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    pastoral Beispielsätze


    1. He teaches the truth to others (1 Timothy 3:1-2), exhorts in sound doctrine (Titus 1:7-9), convicts the gain-sayers and even preaches (1 Timothy 5:17-18) , better to have full time elders for some real pastoral work than assistant men in ‘ministerial' work), and he speaks the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)

    2. When your sentence is a pastoral existence, that work will be in the fields

    3. The sounds were strange, but pastoral

    4. Indeed, even though that may seem something out of this world, such is Pilar: an idyllic pastoral city of luxurious vegetation in a healthy and religious environment

    5. At the time of the second edition of this booklet (2014) the pastoral charge is vacant and the congregation are looking forward to calling a new minister

    6. In the not too distant future, that pool will reduce as retired ministers inevitably get older and are less able to take on preaching and pastoral duties

    7. Could this be another example of the shortcomings of oral history, a story told and retold countless times until only a parabolic shell is left of what really happened in the desert of the Exodus? If I’m correct in my understanding that the Hebrews of the Exodus who fled Egypt of necessity reverted to an oral history tradition, as well as pastoral ways, then this story after a myriad of repetitions would have lost much of the context out of which it arose

    8. John Meredith, taking the cross-lots road through Rainbow Valley on his way home from some pastoral visitations around the Harbour head one evening, turned aside to drink of the little spring

    9. They were a pastoral people, in general, herding flocks of the lama and the smaller versions called alpaca, although they also raised some centli and the papa

    10. pastoral care is greeted with both horror and fear by most churchgoers, but change

    11. In addition to which there is a need for pastoral care; specially in times when divorce

    12. style of pastoral care is greeted with both horror and fear by most

    13. In addition to which there is a need for pastoral care; specially in times

    14. Roger has happy and pleasant memories of that pastoral haven

    15. In its bucolic setting of pastoral fields they noticed a great number of cows and sheep grazing

    16. From there, the lands beyond the River Derwent estuary reminded Roger of precious pastoral corners of his beloved Bierzo

    17. In Havana, I visit of Soroa the whole pastoral setting,

    18. In 1973, he and Josie were chosen to represent Orange County at a Pastoral Encounter for Spanish people in the Western Catholic Dioceses of the United States

    19. The people of the Exodus came from a pastoral heritage, becoming settled over many generations and then returning to earlier pastoral ways as they embarked upon this epic journey

    20. generations and then returning to earlier pastoral ways as they embarked upon this epic

    21. "Mankind were farmers for tens of thousands of years, starting right after the pastoral stage—it's in our genes

    22. It is a great blessing to see that hesychasm, or sacred quietude, is being recognized as necessary for the renewal of the Church, and for its pastoral work in the world

    23. "KNOW, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars—Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold

    24. To the south the Hyborians have founded the kingdom of Koth, on the borders of those pastoral countries known as the Lands of Shem, and the savages of those lands, partly through contact with the Hyborians, partly through contact with the Stygians who have ravaged them for centuries, are emerging from barbarism

    25. The dusky masters have been driven south of the great river Styx, Nilus, or Nile, which, flowing north from the shadowy hinterlands, turns almost at right angles and flows almost due west through the pastoral meadowlands of Shem, to empty into the great sea

    26. The non-Hyrkanian dwellers of these territories are scattered and pastoral, unclassified in the north, Shemitish in the south, aboriginal, with a thin strain of Hyborian blood from wandering conquerors

    27. The territory about the slowly drying inland sea was not affected, and there, on the western shores, the Nordic tribes began a pastoral existence, living in more or less peace with the Cimmerians, and gradually mixing with them

    28. tence on my part, and I ran "out of the woods" and into Beethoven's Pastoral

    29. Of sportive wood run wild; these pastoral farms,

    30. And this green pastoral landscape, were to me

    31. Nevertheless, and although he himself did not seem to notice it, those letters of recuperation and stimulation were slowly changing into pastoral letters of disenchant-ment

    32. The great American pastime of baseball is a pastoral event

    33. ” – 1983 pastoral letter of the U

    34. Gradually forming simple agricultural and pastoral societies in the regions of the globe with the most benign weather, they soon became known as the ‘Edons’

    35. and sheep and piggies, all that pastoral hippy shite

    36. I don’t mean to idealize the pastoral, here

    37. Hook people up to stress detectors and face them towards a pastoral setting and you will immediately see a drop in blood pressure, a release of endorphins, an increase in awareness, and a decrease in tension

    38. Bob went back to school to get two degrees in Pastoral Studies and Biblical Theology

    39. happy in the pastoral settings Cairnae V would offer

    40. There was the restoration of evangelists around about the '48 through to '50s, the restoration of healing ministries, pastoral ministries, teaching ministries

    41. (regarding those living in poverty) Good question, and very pastoral (laughter)

    42. These dedicated women and men were destined to become social service workers, educators, missionaries, clergy, and pastoral ministers of every sort

    43. He is also vowed and knighted in the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope and a member of the Pastoral Medical Association

    44. "I trust your spiritual aspirations and your pastoral and professional integrity but just want to warn you that if this thing goes too far, I may have to rescind diocesan approbation because of the possibility of scandal

    45. The extremely letter of the law or extrinsically oriented person would have more difficulty with the extremely spirit of the law or intrinsically oriented person than the other way around, in my clinical and pastoral experience

    46. Ministry, be it manual labor, professional services, pastoral care, etc

    47. Twenty-odd years of pastoral work helped this clergy person’s soul to assess the situation quickly

    48. “Very comfortable, thanks to the illumination and courage given me by the Holy Spirit, along with your pastoral skills, Pastor Kathryn

    49. It is a real pastoral tool—and it’s fun too!

    50. Another blessing for Francis was his clinical and pastoral compassion for young married couples

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    Synonyme für "pastoral"

    pastoral idyl idyll pastorale arcadian bucolic country countrified provincial rustic agrarian simple tranquil idyllic halcyon serene quiet