socialist ethos of the Russian village community and those who wanted to adopt Western ideas of modernization

    4. Their history covers light stations, keepers, and post-1915 Coast Guard modernization and deactivation projects

    5. It was then that he thought of the decisive step, not only for the modernization of his business but to link the town with the rest of the world

    6. The creation of a surplus in agricultural products for the purpose of trade, income from which could pay for capital investment in the process of modernization, was hampered by several factors

    7. In the education sector, every academic department requires web presence as a critical component of its information technology strategy; in the health sector, web presence is required for better healthcare delivery in order to contribute to modernization and development of a country; and in the business sector, the use of Internet for business purposes has increased dramatically as it is widely recognized as an efficient and cost-effective way for business world to communicate among themselves

    8. Though Britain had assisted the modernization of Japan’s navy, at the outbreak of the war a British merchant ship was in the employ of China, transporting troops, and it was the forcible interception of that ship by the Japanese that almost set off hostilities between Britain and Japan

    9. Have we got all this modernization to kill the innocents and to spread bloodshed and to distort humanity into pieces…? We should rule on their minds and in hearts and not by our supreme power but with our moral supports and economic supports

    10. ƒ adopting new technologies in the process of modernization and restructuring of production;

    11. Factory case studies are presented in which event plans have been drawn up involving the expansion and modernization of the companies to provide for a production capacity increase

    12. So, together they stall modernization in the Muslim umma

    13. of modernization and sophistication and move closer to Nature

    14. Modernization is limited

    15. Therefore, we are a confused lot, when it comes to modernization in so many newer fields

    16. However, one movement that stuck was the modernization and

    17. AFTER THE LAST blackout, in ’65, eight of Manhattan’s nine major medical centers invested heavily in generator modernization

    18. In 2000, Congress passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA) to overhaul the CEA and adapt it to the modern financial marketplace

    19. In trying to find secular growth trends, you need to pinpoint the actual reason for the growth, whether its baby boomers retiring, new household formation or modernization in third world countries

    20. “The expansion and modernization of our missile technology

    21. It had the usual array of sponsor-meddlers—two for the pieces, one for the lyrics, two for the music; and its aim is higher than that of the conventional brand, for it is a modernization of the Cinderella story—a story that has never shown any sign of age, and probably never will

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    Synonyme für "modernization"

    modernisation modernization