Verwenden Sie „opulence“ in einem Satz
opulence Beispielsätze
1. round and taking in the lustre and the opulence of the ballroom
2. He was also deeply impressed by the sheer opulence on display inside his friend’s sumptuous motor car and in between fits of pique about the riff-raff who walked today’s streets, he wondered whether he could get a car like this as a perk of his new job
3. He entered the suite and half smiled at the opulence
4. Labour is there so well rewarded, that a numerous family of children, instead of being a burden, is a source of opulence and prosperity to the parents
5. But, perhaps, no country has ever yet arrived at this degree of opulence
6. With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches ; which, in their eye, is never so complete as when they appear to possess those decisive marks of opulence which nobody can possess but themselves
7. than in times of more opulence and improvement
8. Diminish the real opulence either of Holland or of the territory of Genoa, while the number of their inhabitants remains the same ; diminish their power of supplying themselves from distant countries; and the price of corn, instead of sinking with that diminution in the quantity of their silver, which must necessarily accompany this declension, either as its cause or as its effect, will rise to the price of a famine
9. When we are in want of necessaries, we must part with all superfluities, of which the value, as it rises in times of opulence and prosperity, so it sinks in times of poverty and distress
10. Their real price, the quantity of labour which they can purchase or command, rises in times of poverty and distress, and sinks in times of opulence and prosperity, which are always times of great abundance ; for they could not otherwise be times of opulence and prosperity
11. help admiring the opulence of the apartments
12. The uniform, constant, and uninterrupted effort of every man to better his condition, the principle from which public and national, as well as private opulence is originally derived,is frequently powerful enough to maintain the natural progress of things towards improvement, in spite both of the extravagance of government, and of the greatest errors of administration
13. It is this effort, protected by law, and allowed by liberty to exert itself in the manner that is most advantageous, which has maintained the progress of England towards opulence and improvement in almost all former times, and which, it is to be hoped, will do so in all future times
14. As the one mode of expense is more favourable than the other to the opulence of an individual, so is it likewise to that of a nation
15. The opulence derived by
16. All that I mean is, that the one sort of expense, as it always occasions some accumulation of valuable commodities, as it is more favourable to private frugality, and, consequently, to the increase of the public capital, and as it maintains productive rather than unproductive hands, conduces more than the other to the growth of public opulence
17. The country, indeed, which has not capital sufficient for all those three purposes, has not arrived at that degree of opulence for which it seems naturally destined
19. The town, indeed, may not always derive its whole subsistence from the country in its neighbourhood, or even from the territory to which it belongs, but from very distant countries; and this, though it forms no exception from the general rule, has occasioned considerable variations in the progress of opulence in different ages and nations
20. The: wealth of ancient Egypt, that of China and Indostan, sufficient1y demonstrate that a nation may attain a very high degree of opulence, though the greater part of its exportation trade be carried on by foreigners
21. The towns were deserted, and the country was left uncultivated; and the western provinces of Europe, which had enjoyed a considerable degree of opulence under the Roman empire, sunk into the lowest state of poverty and barbarism
22. The cities of Italy seem to have been the first in Europe which were raised by commerce to any considerable degree of opulence
23. They were the commissaries, if one may say so, of those armies ; and the most destructive frenzy that ever befel the European nations, was a source of opulence to those republics
24. The different progress of opulence in different ages and nations, has given occasion to two different systems of political economy, with regard to enrichiug the people
25. The act of navigation is not favourable to foreign commerce, or to the growth of that opulence which can arise from it
26. As defence, however, is of much more importance than opulence, the act of navigation is, perhaps, the wisest of all the commercial regulations of England
27. Its opulence is said to have created the word “ritzy
28. It is often times, however, the result of self-destructive tendencies common to decaying cultures that have grown (morally) listless and (intellectually) indifferent to their (historic) traditions because of their (material) opulence, perhaps
29. out into the street in their apoplectic opulence
30. Not very far from all that opulence, all that luxury and richness, another modern reality stands out as well: the devastating poverty and destitution of squatters with their cardboard-huts along the railroad tracks or the underpass of the several highways
31. In addition to a couple of heavy ornate rings, he wore a wristwatch that fairly shouted of opulence and good taste
32. Everything around him speaks of wealth and opulence
33. The seven fat cattle mean that Egypt will experience seven years of opulence
34. Out of the luggage car, you lock it behind you and are into the opulence of soft carpet and polished oak vertical paneling blocks, same light design ceiling runs through the corridor, only slightly dimmer light than the eye splitting florescence of where you had come from
35. High ceilings still bore traces of the hand painted reliefs of a century before, and two enormous floor-to-ceiling bay windows gave an aura of antique opulence
36. He was struck with awe at the sheer luxury and opulence of the surroundings
37. For the sake of the semi-positive we shall chronicle the pianist, a true virtuoso if there ever was one, so blessed in the field of melodic opulence that he can very nearly enchant the artistically deficient, weaving them in a web of enlightenment with super-fast keystrokes and pulsations
38. When the opulence of the Occident caught their eyes, the gods themselves thought it fit to desert their abode and descend on the West
39. He smiled at the opulence and luxury of his new surroundings
40. more than a symbol of opulence and arrogance
41. process, but it is not only means to express opulence and sometimes a simple
42. prepared to give and you will find out that you can give opulence in form of
43. Having bought into the old school's theory that more money and more power would make him happy, he was bitterly disappointed to find that even when surrounded by opulence he was still uneasy and somewhat bored with life
44. This is not so in the cities of the United States, where the garbage cans and landfills relate the story of opulence
45. The highlight, she knew, would be the Star of Mysore, the ten-carat, perfect sapphire brilliantly polished to display its full opulence
46. muted sense of aristocratic comfort and opulence
47. The sheer opulence and grandeur of the lounge was hard to take, Max felt unworthy and disheveled in these sumptuous surroundings
48. The combination formed a garment of significant opulence
49. They all agreed that they had never seen such opulence and luxury - certainly not at Chequers!
50. I cannot see how the opulence of Nkandla won’t be very damaging