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    moustache Beispielsätze


    1. drawl, just a hint of Tara, to go with that pencil thin moustache and film star grin

    2. Mahmud Shariff was a famous Syrian actor, star of stage and screen, a sixties heart-throb, whose smouldering black eyes and luxuriant moustache had scarred the hearts of women by their thousands

    3. exaggerating the twirl of a thick black moustache

    4. On his upper lip, a pencil-thin, moustache

    5. Alexis licked some from his moustache and grinned, too busy now to speak

    6. But first, we must find English donkeys,' he sucked the brandy from his moustache, his otter eyes fluttered closed and his voice fell to a whisper

    7. 'Still thinking of Ali?' Omi said to Ish, wiping his milk moustache

    8. Behind the beard and the moustache, there was a

    9. black, his moustache was always pencil thin, and his eyes, even in

    10. sported a van dyke beard and moustache, and who Tom had no

    11. He had a long, villainous moustache that he twirled most evilly

    12. Matt twirled his evil moustache

    13. Then, Matt twirled his evil moustache again

    14. “Are you guys okay??” Monica asked the others as she came running up, quickly joined by Julia, who had a big black moustache drawn on her face

    15. He paid great attention to his well-oiled hair and his pencil moustache, which he kept sharper that his drafting pencils

    16. " His moustache quavered

    17. A short, wide man with cropped black hair and bristle moustache

    18. The man, even with his moustache, looked the most

    19. He was of wiry build, just under six feet tall, kept himself very fit and was probably the only person Chris knew with a moustache

    20. “Sgt Barnes over here if you please”, and a thick set Sgt with dark hair and eyes and sprouting a gravy dipper moustache came over at the double

    21. She could visualize his smile only half visible under his full moustache

    22. Pamela loved the way his moustache

    23. Frank and I ended up sharing a bay with a small bright eyed cockney bloke who had dark hair and a gravy dipper moustache

    24. Bert and Frank were carrying pickets and I was carrying angle irons and Pat Stiles and Nobby Clark had the wire in charge was S/Sgt Cocker stroking his moustache with his finger

    25. “Okay you blokes carrying bombs when I give the order chuck them as far foreword as you can I will give them a few shots and we will drop back in the trench like magicians rabbits”, and he smoothed his moustache with his finger

    26. “Quite right as well S/Sgt Cocker I just hoe that you managed to get the wire fixed before you were interrupted?” S/Sgt Cocker smiled and stroked his moustache with his finger saying

    27. man with a Nordic haircut, beard and moustache entered

    28. “Right lad pin your ears back and listen to what I have to say and it just might save your miserable life”, he smiled at me and stroked his moustache

    29. He smoothed his moustache with his finger as he continued saying

    30. The man was tall for a mortal – tall mortals were of a height with Adem and his friends – his head was shaved except for a topknot tail of white hair that fell down to his shoulders, a neatly trimmed white moustache like down-curving horns and a pointed white tuft of hair falling from his chin

    31. Orion took another large gulp of his dark ale before wiping his moustache with a wide grin and a sparkle in his dark eyes as he replied, “Of course, of course, you need your rest after such vigorous training

    32. Green-eyed Eli cocked his head to one side and Rodor stroked the right end of his moustache that was quite thick for his twenty four years

    33. Ardo Dulen was thick muscled with a dark moustache and blue eagle’s eyes

    34. Tall for a mortal, his head is shaved except for a topknot tail of white hair that falls down to his shoulders, a neatly trimmed white moustache like down-curving horns and a pointed white tuft of hair falling from his chin

    35. A small, dark haired woman with a moustache to kill for

    36. He also had a wild police moustache, but was always friendly and polite

    37. In the middle of the village stood a large stone house where the mayor of the village lived, a burly Uzbek with a black moustache that fell to the sides of his face

    38. Floppy moustache poked me in the chest with the barrel of his gun

    39. Floppy moustache lent forward, gently inserting the barrel of his gun into one of pig-dad's nostrils

    40. As floppy moustache joined his companion by the exit door, I made up my mind that pig-dad was indeed incredibly stupid

    41. Floppy moustache prodded Uncle Hobart with his gun

    42. Floppy moustache dropped to the floor, out cold

    43. Cleve was a slender middle-aged man, with glasses and a moustache

    44. Moustache suggested; this was the long-haired guy in blue coveralls

    45. “Mark,” came the response, white teeth gleaming behind the moustache

    46. With eyes surprising in their warmth and humour, a wispy little moustache, and not overly tall, yet he still had the audience in the palm of his hand, even me

    47. He was about five-ten, two hundred pounds, flaming, long, red frizzy hair, shaggy beard, moustache, twinkling blue eyes and a wheezy laugh

    48. He had a wispy little seventeen-hair moustache, and very, very red-faced he was, too

    49. In spite of that dry little moustache he’s got, he’s not such a fuddy-duddy as compared to a couple of the others

    50. The thick but shapeless moustache

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