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    night shift

    1. before supervisor McManus finally noticed that old Ted hadn’t entertained the other guards with his impression of a bugle call to signal the end of another long night shift

    2. She is supposed to use free time like this for library study, but on a Fridays she usually goes home and tries to grab an hour or two in bed before the night shift begins

    3. “Some vagrant that works as a janitor during the night shift at the high

    4. The fact that it was night shift made it a little less scary, but they knew he was still awake

    5. Delos didn’t want night shift duty in the first place

    6. They do a night shift of sorts

    7. I can still feel his arm around my waist, on my first night shift, as

    8. I was assigned the midnight shift and this one night I was posted on a gate to the entrance and exit of the officer‘s quarters

    9. He’d always hated the night shift

    10. On night shift, you could be home in bed by about twenty minutes to seven

    11. Several hours later Williams who was fast asleep was woken up by his partner Lewis, who had come to the end of his night shift

    12. The late night shift was just ending

    13. She said she had to work the night shift last week and, “There was a boy that was break dancing right there,” Phoebe said as she pointed at a section of smooth tile

    14. still took him to bed and soldiered on with the night shifts so I could work

    15. I’d thought of learning to play checkers, the game that the night shift telegraphers, miles apart, played by wire during slack times

    16. Harv Tiller the young telegrapher on night shift was a good checker player

    17. She had a big night shift coming and she needed all the rest she could get

    18. He reviews in his mind and on paper exactly what he needs to do this evening, on his four-to-midnight shift: Perform a water pump-down, reassemble the control rods, install the plugs, put the shield blocks in place, leave the top shield off

    19. On the night shift this had meant the shut down of the production line for about fifteen minutes while a new disc was fitted

    20. I’m off for a couple of hours now, but back in later for the night shift

    21. “I’ll be late for the night shift,” he offered as his excuse as he hurried away

    22. Tommy Jute was in the middle of a week of night shifts, so that day he had not long been out of bed before the couple arrived on their visit

    23. He rarely slept more than three hours after working a night shift

    24. “It was on the night shift a while back

    25. husband worked night shift, and when he came home the next morning

    26. She had probably been in there just prior to the end of the night shift, and it was hours into the day shift before anyone had gone in to check on her

    27. We joined the Citizens Patrol, working with the local RCMP, and took the night shift, driving around the area in the early hours of the morning looking for signs of trouble, but never finding any

    28. The arrival of Ingrid in the operations center attracted happy smiles on the faces of the few men on duty on the night shift: even though she was known to be married, Ingrid still made most men in the headquarters dream about her angelic face and her slender, feminine body

    29. Aquatic ran two production shifts and they both overlapped between 5:30 and 6:00 in the afternoon in order for the day shift to brief the night shift on what they had done

    30. Mack Gavins, the night shift manager, left me upstairs in his office while he briefed a crew on an ongoing engine room problem in a 150-foot yacht in dock three

    31. � Basically, me and nine of my girls were working the night shift at the Luftgau headquarters when the British attacked and seized the base at around six O�clock

    32. ����������� �As for me and my three girls here, we were working the night shift at the telephone exchange of the Kriegsmarine headquarters in Wilhelmshaven when a fleet of British skimmer boats entered the harbor and sank every ship in it, including the battlecruisers HIPPER and LUTZOW

    33. � The Waffen-SS NCO in charge of the night shift there looked in revulsion at the torture marks covering Nancy�s body

    34. The bodyguard that was doing the night shift on the bridge of the yacht was a relatively junior one in the pecking order of Roman Abramovich’s small army of bodyguard, thus had been given with two other junior bodyguards the shift when the threat would be the least

    35. The fact that the three junior bodyguards had volunteered for this night shift had helped, of course

    36. The old admiral then recognized the voice of Navy Captain Toyoda, the duty operations officer on night shift at the JMSDF fleet headquarters in Yokosuka

    37. The Langham doorman who had been prised out of bed after retiring after night shift was quite clear in his description and recollection of the man who had tipped him twenty dollars for securing a taxi

    38. I was on duty in the night shift at the LoC

    39. Having awakened a short while earlier after resting from her latest night shift, Jenny was receiving instructions with a few other ashigaru from Saburo about their incoming day tasks when a guard shouted in alarm

    40. “They’re sort of afraid also, hearing about all of this! Ryan works the day shift, but I don’t think he wanted to come in here today, after hearing about all of this and Josh works the night shift too!”

    41. “The doctor said around a week later, Diane D requested to work the night shift at the hospital!”

    42. When I get there, Captain Fallsten is still in Station Control even though the night shift is over

    43. We can trust him, but the night shift at the jail we can’t

    44. He would probably do any work on behalf of the team during his night shift or while doing overtime, when there would be fewer people about

    45. “I’ve already volunteered for more over-night shifts, when it’s quieter, on the grounds that I need the money now that my father has died

    46. Brilliant with computers, but on a pretty basic salary, and although he’s been working extra night shifts lately, he’s hardly been earning enough to have ‘plenty put by for a rainy day

    47. Yet the best part of the night shift is saved for the early morning

    48. The woman and I have something in common: we are both abandoned by our colleagues, left alone on the night shift

    49. He is a call center agent whose work entails a night shift

    50. One night, when Paul was at work at the night shift, she

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