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    not correct Beispielsätze

    not correct

    1. rulers do not correct the problem, then all the faithful men should go

    2. past are not correct and have fallen by the wayside,

    3. You may have a distorted view of reality that you cannot correct because you are not present to see it as it is

    4. We cannot correct these beliefs with mere information

    5. For if I do not correct them for their disobedience, truly I say to you, they may never enter into My rest

    6. If your media relations are not correct you will not be believed no matter what you do

    7. 10 He who chastises the heathen, shall he not correct? He who teaches man knowledge, shall He not know?

    8. -- I think it is caused by genetic "inferior" natural family this conclusion is not correct, not naturally inferior nation or family in the world, their behavior caused the infamous bad related to acquired the

    9. 1 Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city! 2 She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not

    10. But Elena did not correct this mistake as she did not want them to know this truth yet

    11. It is not correct to

    12. The doctors cannot correct her back

    13. This is not so now! If this situation is not corrected, the result will be a society in decline! This is a shame on our nation!

    14. “Not correct,” the Mountie replied

    15. This became one of Roger’s habits, even during Sunday sermons… He listens and meditates, but does not correct

    16. acknowledged that the incident report could be wrong and not corrected

    17. explain in a clear but tactful manner why it is not correct

    18. As Benedict wrote: "Nuns who are respectful and remorseful, let them be corrected at the first and second offence only with words; but let the Abbess chastise Nuns who are wicked and disobedient at the very first offence with whips and other bodily punishments, knowing it is written in Scripture: 'Fools are not corrected with words' and 'Hit your son with a rod, to deliver his soul from death'

    19. Also I think many have simply not correctly understood the attributes and nature of God due to “lack of knowledge” in these things

    20. cal ears To be exact, it is not correct to apply the terms ‘seeing’ or ‘hear-

    21. not correct either, I told myself

    22. -Do not speak this way about the lady – Declared Drefno - it is not correct

    23. -It is not correct? – Repeated Petrarco imitating the elf - what it’s not correct is that the Book has been taken without us

    24. to some point it is not correct

    25. ” He let that stand for now, not correcting himself

    26. “No, you’re not correct,” he responded

    27. It is not correct or proper

    28. Which is the spring that allows somebody or renders somebody available to actions that are not correct? Plato thought over this problem in "Republic"

    29. It's not correct to take his name in vain

    30. She was extremely observant and could pick up on those little details that, if not corrected, could sink a major project

    31. correct as it was not correct when discussing John 1:29

    32. “Sir, that is not correct

    33. By not correcting the error, we happened to drop out of hyper in the middle of the formation and attack a major enemy force

    34. Note that our code will not restrict the person from entering ten periods for the name, which is not correct but will pass the test

    35. line of thinking is not correct

    36. Contrary to old beliefs, you cannot make money, nor create wealth by being around wealth – this is not correct, it is a myth

    37. “Aye,” Trini said, not correcting for their previous momentum yet

    38. drift off towards the Martian surface if not correctly tethered

    39. "Withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die

    40. Reprocessing did not correct this picture either, or explain the impossible count of forty-five chromosomes

    41. A man who has committed a mistake and does not correct it, is commit-

    42. 23 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with

    43. Although they were healthy, biodynamic, organic foods, they were not correct for his metabolic type

    44. Shourie’s book enumerates several illogical and regressive fatwas (though he has also ridiculed several fatwas, which may not be considered regressive by believers of any faith, such as those enumerated in pages 673 to 677 (which are about whether it’s appropriate to cut nails on a certain day or travel on a certain day, and by the way, as Shourie himself mentions, there are ulema (Muslim clerics) who themselves branded most of such queries to be baseless in the light of Islam, but there are indeed Hindus with such beliefs too), among several others mentioned in the book, and certain fatwas he has highlighted are based on the clergy’s own cultural notions – for instance, there is nothing in the Islamic texts prohibiting celebrating birthdays, but since Prophet Muhammad did not do so, a cleric has dismissed it as a European practice antithetical to Islam, though having said that, very many Muslims enjoy celebrating their birthdays, and different clerics also have different perspectives!), and though he acknowledges the existence of progressive clerics, he contends, like that apostate of Islam, that the latter are the ones who are not correctly interpreting Islam, while the regressive folk are

    45. a) Withhold not correction from the child; for if thou beat him [him or her] with a rod, he [he or

    46. Am I not correct, Captain Beezer?”

    47. “Although his words are not correct but the fact is true that whatever your father is doing may prove costly to the city,” said Zeeshan hesitantly

    48. · Choice C (Liver biopsy) is not correct because lesions in the liver on CT are likely metastases

    49. · Choice E (Iron deficiency) is not correct as the patient does not give history of any bleeding that would cause iron deficiency anemia to develop

    50. have the issue is of such a serious nature that science can’t function properly when not correcting this

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