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    paled Beispielsätze


    1. Of course, even that paled in comparison to the speed of the Super Chip

    2. Even though we had our fans they paled in comparison to those

    3. Onk paled, while Drau'd cast his eyes to the table, burying them beneath his brow

    4. She wondered if she paled in beauty next to the courtesan

    5. Nerissa flushed with pride at her young cousin’s bravery, then paled with horror when she realized Aunt Melissa must be dead or gravely wounded

    6. Zarko paled at the shocking news and he couldn’t believe what he had just heard

    7. the photograph the Frenchman had paled at, however, the boy was looking directly at the camera

    8. The lower-ranking man paled, obviously not enthused about disturbing Hollowcrest

    9. The old man started in recognition, paled a bit, but managed to stammer that he’d never seen the man in the photograph before

    10. She adored the exercise, the feeling of control – but all of that paled before her love of Serenor and her feelings for Reese

    11. Little did I know that Chad was going through a crisis of self-contempt beside which my own paled

    12. I was never afraid to eat out by myself after that – everyday dining paled by comparison

    13. Howard-Smythe kind of swallowed and paled when he heard that

    14. “Well, that makes two, ‘Sacks,’ around here,” I told Howard-Smythe, who paled and wilted just a little

    15. Neva and Colette paled with

    16. The dryness in his mouth paled in comparison to the heaving sensation deep within his chest

    17. Orphenn paled, and became almost numb with his shocking thought, a

    18. Her face paled slightly as Lord Robert’s words sank in

    19. The lure of greater things for me paled in light of these attractions, but I did think I deserved more money, and I wanted Roy Sr

    20. The flashes around him paled to pink

    21. She had paled and

    22. He glanced over at Mary, who had visibly paled and took her hand in his

    23. "Who said I don't know her?" Aidan's eyes glinted, and I paled

    24. I slowly raised my head and paled when I saw Aidan's mother

    25. For once, Suresh felt that his crimes, though abominable, paled into insignificance compared to the panchayat’s collective cruelty

    26. Unrequited love? “She loves someone else?” he asked sympathetically and knew he was dead on when the boy paled

    27. The whippings Natala had received in the Shemite slave-markets paled to insignificance before this

    28. She paled and almost fainted

    29. He clapped his hands, and Octavia paled

    30. I shuddered and paled, sweating instantly

    31. The sailors who caught and understood the burden of that awesome shout paled and shrank back, staring in sudden fear at the wild figure on the bridge

    32. His complexion has paled, grey hairs and lines have started to appear, and he has developed a paunch

    33. There was something about being with Rosa that paled everything else into insignificance

    34. Her face paled and she glanced round to see if anyone had heard, but the departing guests were too far away and the howling wind had drowned her voice

    35. " His face paled to a sickly grey

    36. Kelly sighed, a quiet release of breath that sagged her shoulders and paled her skin

    37. Brenda paled as Suwanee said, “Is there any way we can get her out of here?”

    38. Max paled and said nothing

    39. The four pilots looked at their two friends still seated and paled

    40. Rachel paled when she read “Stonebridge” on the admiral’s name badge

    41. all this paled into nothing when Rory held the lantern up at one

    42. The victory paled, however, when she thought about how important bringing the enemy ship home intact could have been

    43. When the woman saw him, she paled and quickly regained her composure

    44. He clenched his fists and his face paled out and then reddened

    45. Chin"s face reddened and then paled

    46. The man visibly paled

    47. It had been early morning, whilst the stars were still out yet the night sky had paled to dawn, and it had seemed a logical thing to do at the time, according to the fuzzy, erratic logic of the toxified brain at such a time in the morning

    48. I noticed that Sharon’s face reddened and then paled

    49. hundred torches paled them

    50. His face paled

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