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    out of the question Beispielsätze

    out of the question

    1. There is a fruit that is very cheese-like in flavor and texture, but cream cheese, whipped cream, things like that, were out of the question

    2. But for here and now, books were out of the question till they found people with the knowledge of printing

    3. Others were out of the question because of the terraces

    4. Dancing the next day was out of the question

    5. ” Harry was nearly in tears he was so proud of his father he could have whooped and yelled in elation, but that his throat was so choked with emotion any noise louder than a squeal was quite out of the question

    6. the Holy Land is out of the question until the two can

    7. all his old contacts were out of the question

    8. Running was out of the question at this particular juncture

    9. To borrow or to lend for such a purpose, therefore, is, in all cases, where gross usury is out of the question, contrary to the interest of both parties; and though it no doubt happens sometimes, that people do both the one and the other, yet, from the regard that all men have for their own interest, we may be assured, that it cannot happen so very frequently as we are sometimes apt to imagine

    10. In the past he would go to the temple for ‘sacred intercourse’, but that was now also out of the question

    11. Nearly out of energy, a proper fight with the beast was almost certainly out of the question

    12. ‘yellow’ was out of the question!

    13. Mentioning that man’s name seemed out of the question

    14. So once more I said goodbye to the people that I loved and to make matters worse I was going to spend a few days with Helen in Manchester which was out of the question now

    15. ! This was out of the question

    16. “So I’m very much afraid Corporal that the CSM is out of the question and he can give you no help whatsoever

    17. Thankfully the moon was almost full in the sky; artificial lights were out of the question

    18. Several fair-sized pythons also came to light, and were dispatched by the niggers, who so battered the carcases that skinning was out of the question

    19. the car was out of the question

    20. Since sibling rivalry is a natural occurrence then rivalry between sets of children is not out of the question

    21. Could it be that, when their man was arrested in Boston that Caroline had decided they should switch their delivery method from mules to horses, and that was why when he made the arrest at the airport nothing had been found? How he craved a look around those stables, but it was out of the question: almost the entire length of the switchback entrance was clearly visible from the hotel, and any nighttime attempt without lights was an invitation to be dashed to bits at the base of a cliff; besides, if he was so much as seen on the property, he would likely lose his badge

    22. “Yeah, the first two look out of the question

    23. “Out of the question

    24. Touching a book smeared throughout with a man’s life-blood was out of the question

    25. “But that’s sort of out of the question…for a government…isn’t it?” asked Trent

    26. The pickup was out of the question, what with the Russians having made inquiries about it, and the chance that they might run into a Soviet patrol of some sort on the road

    27. That’s out of the question

    28. “Flying is out of the question, too many miles,” said Ash, running a hand over his mouth

    29. It is entirely out of the question

    30. But that was out of the question

    31. It had been a cold, raw, wet day of spring storm and Rainbow Valley was out of the question for girls, though the manse and the Ingleside boys were down there fishing

    32. But how could she make them known to all the world? Getting up in church, as she had once done, and explaining the matter was out of the question

    33. Then write down how you would like to be buried and stipulate that cremation is out of the question

    34. It was impossible to check the entire wall, without moving the beer barrels and crates, which was clearly out of the question

    35. At the moment, my focus is on settling down and doing my job as well as I can, in the hope that perhaps a further promotion is not out of the question in the near future

    36. It is not out of the question that I might become the manager of this branch, and then perhaps the regional manager for the London area

    37. I feel it is not out of the question that they are coming to the conclusion that I should be silenced

    38. “I guess a bachelor party is out of the question,” commented Luke

    39. I guess follow the leader was out of the question

    40. I had been injured, and in all my glory I would have taken a severe beating, but as I was yesterday, putting up a fight would have been out of the question

    41. It’s out of the question

    42. Swimming was out of the question because the waves were

    43. It is not out of the question that you may make the Olympics next year, but you also have some other issues that are a priority

    44. ” My mother was, as usual, out of this world so doing something with her was out of the question

    45. Going into debt was out of the question, and the Galactic Princess Pageant was my only chance according to my mom, so I tried

    46. Re-visiting Las Cruces was totally out of the question

    47. moody when I said no, it was out of the question

    48. Aunt Anna said to Halfdan, "If exile is out of the question, then I hope you kill them all

    49. To use it to phone MacKay would be out of the question as he would be overheard by the bartender, as well as the few people at the bar

    50. seeing as it was obviously out of the question to spread it out and

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