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    Verwenden Sie „nationalize“ in einem Satz

    nationalize Beispielsätze


    1. nationalize the means of production and distribution? If there is to be a minimum wage, should there also be worker productivity requirements? Which branch of government

    2. In England, though not exactly puzzling, what heretofore may have been difficult to fathom is the underlying power of belief that supporters have had of the most alarming and extensive drive to undermine and nationalize the elements of British democracy

    3. intended to nationalize the airline

    4. ‘In what are we to make higher development consist? The English, the French, the Germans, which is at the highest stage of development? Which of them will nationalize the other? We see the Rhine provinces have been turned French, but the Germans are not at a lower stage!’ he shouted

    5. The concern with Bolivia is that they are not currently on the best of terms with the United States and have been known to nationalize industries in the past

    6. Over the last few years, he has moved to nationalize several of the country’s largest industries

    7. As a striking illustration of the truth of this assertion the project of Henry George to nationalize the land may serve us

    8. If this bank is removed, the Secretary of the Treasury must nationalize the bank paper of the great importing States; for, I presume, Congress will never decide what State paper shall be used by the officers of the General Government

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    Synonyme für "nationalize"

    nationalise nationalize