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    motor car Beispielsätze

    motor car

    1. He was also deeply impressed by the sheer opulence on display inside his friend’s sumptuous motor car and in between fits of pique about the riff-raff who walked today’s streets, he wondered whether he could get a car like this as a perk of his new job

    2. sumptuous motor car and in between fits of pique about the riff-raff

    3. motor cars in general

    4. impromptu – but extensive – education on motor cars he had already

    5. the end of the street where the road narrowed to a single carriageway, between ancient houses built with no anticipation of the motor car

    6. bumps, the era of the private motor car

    7. It has been estimated that modern inventions such as the motor car, washing machines, dishwashers, etc

    8. After that, he took her dancing and before long she found herself alone with him back in his motor car parked in an alley behind a swing club

    9. # Mover: A motor carrier engaged in the transportation of household goods

    10. "D'you know, since the motor car was invented it has been responsible for over thirty million deaths? Amazing, huh? I heard it on the radio last night

    11. In particular, no flash motor car, in fact no vehicle at all

    12. Heading north in a flash American motor car he passed through the Johnstone tunnel north of Orewa at 11

    13. Once again, there was a pause, and then Anna replied, “We don't have any money, and we don't drive motor cars!”

    14. Vintage motor cars were

    15. Then, squeezed into a corner by an embarrassed man anxious to turn sideways, she re-convinced her of the superiority of the motor car

    16. competitiveness, the hand-stitched suits, ostentatious motor cars and business lunches were

    17. from Poland and Russia, steel pipe factories, a motor car assembly plant and other huge projects which were meant to turn Egypt into a self-sufficient industrial power

    18. that modern inventions such as the motor car, washing machines,

    19. The transition from hill of dark mansions to high street was brutally abrupt; one minute he was floating through the ominous though quiet realm of the fortresses of opulence, the next he was at the epicentre of an artillery bombardment of motor car noise, angry faces and dazzle

    20. A motor car came along the road shoving the dark before it

    21. A motor car throbbed in the courtyard

    22. Then the motor car in front jerks forward, and the tombstones pass too quick for you to read more

    23. The motor cars hooted on the road

    24. A motor car full of Italian officers ran along the flat road and kept up with the train, raising dust behind it

    25. `In the near future,' continued Owen, `it is probable that horses will be almost entirely superseded by motor cars and electric trams

    26. However, by taking great care he managed to get through the town all right, although he narrowly escaped colliding with several vehicles, including two or three motor cars and an electric tram, besides nearly knocking over an old woman who was carrying a large bundle of washing

    27. Mr Starr was surrounded by a crowd of admirers, and a little later, when he rode away with Mr Belcher and Mr Sweater in the latter's motor car, the ladies looked hungrily after that conveyance, listening to the melancholy `pip, pip' of its hooter and trying to console themselves with the reflection that they would see him again in a few hours' time at the evening service

    28. On the left you will observe, standin' up in a motor car, a swell bloke with a eyeglass stuck in one eye, and a overcoat with a big fur collar and cuffs, addressing the crowd: this is the Honourable Augustus Slumrent, the Conservative candidate

    29. On the other side of the road we see another motor car and another swell bloke with a round pane of glass in one eye and a overcoat with a big fur collar and cuffs, standing up in the car and addressin' the crowd

    30. The crowds of shabby- lookin' chaps standin' round the motor cars wavin' their 'ats and cheerin' is workin' men

    31. The enthusiasm was not confined to the boys and girls, for while the speechmaking was going on inside, a little crowd of grown-up children were gathered round outside the entrance, worshipping the motor car: and when the little party came out the crowd worshipped them also, going into imbecile ecstasies of admiration of their benevolence and their beautiful clothes

    32. found it impossible to exist on less than £100 a week he decided to raise his salary to that amount; and the foolish people who find it a hard struggle to live paid it willingly, and when they saw the beautiful motor car and the lovely clothes and jewellery he purchased for his wife with the money, and heard the Great Speech he made - telling them how the shortage of everything was caused by Over-production and Foreign Competition, they clapped their hands and went frantic with admiration

    33. Their only regret was that there were no horses attached to the motor car, because if there had been, they could have taken them out and harnessed themselves to it instead

    34. Both sides imported gangs of hired orators who held forth every night at the corners of the principal streets, and on the open spaces from portable platforms, and from motor cars and lorries

    35. A host of richly dressed canvassers descended upon Windley in carriages and motor cars, and begged for votes from the poverty-stricken working men who lived there

    36. Harlow and Easton also thought they had seen the man before, but their speculations were put an end to by the roar of cheering that heralded the arrival of the motor car, containing Adam Sweater and his friend, Lord Ammenegg

    37. The Wise Men of the East greeted Ammenegg's remarks with prolonged, imbecile cheers, and amid the tumult his Lordship and Sweater got into the motor car and cleared off without giving the man with the red tie or anyone else who desired to ask questions any opportunity of doing so

    38. Another tax was to provide a nice, smooth road for the rich to ride upon in motor cars - and to provide Work for the poor

    39. Monday was the last day of the election - polling day - and in consequence of the number of motor cars that were flying about, the streets were hardly safe for ordinary traffic

    40. Every few minutes motor cars rushed past the house at a furious rate, and the air was full of the sounds of distant shouts and singing

    41. There was a ripe mystery about it, a hint of bedrooms upstairs more beautiful and cool than other bedrooms, of gay and radiant activities taking place through its corridors and of romances that were not musty and laid away already in lavender but fresh and breathing and redolent of this year’s shining motor cars and of dances whose flowers were scarcely withered

    42. Motor cars had been invented, but they were slow, dirty, and very expensive

    43. He came in an International utility that Jean learned was the property of Joe Harman, an outsize in motor cars with a truck body behind the front seat, furnished with tanks for seventy gallons of petrol and fifty

    44. 'Clippings of motor car crackups, and photos

    45. He was passed by a number of cyclists, some horsemen, and two motor cars

    46. Most of the fugitives at that hour were mounted on cycles, but there were soon motor cars, hansom cabs, and carriages hurrying along, and the dust hung in heavy clouds along the road to St

    47. Bernheim was also in attendance, but he disposed his valet, his motor car and himself in the luxurious Hôtel d’Orange, as befitted a man of his quality; also he was in attendance not on Ottilie, but on the princess, who at that time was three years younger and a trifle less painted

    48. “There was only a little girl in the motor car

    49. Paget was instrumental or not in making for the last-mentioned form of entertainment a place among our conservative hostesses is not quite proven, but it is safe to say that this tall, vivacious, energetic lady, who skates as well as she dances, golfs and drives a motor car, carries almost more social power in her small right hand than any other untitled woman in London

    50. The reader spends most of his time, as it were, in the wake of a gaseous motor car

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