Verwenden Sie „off-the-wall“ in einem Satz
off-the-wall Beispielsätze
1. What should have been a pleasant dining experience became instead a series of uncomfortable moments, in which, yet another, off-the-wall comment stopped conversation in cold, embarrassed, silence
2. off-the-wall ~ disparate m
3. Surely Trask would further embellish the truth next time Barnum questioned him, and with his off-the-wall temperament he might come up with something even more outlandish than he'd threatened
4. cosmology school and ended up learning things like how electric currents worked and other off-the-wall things that had nothing to do with hair
5. off-the-wall personality that fed off the incomprehension of par-
6. But now he was just plain off-the-wall - Mad
7. and nice, new off-the-wall Van’s and long-legged shorts
8. His current position was challenging at times (as challenging as teaching linear algebra and calculus could be), but he’d learned over the years to adapt to the various scenarios he faced in the classroom—sleeping students, off-the-wall questions, and the occasional dope-head who thought it was acceptable to get high while solving matrices and integrals
9. Even though she seemed tired, her mind was clear, and it had been hours since she last growled, hissed, or said any off-the-wall things
10. I said, “Want to hear one off-the-wall theory? Gary Murphy caught Soneji