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    parapet Beispielsätze


    1. She leaned over the balcony and looked over the parapet onto the plain below; as far as the eye could see there was white covering the ground

    2. As they left Naria watched them go from the top of the parapet and thought to herself that things were working out better than she could have imagined

    3. Grinning from ear to ear he escorted her to the high parapet that encircled the stronghold and stopped at a large gate

    4. skidding his machine along the stones of the parapet with a shower of

    5. After much muffled shouting from atop the parapet, the beam settled in a slightly bent position then the weights continued on once more

    6. Looking down through a gap in the tower's circular parapet, she shivered as a sudden gust of wind drifted past

    7. A low parapet wall lined the walkways

    8. “It used to be the god awful trouble to bury them our front parapet is stuffed chocker with the buggers because at one time it was the only place we could put them and they offered a bit of extra protection

    9. “When we took this trench from the Turks it was left piled with their dead so we put them in the parapet wall piled soil on them and moved the trench back a bit too where we are now standing

    10. That night we shoved the frames out onto the top of the parapet and then we followed them we then began to manoeuvre them into position in front of the trench

    11. “Yes there is a Lieutenant stood on the fire step looking out with field glasses at the Turkish positions his heads above the parapet like a fairground ‘Aunt Sally’ the fucking idiot

    12. Night fell and we got ready for the wiring party then after the briefing we got up onto the top of the parapet and led down from this position it wasn’t hard to see where the apron wire had been damaged by the shell fire this morning and we could see that there was a fair bit to do

    13. Then we crawled like hell back to the trench and all hell broke loose behind us as a machine gun started up I threw myself forward and was hanging over the parapet as hands grabbed me and pulled me into the trench

    14. She was still leaning against the parapet, seemingly oblivious to the men's chatter

    15. It was bad enough standing up here at this dizzying height clinging on to the parapet for support

    16. We kept on moving along these narrow trenches which now had sandbags on top of the parapet and we could see that grass had seeded itself between these and was now growing adding a splash of green against the muddy colour of the hessian bags

    17. We seemed to be stuck in the same position for ages and a cold wind blew in gusts round the corner of the trench and it whistled screeching through the gaps in the sandbags on the parapet

    18. As I looked up at the parapet I could see rusty barbed wire strung out across the top and the usual smell of latrines, chloride of lime, sweat and decomposing bodies assaulted our sense of smell

    19. ” We went over the top and led down on the parapet and then we crawled towards what was the former German strongpoint in the old cottage ruins

    20. An hour later the guns opened up with their barrage and I watched it falling on the German wire and parapet through the trench periscope

    21. ” Had one last smoke and then it was time to climb out of the trench we led on the parapet and then crawled through our wire and on into the centre of ‘No Man’s Land’ were we lay and waited

    22. Steadily and slowly I crawled back to our lines stopping every so often to listen eventually I was close to the parapet and I gave the password before any trigger happy sentry opened fire and ignited the whole front again

    23. Colonel Terry thought that the situation was so serious that he sent some of the lads crawling out to see if they could pick up any water bottles from the dead Germans or from our dead as well then we rolled the dead Germans onto the parapet and out of the trench to lessen the smell and flies we knew that would soon come in this heat

    24. I hoped George was alright but I could not keep on thinking like this and so I crawled back up and took another look towards the German trenches I could see that some of their troops were stood on the parapet again

    25. The heads disappeared over the parapet again and Frank was left contemplating his half-submerged rucksack

    26. Nothing short of the shackles on his feet prevented him from falling over the parapet of the tower to a well-deserved though ignominious death

    27. Had not their newest ceremony been enough to placate the great Lord of the Flood? She had taken to watching the construction of the new level from the highest parapet of her father’s house

    28. Vaguely, she remembered having curiously studied them from the parapet of her father’s palace home

    29. Her parapet was gone, and the jewel had almost been lost for all time! A shiver coursed through her being at the thought

    30. How could I have agreed to Jon"s being part of this? A shout from the car park sent me to the front parapet

    31. The higher he flew, the more of them he counted until he reached the top of the parapet and the grim massive Keep

    32. He had appropriated a thick tapestry rope in the great hall, and now, having reached the parapet, he looped the soft strong cord about the girl's hips and lowered her to the earth

    33. An adjacent parapet was a shadowy line, and further crenelles and embrasures were barely hinted at in the dim starlight

    34. Chunder Shan, struggling frantically to his feet, saw the man poise an instant on the sill in a flutter of silken skirts and white limbs that was his royal captive, and heard his fierce, exultant snarl: 'Now dare to hang my men!' and then Conan leaped to the parapet and was gone

    35. The leap through the window to the parapet, the mad race across battlements and roofs when the fear of falling froze her, the reckless descent of a rope bound to a merlon—he went down almost at a run, his captive folded limply over his brawny shoulder—all this was a befuddled tangle in the Devi's mind

    36. The green-robed figure on the tower staggered, clutching at the long shaft which quivered in its bosom, and then pitched across the parapet

    37. The second acolyte, in falling, struck the horn with his elbow and knocked it clattering over the parapet to shatter on the rocks far below

    38. They loosed as they ran, their arrows splintering against the walls or arching over the parapet

    39. But the ultimate result was always the same—a mangled black body twitching on the sward, or hurled writhing and twisting from parapet or tower roof

    40. Men paced the runways along the log parapet day and night, watching that dense green wall

    41. A low tree, a few yards below the parapet, received Conan's weight, as he dropped noiselessly into the branches

    42. He staggered as he tried to get up but fell against the parapet hitting his head and passed out

    43. That sentry and another German standing along the parapet were next to disappear

    44. follow her at a crouch to the southern parapet, where Maria, Bibi and Zakia were engaged in a ferocious fight with the tail of the two Taliban assault columns

    45. Walking silently across the roof while crouched, she looked cautiously down over the parapet to check the alley between her and the next compound

    46. Nancy withdrew quickly from the parapet, swearing at her bad luck, but she was too late: the two guards watching the family had looked up at the boy’s exclamation and had seen her, as they next shouted alarm cries to their comrades

    47. Crouching down behind the eastern parapet, she came out of phase shift and cautiously looked towards the police station and the houses nearest to it

    48. Krysten didn’t say a word then, giving instead a last ‘be careful’ look at Nancy before Channing escorted her to the safety ladder connecting the parapet to the roof of the 104th floor of the building

    49. Two cameras and a sound gaffe also were on that platform, while more cameras and sound gaffes were strategically placed along the parapet that surrounded the roof with its wide glass panes held in stainless steel frames

    50. ’’ She told herself before facing Channing Tatum, who also stood on the parapet, about ten meters away and with a pistol in his hands

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    breastwork parapet railing rampart fortification barrier elevation fence palisade