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    1. and wide as we could,‖ Bristol said with an equal measure of obviousness

    2. obviousness in her tone

    3. little confused at the obviousness of the answer

    4. They were outraged by its obviousness

    5. Look at the hidden obviousness of Ancient Egyptian culture… That filthy civilization died out, and went extinct over 3,00 years ago

    6. Once you are educated and enlightened, and know the true origin and meanings of things: where they actually came from and why they were invented… the obviousness of these true meanings points out the truth to anyone who has the insight to interpret them correctly

    7. Rather than be thought a mere jaunty cripple I allowed myself to be blinded by the gross obviousness of the usual arguments

    8. It seemed to me that, were I a gentleman like him, I would take to my bosom only such a wife as I could love; but the very obviousness of the advantages to the husband’s own happiness offered by this plan convinced me that there must be arguments against its general adoption of which I was quite ignorant: otherwise I felt sure all the world would act as I wished to act

    9. Thus it lasted for eighteen hundred years, and it reached the present point,—the complete obviousness of the fact that there is and there can be no external definition of evil which would be obligatory for all men

    10. Fate, as though on purpose, after my two years' tension of thought in one and the same direction, for the first time in my life brought me in contact with this phenomenon, which showed me with absolute obviousness in practice what had become clear to me in theory, namely, that the whole structure of our life is not based, as men who enjoy an advantageous position in the existing order of things are fond of imagining, on any juridical principles, but on the simplest, coarsest violence, on the murder and torture of men

    11. The train which I came across the ninth of September, and which carried soldiers, with their guns, cartridges, and rods, to the starving peasants, in order to secure to the rich proprietor the small forest, which he had taken from the peasants and which the peasants were in dire need of, showed me with striking obviousness to what extent men have worked out the ability of committing acts which are most revolting to their convictions and to their conscience, without seeing that they are doing so

    12. The very coarseness and obviousness of the contradiction sustains them in this conviction

    13. Nothing, on the contrary, proves the absence of patriotism in the masses with such obviousness as those tense efforts which now are made by the governments and the ruling classes for the artificial excitation of patriotism, and the insignificant results which are obtained in spite of all the efforts

    14. But the point is, that these same means of a universal external culture, of improved methods of locomotion, and of intercommunication, and above all, of the press, which the governments have seized upon and seize upon more and more, give them now such a power of exciting in the nations hostile feelings toward one another, that, though on the one hand the obviousness of the uselessness and harm of patriotism has increased, there has, on the other, increased the power of the governments and of the ruling classes to influence the masses, by rousing patriotism in them

    15. The obviousness and crudity of the contradiction confirms them in this belief

    16. The very grossness and obviousness of the inconsistency confirms them in this conviction

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    noticeability noticeableness obviousness patency