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    natal Beispielsätze


    1. Safe with his friends to gain his natal shore:

    2. (Ah, men unblessed!) to touch that natal shore

    3. He was a tough bloke from Natal and we are still friends

    4. If ever there was a civil war in the normal sense of the word, it was in Natal from the late 1980s to early 1990s

    5. After some weeks, his parents invited us to visit at their farm on the coast of northern Zululand - a sub-tropical region of what was then called Natal

    6. Hypnotherapy / hypnotherapy is a safe and healthy way to deal with post natal depression

    7. In 1903, when he was practicing law in Natal, he started publishing a newspaper ‘Indian Opinion’

    8. Erika says it is because I still have my natal acting abilities though I am not sure what that means but I know I can do it

    9. Rory noticed that the largest collection of Containers by far, belonged to a dairy company bearing the name “Ubisi Dairies” (Ubisi being the Zulu name for milk) and befittingly, the Head Office was situated in KwaZulu Natal

    10. She had heard that the Clothing Factory Association in KwaZulu Natal, was holding an important seminar at the weekend

    11. He took his sons and a little cash and made the ship which was bound for Sao Paulo then would cruise up the coast to Natal where De Angelo’s men would be waiting for him

    12. Alberto informed him that he could not make the journey and that he should send the items to Natal and he will identify them here in front of the police chief

    13. “I have to drive to Natal this afternoon,” Gomes said to Anna

    14. “I am Alberto Callucini, this is my house and you work in my club in Natal

    15. Rio shrugged his shoulders, “They spend fortunes on this little break to Natal

    16. It was six thirty in the morning and traffic was heavy with commuters heading into the city of Natal

    17. He reached Natal late in the evening and decided to park up and closed his eyes for a short while

    18. “It is the Caixa Bank in Natal

    19. “They were held as sex slaves by Alberto Callucini who owns the Empire State Exotic Dance Club in Ponte Negra in the city of Natal

    20. His brother Ricardo courted the girls then took them to their house in the village of Taborda outside Natal

    21. “Earlier today police in Natal confirmed that the body of Alberto Callucini was found in a rented car

    22. As you know the two Sicilian brothers are both now dead and there mansion close to Natal in Rio Grande Norte has been ransacked and burnt to the ground by angry locals

    23. They had seen the Imelda rendezvous with another craft off the Brazilian coast near to Natal in the North West corner of the country

    24. One man transferred onto the Imelda and then the smaller craft returned towards Natal

    25. We think that the boat they escaped on rendezvoused with Morientes close to Natal about six weeks ago

    26. On returning to South Africa, the Natal Mercury published a most interesting article

    27. The Natal connection on Kenneth Campbell’s action has a twist in the tale

    28. ” A South African pilot from Natal named Stuart Simson had previously attacked and damaged this huge ship at Kiel Harbour only a few months previously in August 1940

    29. Plutonians: These include people with several planets in Scorpio, a number of planets in the related 8th house of the birth chart, many aspects to natal Pluto, or Pluto near the Ascendant, Midheaven, or aspecting the Sun or Moon

    30. Transits, transiting: This refers to the current positions of the planets in the solar system and what aspects they form with the planets in your natal chart

    31. One spelled out the ranks and the names of the British and Natal

    32. He did what these guys say they want: he proved the existence of an astrological effect according to the statistical canons of materialistic truth (see Dean, Geoffrey, Recent Advances in Natal Astrology, Astrological Association, Australia 1977, page 380 ff for details)

    33. Beyond that, a horary horoscope is completely centered in the now moment, is less encumbered by personal history (yours or the clients’), and is usually prompted by a strong desire for an answer; which makes it easier to tune into than a natal chart, where there are all sorts of themes and crosscurrents of emotion going on which have to be sorted out

    34. Another reason why horary astrology is a better training ground for intuition than natal astrology is because it’s more symbolic, less rational

    35. Thus, horary astrology is more of a “symbol bank” than natal astrology: there’s less of an intellectual system to it, and what system there is, is more abstract (such as the ring-around-the-rosy technique for locating questions in houses; e

    36. , the small circle parallel to the celestial equator which passes through the natal sun

    37. Three parameters (Sidereal Time, Latitude, and Declination of natal sun) are required to compute house cusps, rather than only two (ST and Latitude) required by all other house systems

    38. Disappointed, I was about to file the whole idea away for the duration when I happened to take a vacation and found myself in the (for me) unusual position of doing a lot of face-to-face natal consultations for complete strangers

    39. In progressions, directions, and transits, look to the house ruled by the moving body (rather than that ruled by the aspected natal planet) to see what areas of life will be affected

    40. ) in your natal chart, then:

    41. The Natal Chart: It is often said that transits cannot bring events which are not promised in the natal chart; but I haven’t found this guideline especially useful in interpretation

    42. House positions and rulerships do not seem to be as important in determining how a transit will operate as do the essential meanings of the transiting planets and natal points involved

    43. Do, however, pay attention to any aspect in the natal chart between the planet which is transiting and the planet or point being transited, since e

    44. a natal sextile or trine will tend to bring fortunate events even if the transiting aspect is an opposition or square (though usually these necessitate expending effort or overcoming conflict in order to benefit the native); and a natal square or opposition will tend to bring conflicts or disappointments of inflated hopes even to nominally benefic transits

    45. Transiting Jupiter and Mars can be quite effective, especially when transiting their own positions in the natal chart

    46. Outer planets which transit the same natal position three times (direct, retrograde, direct) or five times (direct, retrograde, direct, retrograde, direct) may produce an event anywhere within the time frame between the first and last direct transits; but the overall tendency is for the event to occur at – or shortly after – the first direct transit (and in the case of the slower planets, the following year or two is spent in clean-up or reorganizing in response to the effect of the first direct transit)

    47. For example, an informal study of the Demi-Uranus Return (Uranus’ transit to opposition its natal place) – which occurs in early 40-something natives – shows that the expected SURPRISING event which brings LIBERATION can occur anywhere between the first and last direct transits

    48. Jupiter’s return to its natal place – and sometimes its transit of the Ascendant – produce joyous, serendipitous events within a month of the exact transit date

    49. Jupiter: Transiting Jupiter’s return to its natal place every twelve years usually brings a month of serendipitous events – new spiritual or business connections, new ideas, new relationships – which become of great importance in the future

    50. Another example: Transiting Saturn conjoined TR’s natal moon and opposed his Mars between summer 1886 and late spring 1887, which augured a CHALLENGING

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    Synonyme für "natal"

    natal kwazulu-natal