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    pale-faced Beispielsätze


    1. The considering men and pale-faced women had returned to their conversations only to be replaced by others who stared at them with expressions of concern or fear

    2. As he headed for the cashier’s window he noticed the pale-faced cashier hanging up the phone and quickly locking the door to the office

    3. Pale-faced children, wearing heavy, ugly woollen clothes, ran beside his horse and chattered excitedly

    4. Pale-faced, Eloise walked

    5. There was something sinister about the pale-faced

    6. Around the arena pale-faced men peeped out from behind altars and under benches

    7. In a seat at the back of the hall knelt a pale-faced, weary-looking little woman about thirty-six years of age, very shabbily dressed, who had come in during the singing

    8. As Crass entered, Budd - who was a pale-faced, unhealthy-looking, undersized youth about twenty years of age - looked round and, with a grimace, motioned him to walk softly

    9. The remainder of the Brothers consisted of half-starved, pale-faced working men and women, most of them dressed in other people's cast-off clothing, and with broken, patched-up, leaky boots on their feet

    10. From that glass door the pale-faced man went to the count's bedroom and raised with a constricted hand the curtain of a window overlooking the court-yard

    11. Who should it be but the pale-faced, bearded man, who seemed himself in so nervous a state? What, then, is the connection between Godfrey Staunton and the bearded man? And what is the third source from which each of them sought for help against pressing danger? Our inquiry has already narrowed down to that

    12. Tess, pale-faced, had gone to the door

    13. Lord Butterwell was there as well…on his knees, pale-faced and shaking

    14. Esaul Lovayski the Third was a tall man as straight as an arrow, pale-faced, fair-haired, with narrow light eyes and with calm self-satisfaction in his face and bearing

    15. She ran, pale-faced, to the entry stairs, wiping tears from her eyes

    16. I found her to be a silent, pale-faced woman, much younger than her husband, not more than thirty, I should think, while he can hardly be less than forty-five

    17. There was with us at this moment a new guest, a tall, pale-faced young man, the official admirer of our fair beauty, who had just arrived from Moscow as though on purpose to replace N

    18. But I was not the only person to suffer: it appeared that there was no horse for our new visitor, the pale-faced young man of whom I have spoken already

    19. The pale-faced young artist, with his thin hair combed back behind his cars, was looking with his lifeless blue eyes into a dark corner of the drawing-room, nervously moving his lips and pulling the saucer towards l

    20. In front of a particularly dilapidated hut stood a number of women with children in their arms, and among them he noticed a lean, pale-faced woman, easily holding a bloodless child in a short garment made of pieces of stuff

    21. Esaul Lováyski the Third was a tall man as straight as an arrow, pale-faced, fair-haired, with narrow light eyes and with calm self-satisfaction in his face and bearing

    22. That pale-faced student is a reporter on his way to “hit the pipe

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