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    narrowly miss Beispielsätze

    narrowly miss

    1. Scarily, I narrowly miss hitting the car in front of me when it stops at traffic lights … I make an effort to concentrate on my driving

    2. the air, narrowly missing the ceiling

    3. Exactly then the top wing came off the tri-plane, and narrowly missed hitting my boys

    4. His Pinzgauer swerved out onto the road across a row of vehicles narrowly missing contact

    5. She took the shot and the arrow narrowly missed the horse, dropping the approaching Snaggle

    6. This time he had a killing shot on Hartle, whose wingtips narrowly missed the guy once or twice

    7. In just a few seconds, we were out of the vineyards and back on the road, having narrowly missed running over a scruffy looking dog in the car park

    8. Luckily your buildings are all sturdily constructed of stone and most of their space is underground, so property damage was minimal, but a young Kleti was narrowly missed by the partially burnt body of a giant that crashed to the ground beside her

    9. The tip narrowly missed its target as it bounced uselessly off Judah’s shoulder

    10. narrowly missing a group of trees on shore

    11. When it came back into view behind Caleb, the bowman pivoted quickly around loosing another arrow that narrowly missed Caleb as he rose up for another shot

    12. It narrowly misses his arm and the two men roll over and over closer to the night-woman’s dwelling

    13. The tip narrowly missed its target as it

    14. around loosing another arrow that narrowly missed Caleb as he rose up for another shot

    15. I saw Darian narrowly miss a bite

    16. Several arrows flew at the mercenaries, narrowly missing the grappling Lykanthros

    17. Zeno and Cador have no idea they narrowly missed being shot?’

    18. laced shoes flew into the air narrowly missing the window, both of them bounced back towards her

    19. "No!" Daniel said as he dived over to the hedge narrowly missing the nails that could have harmed the cygnet

    20. It would have narrowly missed the bullet spinning on its axis, trailing a distorted path in the air molecules behind it

    21. He studied the missile that had so narrowly missed them, and grunted incredulously, as if unable to credit his own senses

    22. Another missile narrowly missed them

    23. Jane nearly lost her footing a couple of times and narrowly missed falling onto her backside

    24. He hurled a couple rocks against the house across the street which narrowly missed the window where the two men were standing watching them

    25. Then, he swung his baton at me, narrowly missing me on

    26. Seeing that he was American, she dashed to him with all the speed she could muster, throwing herself behind the bush as bullets narrowly missed her head

    27. As Habib leaned forward to start the engine, the butt of an AK47 was rammed through the open window, narrowly missing his head

    28. and Belmont have narrowly missed him

    29. This time he narrowly missed his target and flew down through the German formation

    30. “I’m afraid I don’t understand,” he said, dodging as an eyeball arced over the ring of spectators and narrowly missed his left ear

    31. which narrowly missed one of the pirates and exploded against the rock in a

    32. He rounded the corner and snatched a view of the darkened school in the distance; it was large, even from that point, was it his imagination, or did it look more sinister at night? He shook his head and returned his focus to the road and stepped on the brakes again, swerving to the right and narrowly missing something in the road

    33. He was aware the staff narrowly missed his eye; he could only imagine what damage a blow like that could have done to his sight; but, defiantly, he stood again

    34. However, diving between a small gap in the bookcases, he made the most of a flash of opportunity to gather a deep breath and regain his composure as the next sweep of the staff narrowly missed him and struck the top shelf causing the books to scatter like toppled dominoes

    35. She had just narrowly missed the Mayor smash a sword down against the altar she had been, only moments earlier, securely fastened to

    36. Paintings that were secure to the walls fell and smashed, narrowly missing the escapees

    37. Shelby wrenched the car to the right with what little fortitude she had left, narrowly missing a rocky outcrop

    38. I heard the whoosh of missiles narrowly missing the undercarriage of the Covert

    39. “Rex, it’s us! It’s Silas —” Silas had to leap out of the way as the truck jerked, the cage narrowly missing crushing Silas against the wheel well

    40. Twisting to the side, she rolled out of the way of Caius' boot, narrowly missing a blow to her ribs

    41. Cardiff launched a second rock, narrowly missing the other

    42. boot heel cleanly off, narrowly missing the foot encased within the boot

    43. It slid to the ground, narrowly missing his foot

    44. Now and then a car would pass by, narrowly miss scraping its sides on the walls of the shops

    45. His fingers narrowly missed grabbing hold of her shoulder as she slipped past him down a dark alleyway

    46. It had been a foolish mistake to make and the bags in his arms had paid the penalty of it, as he had narrowly missed a similar fate

    47. Diving around a corner he narrowly missed being caught by the consuming blue fire

    48. narrowly missing him with the blade over its shoulder

    49. Tess, in her start at the words, narrowly missed cutting off a

    50. Somebody threw a rock at the engine, narrowly missing the driver but hitting the machine with an echoing clang

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