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    not bright Beispielsätze

    not bright

    1. When the dragon disappeared the flash was still bright, but not bright enough to leave spots in his eyes

    2. It was not bright at all

    3. Lighting is filtered to hide blemishes and not bright enough to see faults, and loud throbbing music removes inhibitions

    4. The light, though not bright, is obviously of the right spectrum for plants to grow as below him it is a green jungle

    5. “Not bright, elongated strips of light that travel from the sky to the ground?”

    6. The walls were painted cream and were not brightened with the usual enlarged home colour photographs or framed prints of sketches depicting Hong Kong landmarks from the 1860s

    7. Of course I felt I was not bright enough for him

    8. Dark scarlet and vulgar, it was not at all like the blood of hunting—not bright, not pure

    9. "Well, to tell the truth, senor," said Sancho, "when I saw that sun of the lady Dulcinea del Toboso, it was not bright enough to throw out beams at all; it must have been, that as her grace was sifting that wheat I told you of, the thick dust she raised came before her face like a cloud and dimmed it

    10. The second year began rather soberly, for their prospects did not brighten, and Aunt March died suddenly

    11. Annette asked about her children and grandchildren, but this did not brighten her mood

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