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    monogram Beispielsätze




    1. RMS and enter the same three-letter monogram when the sys-

    2. ―Yes,‖ said Doug, ―And you even have Charlemagne the Great‘s monogram there

    3. ―Yes, that drawing there is the monogram of Charlemagne

    4. Charles thought he was hot stuff and decided to create his own official monogram for signing documents

    5. Next to this cabinet I saw a chest bound with hoops of iron, its lid bearing a copper plaque that displayed the Nautilus's monogram with its motto Mobilis in Mobili

    6. ' monogram, coat-of-arms, picturesque address

    7. There was a monogram in the corner in which were the initials “R

    8. Of the four crystal glasses engraved with the count’s monogram that stood before his plate, Pierre held out one at random and drank with enjoyment, gazing with ever-increasing amiability at the other guests

    9. It was addressed to his daughter and the monogram “J

    10. First she smelled the jacket and the vest while she took the watch chain out of the buttonhole and removed the pencil holder and the billfold and the loose change from the pockets and placed everything on the dresser, and then she smelled the hemmed shirt as she removed the tiepin and the topaz cuff links and the gold collar button, and then she smelled the trousers as she removed the keyholder with its eleven keys and the penknife with its mother-of-pearl handle, and finally she smelled the underwear and the socks and the linen handkerchief with the embroidered monogram

    11. Instead of the funereal clothing he had worn all his life, he was dressed in comfortable white shoes, slacks, and a linen shirt with an open collar, short sleeves, and his monogram embroidered on the breast pocket

    12. With my body in one easy-chair and my legs upon another, I had surrounded myself with a cloud of newspapers until at last, saturated with the news of the day, I tossed them all aside and lay listless, watching the huge crest and monogram upon the envelope upon the table and wondering lazily who my friend’s noble correspondent could be

    13. Have a look first what it is—gold, silver—with a monogram

    14. Both silver and napery bear the monogram of the society, and the linen was especially woven in Ireland

    1. A few seconds later, the old man exchanged the bright, sparkling, monogrammed shin pads for Terry's battered old blue ones

    2. Maldynado set down his saber and shrugged into a pristine padded vest and grabbed a monogrammed helmet

    3. that a microbiology class could have had a field day with those rags, but it didn’t matter anymore because he was looking quite suave in a light pink Armani shirt with my initials monogrammed into the fabric and his fine, preppy yellow pants

    4. Unfortunately, the monogrammed shirt gave me away and there

    5. Her products were custom monogrammed so that the little trees could be given as gifts at

    6. “Holy crap,” Kurt said, “the sleeve is monogrammed

    7. Better still, purchase a monogrammed shirt and include a pair of retro links in with the new shirt

    8. Only he would have a monogrammed, freshly laundered linen handkerchief

    9. ” He’d folded a monogrammed washcloth into thirds and, after blotting her wound dry, wrapped the makeshift bandage around it

    10. In his haste, he’d taken one of Mom’s monogrammed towels, but there was no going back now

    11. Having wobbled the last four miles from Boston on foot, he’d been too tired to offer any account of himself, or any explanation for how he came to be carrying a silver flask monogrammed with initials not his own

    12. Two gold letters were monogrammed into the strap

    13. They continued to put his soap in the bathroom, his monogrammed pillowcase on the bed; his place was always set at the table, in case he returned from the dead without warning, as he tended to do in life

    1. Monograms with coronets were embroidered and painted on everything one sat on or touched

    2. He saw the raft, decorated with monograms, saw Napoleon pass before the French Guards on the farther bank of the river, saw the pensive face of the Emperor Alexander as he sat in silence in a tavern on the bank of the Niemen awaiting Napoleon’s arrival, saw both Emperors get into boats, and saw how Napoleon- reaching the raft first- stepped quickly forward to meet Alexander and held out his hand to him, and how they both retired into the pavilion

    3. Also say that I have altered my mind about the satin, which I wish to be tamboured with crochet-work; also, that tambour is to be used with monograms on the various garments

    4. He saw the raft, decorated with monograms, saw Napoleon pass before the French Guards on the farther bank of the river, saw the pensive face of the Emperor Alexander as he sat in silence in a tavern on the bank of the Niemen awaiting Napoleon’s arrival, saw both Emperors get into boats, and saw how Napoleon—reaching the raft first—stepped quickly forward to meet Alexander and held out his hand to him, and how they both retired into the pavilion

    5. In a square he saw tables being set up and preparations made for the dinner; he saw the Russian and French colors draped from side to side of the streets, with huge monograms A and N

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