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nest Beispielsätze
1. He followed the little ant back to its nest and licked all the little ants up
2. You might have switched jobs too often to try and accumulate a healthy vested retirement nest egg
3. But as the knife slid across Fox's throat, Haques was surpised to see not blood pouring from Fox's throat but a nest of mosquitoes
4. Find out the nest egg that will be required to meet your retirement needs
5. This is often the period when children have reached their teens and are flying the nest
6. The 'empty nest syndrome' is when couples tend to question their purpose and the future of their life together
7. A farmer came to his goose’s nest
8. We built a nest way up, at least a hundred feet from the ground
9. flood in his shabby little nest, and yet he felt a certain thrill at the sight of this weedy
10. Anyway, I don't intend to set foot in that hornets' nest again
11. A drowned rat, he thought, a drowned rodent waiting out the flood in his shabby little nest, and yet he felt a certain thrill at the sight of this weedy little specimen, as though they were joined by an invisible umbilical cord
12. Vyinga came down from her nest, still wiping herself
13. "I'm glad this happened on your shift," Vyinga said, as she began to climb back up to her nest
14. Since they were in the nest for Morningday and Afternoonday, they didn't sleep as much as they really should have and sometimes what they lacked in frequency they made up for in duration
15. "What happens if you're in the nest when that happens?"
16. I don't think you'll get hurt in the nest, other than having to wash whatever you were sitting on at the time
17. They went up and opened the nest
18. She'd also kicked the steersmen out of her nest
19. Vatreel wasn't leaving til he filled his nest with some more hot box bound downriver, so they might be here a week or more
20. They could explain their problem to the captain and probably wind up slinging a hammock somewhere, or just signing up with the captain and sharing a nest for an uncomfortable journey with some other single traveler of the same sex
21. He's fuzzy and comfortable and I think it's going to be so relaxing having him share my nest
22. "What maps we've got are up in Vyinga's nest, actually that box under the ladder
23. "Would you like me to get off this boat or just stop sharing the nest with you?" he asked
24. You've shared a nest with her all these weeks, you're plainly attracted to her and she to you
25. The closest thing we've seen to a secret plot since we got on this boat is when the rumor got out that Vyinga was chasing her steersmen out of her nest
26. I have indicated my willingness to him when we've been in the nest together
27. "No one needs to tell me how sweet this fluff is, I could see that when Luray first brought me to this nest
28. "You can't keep something like this a secret in this nest," Luray told her
29. "He'll still see us climb up to the nest," Desa said
30. A pile of leshin bales was irregular, there was a short one they could climb on out of the aisle so anybody would have to come down this aisle or climb up to their nest to see them
31. "When Tiytha and Luray are done with the nest
32. They bid good-night and went up to the nest
33. Alan must have heard it because his head popped out of their nest and scanned the horizon
34. "It's them!" he screamed and disappeared back inside the nest
35. He was barely in the water when Desa appeared below the nest, two bags in her hand
36. it is, then she has eggs in the nest
37. moulding the snug nest of cushion and arm
38. "The boat or our nest?"
39. "Our nest wasn't quite cozy enough
40. " Luray said, "She still looks pretty wild but she's looking for regular guys to share her nest these days, guys that will sometimes let her sleep
41. Early morning at the quayside and it was an ants' nest of confusion and expectation
42. I tried to rearrange the packages and parcels into a nest where I could lie with my discomfort but it soon became clear I should have skipped the cheese pie and lemonade because before long my stomach was trying to settle on whether or not to surprise me by throwing up over American parcels, Australian parcels or the fragrant cabbage
43. My aunt paused on the threshold then pushed the door ajar, guiding me inside, 'Welcome to our love nest
44. PreviousPage property is set to the page property of the nest page to access the viewstate value of the
45. Every morning the young man’s mother delivered a lovely tray of tea and toast to his bedroom and as the exhausted but glowing couple lay in the king size love nest that had been especially arranged for them, the young man’s dear old mother asked each young lady in turn if she would give her a hand with the laundry
46. Oh stop complaining, Sally! The kids’ll fly the nest soon enough!
47. Sort of meringue nest type of thing?’ I asked, trying to work out what the best idea would be …
48. It is called a Thaiku, one of my men found a nest while out hunting one day
49. I remember going over the house with her … we surprised a nest of mice in one of the top floor rooms … Bunty didn’t turn a hair but calmly said she’d get a couple of cats and some mouse traps
50. size love nest that had been especially arranged for them, the young
1. Even the little black box that was nested against her belly seemed to hum with its own sense of vigor again
2. She nested with both of them and had sleeping hours that were irregular enough that she spent time with both of them
3. emotion will be found nested in the same area, such
4. They took a wide stairway up a flight where the old woman was greeted by three younger women who were puzzling over a decorated board with some piles of nested chips on it
5. It showed all the little villages in Slump County, including Trouble Valley, which was nested there in the centre of the depression
6. Entering the hot atmosphere of the server room, she crossed to the nearest terminal, where she sat down and pulled out the paper-clip tray above the nested drawers to the right of her knees
7. c) The nested if statement
8. 3 The nested if statement:-
9. Note that the second if-else construct is nested in the first else statement
10. You can see in the program how each time an if-else construct is nested within another if-else construct, it is
11. There is no limit on how deeply the ifs and the elses can be nested
12. Nested in one of the world’s most showy natural inlet, Hobart is a modern city settled as a town in 1803
13. The scabbard was hinged along it’s length and hold closed by clever springs around the hinges, like Yazadril’s, and the sword was sheathed by fitting the edge of the blade near the crossguard into a notch between the two halves of the sheath at the top, then sliding the blade sideways until it nested home between the two halves and was held firmly by the spring pressure
14. Next we were led to the rabbit, where we nested in soft beds made of fur
15. animals that had scavenged or nested there, along with broken
16. Nested Cones (or Chakras within Chakras)
17. possess an interesting multiple structure of nested cones, which were
18. explained as the dispersive effects of longitudinal waves 34 nested cones
19. nan according to Brennan, chakras appear ‘to be nested within each other
20. contained within them a nested subset, or the memory/awareness of other moments
21. All objects are holons forming holarchies (nested)
22. Ultimate Truth - an abstract idea that one can know the outermost reality of our nested realities
23. They sailed in silence but for the occasional chirp from the purple songbird, who sat nested on Astray’s head as comfortably as if she were up a tree
24. She tossed the dirty diaper into the pail and nested the baby’s head beneath her chin
Or, you can layout the page using a Nested Table
26. borders, whilst the nested Table
27. However, they are nested while the
28. Below her she could see at the very top a flock of flying creatures that have nested there; including the huge tratalies
29. The bullets nested in the enemy's chest
30. How to use nested if conditions
31. We have invaded them and nested in the cradle of their oil production
32. It sits there, nested in its L-shaped velvet cutout
33. of ants have nested there! ” he complained making Sven and Sebastian laugh
34. This passage, this course and destination, animated by the vitalism of the world nested each in each, as sound to eye, touch to scent, is untraced, yet resonant in these visions of the imageless geometrically abstracted to a sense of phenomenal presence as embodied light
35. We live in nested cultures of herds within herds, with one room's interior wall being the external fence of another's:
36. Annie was nested in the middle of it all with scissors and a beaten look, while Mother viewed the mess from her throne, her glass in her hand
Use a top level
If a nested
Put the email address of the owner in a nested
Put the name of the owner in a nested
41. It is possible to replace one part of an IF statement with another IF statement; this is called a nested IF
42. Replacing the AND with OR would result in either condition being met, the same accomplishment as the nested IF
43. nested spinning—Refers to spinning text on several levels using spin syntax
44. spinning—Refers to using spin syntax (see nested spinning for spin syntax examples) to create
45. be aware of another refl ection nested behind the primary one
46. In fact, a project with just 10 to 20 components can benefit greatly from using nested build files
47. This chapter covered the basics of using Ant and the concepts of build files, projects, targets, conditional targets, tasks, file sets, filters, nested build files, and properties
48. these invaders and its nested egg of Tardoc within, it would not be enough to stall them,
49. Because I see that word nested in nests of water-bays, superb,
50. City nested in bays! my city!
1. Or try building a nesting home for owls and other birds
2. Should I not know if my sister is with child! She has all the classic signs; she is haughty, she wants to form a nesting area, and she wants us to leave her alone
3. I know nesting levels are never significant so what we are seeing must have really have something to do with some other property
4. when nesting is going on
5. that as nesting trapped emotions are discovered
6. For stories that illustrate nesting, see “Jean’s
7. ‘Mr Middlesex said that there would be a small group of people staying there and that he wanted to see the warblers nesting
8. “At a guess I would say they are probably due to mate, and across the river is their nesting site
9. envelope with the unfamiliar but curious postage stamp nesting in
10. It seemed that there were one of three ways to do it: number one — go for gold and just plunge your hand under that hen, grabbing the eggs in twos or threes and quickly putting them into your feed bucket; number two — reaching in and pulling the hen out by the neck until it got up and out on its own, or until it was forced out in one quick yank, and then, you enjoy the pleasantness of having a free for all at the unattended eggs; and number three (my personal favorite) — was to make enough noise by either beating on the nesting box with the shovel handle, or by yelling and screaming like a little girl at the sight of a spider as you try to do it the number one or two way
11. Using this crazy machine, would drawl away the nesting hens so that he could send in his remote controlled race car with a glued on battery operated claw arm that would reach in and gently retrieve the eggs (he was, sometimes, smart)
12. I was petrified of what was laying in the box, after the first time that I saw Grandpa pull out a snake and toss it outside (look — I wasn’t a dumb kid… if some lunatic chicken and secret snake called that nesting box home, then I just couldn’t find a logical or rational reason for me to put my fragile little fingers inside of it
13. One noisy hen, fed up with our presence, leaped from her nesting box in a flurry of flapping and squawking
14. And, with my best pre-puberty battle cry, I plowed my hand underneath that nesting hen
15. The building had obviously once been a hardware store evacuated long ago, now providing homes for numerous nesting birds
16. He was close enough to hear her quiet sobs, and embarrassed by this unintentional intrusion, turned to leave, disturbing a nesting Blackcap
17. She turned aside, seeking the nesting site, her sensitive tentacles guiding her in the darkness
18. Then they would leave to gather at the nesting site, food for the Sycler
19. Nesting curlews and magpies were crying everywhere, and green pasture by streams were dotted with young lambs and the occasional fluttering rabbit
20. “Women still have the nesting instinct, and men and children still have the pecking order
21. In order to self-replicate, just like good little von Neumann machines ought, they had been designed to breed and to provide nesting and brooding care to their offspring
22. Same can be printed using nesting of two loops as,
23. Could their organized structure be a nesting ground for the
24. of nesting – where each chakra is extended to the higher-energy bodies, can
25. be called a vertical nesting Horizontal nesting, the second type of nesting,
26. Tell me about it, I think there is a damn bird nesting in my hair
27. Towers of Hanoi, right? That nesting of memories has the effect of flipping pages without any additional help—nothing else needs to happen
28. Like the cute bunnies in their nesting holes, Bella was cruel and heartless; she truly was a witch
29. The Proctor’s chair had baby mice nesting in the half-chewed cushions
30. People provide them with more food and nesting materials in one place than they could find in the wild
31. They spend the summer nesting and raising their young in Siberia
32. hopping up the lane, the housemartins nesting in the
33. ―Wher‘ be gone dat shick-un boy, you papa wanna know sure, rat now!‖ It was late afternoon in Russell Foucharde‘s back yard, nesting along with a tiny clapboard shack in the north edge of a cypress strand just south of the Tamiami Trail about 20 miles west of Miami
34. Nesting success for turtles is very important for their
35. good perching and nesting sites, considering these places
36. become a place for pooping, mating and nesting
37. Her eternal smile seemed to have been brought on by the credulity of her customers, who accepted as something certain an establishment that did not exist except in the imagination, because even the tangible things there were unreal: the furniture that fell apart when one sat on it, the disemboweled phono-graph with a nesting hen inside, the garden of paper flowers, the calendars going back to the years before the arrival of the banana company, the frames with prints cut out of magazines that had never been published
38. It was camouflaged to look like a large spider was nesting there 3 meters above the floor
39. The soft sound of the beating of wings came from the swifts nesting above me
40. A clump of mountain laurel grew here, and whenever I waxed morose I would creep under them to hear the air-tales the trees traded of rain, earth, and nesting weavers
41. A planetary version of a nesting doll, there is the one major outermost planet, and within that planet lay a smaller planet, and within that smaller planet lay another smaller planet, and so forth until all the layers of Lincra together form the equivalent ground space of the combined, remaining 26 planets in the Kroonum system
42. While following the sign, it was clear I was headed directly into the main nesting ground of the Garbage-Demons
43. They had a decent conversation about Troll nesting habits as they started out on their quest
44. reproductive activity, the nesting activity is an involuntary action
45. “Their planet has no rights? How could that be, that a species would enslave the species maker?” an etherian grieved not for, but with the planet they were nesting in
46. nesting habits and displays when searching for a mate
47. During their ascent the piercing call of a nesting pair of Golden Hawks kept the hackles at the back of his neck up on end, especially since in native form the raptors were a natural predator
48. It’s possible we’ve started nesting early
49. A deep sense of satisfaction is brought about by nesting and nurturing, concentrating and focusing on hidden secrets within yourself
50. A couple of minutes later she wandered back out, carrying a large, charred, metallic bowl, filled with the ashen remains of hay and nesting materials
1. between nests and telephone wires
2. It's nests were just tiny lookout platforms high in the masts
3. The eaves of the old barns are spattered with droplets of mud where the birds are building nests
4. to have their nests,” he explained, “Mind you, some of the folk in the
5. destroying their nests in the straw
6. from it and several bird nests occupied its outer corners
7. As little ducklings waddled along the water, and the birds chirped in the trees, tending to their nests and flying around, the kids looked around in awe at this sight
8. The next day it was a sharp frost--and then the spring came; the sun shone, the green leaves appeared, the swallows built their nests, the windows were opened, and the little children again sat in their pretty garden, high up on the leads at the top of the house
9. “When we got lemons as a special treat, my brothers and I would try to find bee’s nests in the forest
10. They’re so lucky, she thought, not a care in the world other than building nests, looking for food, sleeping and flying wherever the wind takes them
11. An avalanche of leaves, dirt, and parts of bird’s nests fell to the floor
12. Empress of the Office, where she spent most mornings on the red willow love seat that faces my desk, raising her regal head only at unfamiliar sounds: in winter, the heavy snow sliding off the metal roof and crashing to the deck below, startling us both; in early spring, the northern flickers trying in vain to pluck insulation for their nests from the roof vents; a heavy summer rain; the grinding noise of the propane truck making its first delivery in fall
13. In one place near a narrow streamlet were nests of the passerine weaver birds, some hanging from fine branches along which even the bamboo snake would not have the temerity to crawl in search of the luscious eggs
14. The nests were composed of twigs and fibre, with a cunningly made exit at the bottom of the carefully-woven chamber
15. My dreams were full of hair – hair catching on fire, hair being dyed the wrong colour, models looking like freaks with nests on their heads, some with no hair at all
16. Darkburst knew that pine martens sometimes reared their young in discarded crow's nests, so it was probable that this female was on her way to feed her kittens
17. Pigeons and swallows were trudging along stained rooftops lazily and even rats seemed attuned to the curfew, fleeing purposefully back into their shadowy nests wherever there were people left to harrow
18. They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge
19. Their nests hung in pouches suspended over the water
20. 17 Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house
21. their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring out their young, and under his shadow dwelt all
22. set on the nests of the scavenging harriers tucked high in the
23. And when she arrived to her house, dragons built nests next to her house and lit fires next to her during the cold nights, as the child did not enjoy the chill
24. Others build their nests, and hatch their young, in the tops of mountains and on the cliffs of valleys, and the holes and tops of trees,
25. ” He was feeling quite smug with himself; cuckoos had a habit of hijacking other birds nests with little effort to build their own in the first place
26. It is said that this small coastal town, of three thousand inhabitants during the months of tourism and two thousand and four hundred during the rest of the year, is located in Alaska’s most idyllic brood of nests and that enjoys abundant wild life
27. 16 Others build their nests and hatch their young in the tops of mountains and on the cliffs of valleys and the holes and tops of trees and keep off the intruder
28. 86 Jesus said; "The foxes have their holes and the birds have their nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head and rest
29. 20 Jesus said to him "The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head
30. 58 Jesus said to him "The foxes have holes and the birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head
31. Jesus said to him The foxes have holes and the birds of the heaven have nests; but the Son of man has not a place in which to lay his head; And he said to another Follow me; And he said to him My Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father
32. 8 9 And he set out to them another parable and said To what is the Kingdom of God like? and to what shall I liken ite and in what parable shall I set it oute It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and planted in his field and of the number of the things that are sown in the Earth it is smaller than all of the things which are sown which are on the Earth; but when it is grown it is greater than all the herbs and produces large branches so that the birds of heaven make their nests in its branches
33. 8:20 The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head
34. “We used to find birds’ nests and toss them on the
35. birds’ nests clung to its roof, and stone protuberances of every
36. holding nests, refuge, and insect treats
37. they are guided by the morphic resonance of previous termite nests a
38. The elders are slow to move, embedded in their chitinous nests, he thought
39. After digging for yabbies, losing their sense of direction, seeing a large monitor, nests of bull ants, listening to birds, and climbing to a wild bee nest for a finger of honey, they arrived at the cabin with ravenous appetites
40. There were small hamlets on the mountainsides perched like nests
41. He watched as the brightly coloured parakeets and flowerpeckers, some made by The Oven and some by insemination, flew squawking over the herd of cows, with old Jake chasing after them as they headed back to their nests in the tall mango orchards, their morning fun now over
42. Some said plainly that their elevations were unknown and warned of wyvern nests, harpies and other dangerous beasts of the air
43. Can you believe the truth about me in the face of the fact that, though the foxes have holes and the birds of heaven have nests, I have not where to lay my head?"
44. The floor was polished cherry and rugs had once covered the spots near the furniture but something had made nests in them or they had simply fallen apart times decay
45. Men would come in groups into my home forest, with long sticks or branches that they used to knock the squabs out of their nests
46. Check for potential hazards such as anthills, wasp nests, or piles of rock, branches, bark or leaves that snakes or scorpions could call home
47. And indeed, a flock of crows had come flying in right as the snakes were entering the houses, screaming CAW CAW CAW as if they had come across an owl near their nests
48. “In town, if there are trees, there are also squirrels and their nests
49. Since the cowbird had been a gypsy, traveling with the buffalo, females never had bothered to make nests but simply dumped their eggs, which would crack open to reveal large murderous chicks, into the nests of smaller birds
50. We’re lucky to have barely acceptable trees for our nests