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    monstrosity Beispielsätze


    1. He was hesitant, he didn't know how close he could get to this ghoulish monstrosity

    2. Because of your bone-headed driving of that monstrosity scaring my whole crew into the water on a night like this

    3. "How could such a monstrosity ever evolve?" Alan asked when they were able to speak again

    4. “You shall fear me! I am evil incarnate! I am a horrifying monstrosity contained inside a child’s plaything! Why does that not terrify you? I am the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!”

    5. took one look at the monstrosity, swung on her heals and

    6. But then again, considering what it could have become, even though it still survived, it would never be anything more than a monstrosity; its hollow, rotting and near-lifeless trunk the ultimate metaphor for the remnants of the elven race

    7. There was a moment where Adros wished to live, if only to see this monstrosity sent to the Maker

    8. Both seemed sound of mind, though incredibly frightened – and rightly so, in the minds of their companions he had glimpsed the monstrosity that sent them running

    9. Once, long ago, he swore to end this monstrosity

    10. He had spoken with Brontes and heard his tale of the monstrosity they had faced and the suffering they had all endured -- now there was another ‘ally’ he had desperate need to speak with

    11. The monstrosity of fear will envelop you

    12. And Leda had borne normal offspring, not some human/avian monstrosity

    13. He was very curious as to what the king planned with this monstrosity of an image

    14. The Breton warily shook his head at the sky, half-waiting for some monstrosity to fall from it

    15. would last hooked up to this monstrosity

    16. ” If Jacob was a descendent of such a monstrosity that murdered

    17. Jacob nodded at the monstrosity

    18. the one the spider monstrosity had stuck its head out of

    19. identical to the one the spider monstrosity had disappeared into

    20. In him, Edgar saw the greed and prejudice that had so adversely affected his life, brought together with privilege, arrogance and ignorance to form a living monstrosity

    21. He reached for the intercom to cancel the remainder of the day’s appointments, but he must have pushed the wrong button again, because all of the lights on the little monstrosity began flashing in unison

    22. But he’d been dead, and that made convenient condemning the CIA and the monstrosity they had created from his cousin

    23. Whatever it was, it had almost definitely been placed in this room as an afterthought, as no sane person would knowingly add such a monstrosity to a carefully arranged interior environment

    24. “Little one,” he said gently, his face an impossible transition between a hundred faces, a monstrosity of all the hate and sorrow of the world

    25. As the car approached the monstrosity at the end of the straight, all they could do is watch in eager fascination

    26. The new health care bill is now law and it is a monstrosity

    27. “She’s a monstrosity to the House! I vote for one that our punishment is decapitation, the fairest way for her to learn from her mistakes

    28. At the news of Brown’s election that monstrosity went into intensive care with poor prospects of survival

    29. "It looks like this monstrosity needs oiled," said Monica, as she watched it slide sluggishly open

    30. monstrosity that is their play pen

    31. ‘You’ll be seen for leagues with that monstrosity on your head Henrick

    32. To describe this Humpty Dumpty monstrosity as a moron is an insult to idiots

    33. A huge monstrosity, by the name of Horus, went berserk

    34. A gruesome monstrosity suddenly appeared in the midst of the demon horde

    35. In the distance, close to the The Cowgirl puddles and the Belt of the Devil, I saw like the darkest cloud I’ve ever seen began to form, becoming denser and denser, swelling up in volume and monstrosity

    36. deprived as they are of the prison of the flesh, nothing is hidden before it; scouring the depths of consciousness to deploy, in its entire monstrosity, the ferrous nuances of regrets

    37. There, standing out like dog"s balls, was a two-storeyed monstrosity I recognised

    38. Neither of the children could count past their own fingers, so they could never have guessed how many hundreds of tails wide the monstrosity was, but they needed no astronomical sums to feel the sheer unreal power of the force they beheld

    39. It did not—could not—see the dark monstrosity that grew out of the hole behind it, although it surely had a hand in its genesis

    40. It was a monstrosity that stretched out to the horizon, and in the horizon there was only the certainty of more flatness

    41. Somewhere near by had been the pit, dark and awful, wherein screaming victims were fed to a nameless amorphic monstrosity which came up out of a deeper, more hellish cavern

    42. Conan half expected some other monstrosity to leap at him with the opening of the door, but in the dimmer light he saw only the vague sweep of the arch above, a dully gleaming block of gold, and a half-moon glimmer on the stone

    43. "We encountered a bench-legged monstrosity about the size of a mastodon," said Conan casually, holding out his wine goblet which Techotl filled with evident pleasure

    44. The noise changed to an abominable high-pitched tittering as the great unstable eyes of the monstrosity rested on him, and it hitched its quaking bulk toward him

    45. The horrible vitality of the semi-human monstrosity seemed inexhaustible, and the king's skin crawled at the feel of that slick, clammy flesh

    46. From the clear position they had now ridden, and Lezura’s spot in the sky, they could see the arrival of the monstrosity of the air machine that was the seed of Orderran ingenuity

    47. When he was done, his glance wandered over his appearance until his gaze came to the rectangular monstrosity that marked every Imperial branded suit

    48. What was to come was an act of utter monstrosity

    49. “A monstrosity! Read this

    50. Once there, she could probably influence enough the evolution of history to change its course and maybe erase the monstrosity that the Imperium had become in the last decades, and this before Veck could find her

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    Synonyme für "monstrosity"

    monstrosity freak lusus naturae monster fright mess blemish deformity eyesore sight