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    not used to Beispielsätze

    not used to

    1. Even though the flesh she currently inhabited was born on this world, and she had lived here in this flesh a complete mortal lifetime, her mind was still not used to one sleep period of every week being brilliant daylight

    2. Scar was not used to being told what to do, especially not by the enemy

    3. I’m just not used to the sheer exuberance he carries around like an aura and, by the time they leave, I am shattered

    4. That iron scepter is not used to bludgeon

    5. He was not used to doing a walk like this

    6. “We were not used to travelling in this manner, we fell over at

    7. Hardly a year ago I couldn't stir interest in an adolescent, so I'm not used to this

    8. I am not used to writing by hand but there are no computers here on Errd and, for the first time since I came across, I find myself wishing for something of Earth

    9. ‘I’m not used to riding

    10. I can see the thought hit him; we are not used to this idea yet

    11. Well, that’s as may be, Sally Richards, but yawning over the school post isn’t a good start to the day! Not used to late nights, let alone two in a row

    12. At a guess, Gary’s not used to being thwarted, but then I’m much the same myself

    13. Peter’s always getting complaints that the services are not ‘meaty’ enough for the believers and, on the other hand, that they are too ‘complicated’ for people not used to church

    14. The sound of a key in the lock makes me jump – I’m not used to it

    15. I'm not used to the concept of us as a couple

    16. “It’s not like that at all, it’s just that I’m not used to it so it won’t work for awhile,” he used as a lame excuse

    17. She laughed at that, then whispered in his ear while kissing at it, “You mean you’re not used to this out on the desert rim?”

    18. "You may have some visual problems now and then," Caro told him, "Especially if you're not used to this stuff and you're new around here

    19. difficult to be understood by those who are not used to them

    20. I"m not used to traveling

    21. “Hello Mabel can I come in and I will try to answer all your questions to tell you the truth it is a bit nippy out here I’m not used to the weather anymore and my leg is aching like the devil

    22. “I have to admit, I am not used to men who would press their attentions like that

    23. They were apparently not used to men hitting back on their farms, and our attack must have come as a shock

    24. She stared at the tower clock with squinting eyes, not used to the bright sun, and maybe I was just imagining it but I think she understood

    25. Ms Hardarm sniffed heavily, it was obvious that she was not used to being talked to in such a manner

    26. I was still not used to getting up at what should have been the middle of the night

    27. For Melchior was not used to having secrets kept from him, especially by his students

    28. The cows along the route were apparently not used to seeing this weird bicycle/human-in lycra-thing

    29. Elizabeth was speaking in a formal and precise manner that Colling was not used to hearing her use, and he had the impression that her speech might have been prepared ahead of time, perhaps even rehearsed

    30. “Only on what might be in store for us, as we go exploring into new places! Seeing things we’re not used to, finding things, maybe strange things

    31. He was not used to being defied

    32. Colling was not used to hearing her use her missing husband’s name, and not inclined to believe the man would suddenly reappear after having been unheard from in over two years

    33. He was not used to being addressed to disrespectfully, but this young woman’s anger did not move him

    34. She was used to being different from the humans, even used to them keeping her out, but she was not used to them fearing her

    35. I’m still not used to it

    36. Walter was not used to losing control of the situation, all I could do

    37. “It’s not used to being played anymore,” he said

    38. Verse 13 states that the law was not used to give the promise that Abraham would be “Hair

    39. I know you’re not used to being in the hospital, but you need to follow the rules here

    40. I’m not used to this

    41. something you are not used to hearing, you might have to listen to it a few times

    42. not used to ropes, just handcuffs

    43. I was not used to such super-glitzy and glamorous things, but I at leased tried to

    44. opinions, and are not used to standing up for yourself or doing what you think is right in the teeth of

    45. not used to, when suddenly it became my turn to

    46. a heart attack! Humans are not used to that much love:

    47. I'm not used to all this

    48. Taking hold of his hand she shook it, which was something that she was not used to in the least bit

    49. to talk to her; she was not used to such interest in her

    50. “I’m not used to swords having feelings

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