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    paddy Beispielsätze


    1. ” Two paddy wagons were indeed awaiting them

    2. I left his house early, driving through the paddy fields where the farmers were

    3. In 1970, at twenty-two he found himself in a rice paddy somewhere in Vietnam

    4. I half thought, she was going to have a paddy but she rolled her eyes and then came down to the floor but instead on sitting on the ground, she sat on my lap

    5. After ringing the hospital they called for a paddy wagon and escort and bundled him to the wagon

    6. By the time the intersection had cleared the paddy wagon was a block ahead

    7. The paddy wagon arrived at the ambulance entrance and turned into the bay around the corner from the main entrance

    8. He also took their guns and radios and jumped back into the paddy wagon

    9. They pulled into the same spot and called on the radio to find out where the paddy wagon was that they were supposed to be escorting

    10. Joe and a friend called Paddy O’ Meara and Peter would often go to the open-air markets in the city and pick up the odd bargain

    11. It was at this point that they made friends with Paddy Dowling his wife Mary and their three children

    12. The long established term used by the indigenise population to describe the Irish was of course Paddy or Paddy’s

    13. There were two bungalows on her family plot, one of which her brother Paddy and his wife Nuala lived

    14. Paddy and Nuala had a daughter Sandra who was dating a chap from Liverpool called Steve

    15. The commander went over to look and stared at two hectares of empty freshly picked wet rice paddy

    16. Around 11pm we were arrested, cuffed and thrown in a paddy wagon then transported to the Civic watch house via Woden

    17. occur for raiding rice paddy fields

    18. bedcover and then patiently waited for the paddy wagon workers

    19. figured it was the paddy wagon workers

    20. Paddy wagon workers interpret resistance with illness; the

    21. investigation into why it was so easy for the paddy wagon

    22. Paddy Mayne was a soldier, a solicitor and Ireland and British Lions rugby international

    23. Paddy Mayne joined the SAS in July 1941 and played a major operational role in the Western Desert

    24. Paddy Mayne was born in 1915 in Newtonards, County Down, Northern Ireland

    25. Paddy Mayne's legal and sporting careers were, however, cut short by the outbreak of World War Two, as it did I'm sure for many young men

    26. Although there is no evidence that he was placed under arrest to face the prospect of a court martial, several of his fellow officers allege that this was the first of several Paddy Mayne cover ups

    27. Meanwhile, his former comrades, led now by Captain Paddy Mayne, continued their audacious raids

    28. Paddy Mayne suffered from a crippling back complaint that had been sustained during his army days

    29. On 13th December 1955, Paddy Mayne aged 40, had been drinking and playing poker in a pub not far from his home in Newtonards

    30. "Paddy?" Molly touched me again

    31. "Don't worry, Paddy, Vinnie's got it," said Louie with a smile

    32. Paddy?” Maybe he was as waiter, after all

    33. "Having old Paddy at the transitions and takedown increases the improbability quotient, since

    34. "And while Paddy can't spell, punctuate, or use a Thesaurus, he can write well enough for what

    35. "No, Paddy, we have a plan

    36. Paddy came down between the

    37. Paddy was an irritable boy, about Arin’s age, with a head of flaming hair and a horde of mean older brothers

    38. I leaned over the table I was scouring to listen, but Paddy soon drowned them out:

    39. “She just gave a pretty speech, Sir,” said Paddy, “but I didn’t hear nothin in the way of confession

    40. And after Wille, Paddy and I had buried his goods, the Chief tied all our hands to a rope lead, and goaded us with a nocked arrow back to camp and the oak we’d been tied to the night before

    41. “You saw the Queen murder Ederach?” Paddy said, twisting his face with such a frown that his ears wiggled

    42. Paddy Murfin, an ex Callies Colt, was coaching this

    43. Her father, Paddy (what else) had come to South Africa with his mounted

    44. Paddy felt the goop on his neck and jumped to his feet

    45. ” He looked over at Wille and Paddy

    46. “Send Paddy over to give poor Dick a couple of pointers

    47. Wille, whose little girl had come into the world sometime last month, wasn’t there, but Paddy was, and Nefer, who flicked his hammer and shattered a clay mould

    48. While the unending rows of coconut trees resembled sentries on duty for the visiting dignitaries, the lush green carpets of paddy seedlings went into ripples, as though stirred by their welcoming instinct

    49. Thy sauntered in the paddy fields and roamed about the mango groves until Sandhya became sore footed to go any farther, and ignoring her coy protests, he carried her in his arms, inducing her to cling on to him comfortably

    50. But the farmers’ suicides make another story; it’s the marginal guys, who gamble on the cash crops that come a cropper; why not, lurking behind the probable windfall is the possible failure to devour; have you heard of a paddy farmer or a wheat grower committing suicide as the cash crop losers do? Yet with their eye on the rural vote-bank, how the parties in opposition tirade against the government of the day over these avoidable calamities; maybe the political power changes hands over their dead bodies but the destitute continue to consume pesticides as a way out of their debt traps

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    paddy paddy field rice paddy mick mickey