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    1. Not only that, if I had it my way she would also oversleep for the first time in her life as well

    1. Earlier, his idea as to what was the cause of his delay had been problems with that broken-down heap of a sedan he drove, while she had imagined him oversleeping, but too many calls to his apartment had been placed and too much time had gone by for either scenario to be true

    2. I never knew anyone to die of oversleeping

    3. might serve it, I will relate a few observations pertaining to oversleeping

    4. Fearful of oversleeping, Elowen didn’t close her eyes that

    5. emerges not as a death sign, but merely due to oversleeping, or you are

    6. Sawkins muttered something about oversleeping himself, and having hastily put on his apron, he went upstairs with Harlow

    7. I was frustrated and mad at myself for oversleeping

    1. What if any of these harbingers of the seasons oversleeps? Another consideration is the realization that the sun could be out where I live on Groundhog Day but it may be cloudy fifteen miles from here, which throws off the authenticity of these underground vegetarians

    1. At first she and Ozzie had tried to pretend that all was normal, that the man had overslept or something

    2. sorry, I must have overslept,” she yawned, as Rex entered the apartment

    3. His was as hot as any of the others: they had had to wait in Puriscal for hours while Caroline overslept, relaxed over a lingering breakfast, prepared herself for riding by braiding her hair into a bun and adjusting her riding regalia to perfection

    4. It is said when on occasions he overslept and did not wake up at the

    5. "We oughtn't to find Sunday dull," said Una sleepily, trying to pull her drowsy wits together with an uneasy conviction that they had overslept

    6. He was a little upset, but I explained that you had probably just overslept and would go with us the next day

    7. They had planed to leave far earlier but they had consumed too much alcohol to travel or care, and had overslept

    8. I literally overslept, awakening the following morning at

    9. Darkness still seeping through the opened windows told Charlie he had not overslept, even though he could hear voices coming from downstairs

    10. She remembered: how they overslept and he had joined her in the shower, ignoring her half-hearted protests about running late

    11. He had been very tired after his long day and the previous sleepless night, and when he found I was immovable he too had gone to bed and overslept himself Immediately on seeing him in the morning I told him what I felt sure was true--that Charlotte, knowing I would come to Arkona in the course of my drive round the coast, had gone on there to wait for me

    12. I forgot to put my alarm on so I overslept and woke late

    13. overslept,” said Judas annoyed

    14. Our appointment was at nine but bashmohandes Omar overslept

    15. He had overslept! A month or so later I called my chief technician at his home

    16. When I awoke, I thought I had overslept and should hurry to prepare myself before Moni came

    17. “I guess I overslept

    18. “Wait a minute and I will get up and open the door, I must have overslept

    19. I had missed my last convocation as I had overslept

    20. He had overslept himself! He got up, put on his still damp jacket and overcoat

    21. It warn't early, because I overslept

    22. The following morning, Toad, who had overslept himself as usual, came down to breakfast disgracefully late, and found on the table a certain quantity of egg-shells, some fragments of cold and leathery toast, a coffee-pot three-fourths empty, and really very little else; which did not tend to improve his temper, considering that, after all, it was his own house

    23. --I suppose it was natural that we should have all overslept ourselves, for the day was a busy one, and the night had no rest at all

    24. Fool! he thought, and slung back the covers and moved to the window, to see that indeed he had overslept

    25. It was odd to have visitors so early unless, of course, he had overslept

    26. She had, in fact, overslept herself a little, and as Becky had done the same, neither had had time to see the other, and each had come downstairs in haste

    27. " I knew it, would be so ! I am late with his quinine and he's all in a fever ! I overslept my

    28. “What time is it? Tell me, quick, for goodness’ sake! How long have I slept?” he added, almost in despair, just as though he had overslept something upon which his whole fate depended

    29. Serézha stayed at home, partly because he had overslept himself, partly because he did not like to stand through a mass, which made his legs faint,—a matter he was unable to understand, since it was a mere trifle for him to walk forty miles on snow-shoes, whereas standing through twelve pericopes was the greatest physical torture for him,—but chiefly because he felt that more than anything he needed a new suit of clothes

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