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    netted Beispielsätze


    1. involved a small time politician that had netted her twenty thousand

    2. “By doing it his way, he netted us a prisoner

    3. Nets are good if you want to stay netted all the time

    4. a five-day span in, which Ayoob also threw a fundraiser for Senator Reid, from which he netted thousands of dollars in donations from

    5. That way, Simon will be the more securely netted

    6. Soon he slept, and Simon allowed himself to drift back to the memories that had netted him

    7. Last year, my uncle lost his balance on the fishing perch when he netted two salmon at once

    8. “Bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids

    9. “All fifteen locations together netted around eighty-four thou last month

    10. In fact the first month he made a sale which netted him $765 in

    11. There was a section of flesh in the middle of Lezura’s back that was discolored, twisting and netted, consistent with a burn mark

    12. They turned themselves in to the Feds and their testimony netted quite a catch

    13. So how efficient is 20% administrative overhead for US health in the business? If the insurance companies only netted 1% in profit, $9

    14. Instantly, I was netted! A whole squad of law enforcement

    15. The crashing sound was the sound of their netted gear falling to the floor

    16. netted him a big sale

    17. "His spear,” Runs Like Cheetah continued, “may wound or kill one of us, but once he has thrown it, he will be without a weapon for a moment and easily netted

    18. If his cheetah can be netted, we will do so

    19. The netted and bound Antelope Hunter was brought in and laid on the ground in the middle of the Circle

    20. roofing company netted no results and now, with the Sabbath approaching, it looks that

    21. What David had in his box was a sheet of some stretchy netted material with holes, a couple of marbles, a large elastic rubber band and a pencil and he was really quite keen to move on from this frivolous moment that Brian and Helen seemed to be sharing so that he could discuss his ideas about gravity and black holes

    22. This is that anti-intuitive hyper-intuition that one is but a psychic antenna literally netted inside multi-taneous minds enlightening, and your awareness has been telescoped ten god strides across heaven and time, picking up ideas bigger than humanity in the great electrical field that actually 362

    23. My one time offer pulsed throughout the fabric of my neurally netted kinesthetic kinnections again and again and again

    24. #thegreeks&thegoodlife and then, out of BlackSpace, I was netted and yours is the first face I've seen since I was renditioned from virtuality

    25. “Incarnate as Pan, how far do you think I'd get before being netted, petted and zooed? The best thing that could happen to me is to end up back here with you

    26. “In case you thought we had been zombie-snared, they only netted our echoes

    27. Next the gang held up Jerilderie, netted two thousand more, While Dan and Steve held hostages in the Royal Mail,

    28. After a moment of struggling she reappears again, her hair a bit mussed and her cheeks a bit flushed, letting the mass of lifeless dress flop to the floor while her many layers of delicate, netted petticoats settle back around her

    29. had been spooked had netted him the winning ring

    30. Next, the number of fish netted is 153, which is called a triangular

    31. 15, ask the porter for the key of the room on the fifth floor, enter the apartment, take from the corner of the mantelpiece a purse netted in red silk, and give it to your father

    32. "My father!" cried the young girl, out of breath, and half dead with joy—"saved, you are saved!" And she threw herself into his arms, holding in her extended hand a red, netted silk purse

    33. Then dozens of fish were revealed, flapping in muddy pools on the bottom, and they had to be netted and shared out among the volunteers

    34. All was still, save for the noonday the trees of the Belt were looped and netted with darkest shadow

    35. fringe hung down from loops of tidily netted hair, swinging close to her brown eyes, eyes cherry streamers made her creamy skin glow

    36. But we’re talking about the twelve percent the trade netted the Hamilton-Sweeneys

    37. "Don't stay up there and be netted!" For he saw spiders swarming up all the neighboring trees, and crawling along the boughs above the heads of the dwarves

    38. It was tall and netted over with silver cobwebs

    39. Above her brow her head was covered with a cap of silver lace netted

    40. Buying (shorting) at the close on Thursday before expiration week if the market was down (up) and selling (covering) the Friday of expirations would have netted the following results since July 1978:

    41. I have seen situations in which an SPX 1350–1360 call spread netted more than an SPX 1340–1350 call spread

    42. This bearish big shadow on the AUD/JPY daily chart has netted 137 pips by using the three-bar exit

    43. Here we might have taken a position as a scalping trader and netted perhaps 20 or 30 cents on the contract

    44. In the earlier examples with stocks, market positions there may have been in place for days, weeks or even months and netted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars

    45. Putting on credit spreads in both the calls and the puts would have netted a $312

    46. This operation would have netted a sure return at the rate of 40% per annum on the capital invested—as shown by the following calculation:

    47. The 300,000 shares he sold had a book value in December of 1968 of $180,000 and he netted therefor 20 times as much, or a cool $3,600,000

    48. Let’s Make a Deal had netted him three hundred and fifty thousand, all of it wired into an account at the Union Bank of Switzerland

    49. The investor following the fundamental finance approach and restricting his investments to heavily discounted securities would have netted an 83 percent return on his investment excluding dividends

    50. Several have netted large gains as others resulted in small losses

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