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    pathogenic Beispielsätze


    1. Then the microbial examination followed to show a large number of colonies of pathogenic germs in the culture mediums inoculated with the samples of meat which had not been slaughtered according to God’s statute (i

    2. On 26/9/2000, the same activity was done again with the attendance of physicians and under their sights and hearings in Dooma slaughterhouse, and similarly concerning the precise laboratory examination, then the result was the same: No germs were found at all in the animals slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, while the pathogenic germs were filling the other ones

    3. A- In the samples of meat over which Al’lah’s Name was pronounced (while slaughtering the animals): there was not a germ growth in two of them, while three of them had a microbial growth but in a very rare number of colonies, and the germs were Gram-Negative which are not pathogenic and found only as a result of contamination of the surrounding surface with human and animal remains (Gram-Negative Bacilli, E

    4. 000, and the germs were pathogenic: Gram-Positive cocci; streptococcus and staphylococcus

    5. Second: After examining the meat of animals slaughtered without pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, we found it full of colonies of staphylococcus which are pathogenic and deadly germs

    6. In the laboratory I saw with my own eyes how the slaughtered animal had been affected by pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over it so that it became completely free of the pathogenic agents

    7. There is no proof showing that the whole pathogenic agents ‘microbes and viruses’ are killed by cooking

    8. Actually, the freezing prevents the growth of germs in meat, so if the killed animal is of those which killed without pronouncing the statement "Al'lah is Greater" while slaughtering then the blood remains inside its meat with its contents of the microbes of pathogenic ones such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and E

    9. Although in such cold condition they are not active but they still keeping up their pathogenic capability and when the meat is out of refrigerator as to be cooked in the normal condition of the kitchen, here the condition is suitable to recovering their pathogenic activities as well as to start multiplying and grow forming active colonies

    10. Fermentation increases the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that our bodies need and also breaks down the foods, releasing certain nutrients that would be otherwise unobtainable

    11. Another common cause of the healing crisis has to do with the dying off of certain pathogenic organisms in the body

    12. Gut or intestinal dysbiosis is a condition brought on by the growth of pathogenic parasites, yeast and/or bacteria, when the good bacteria is under threat, which may in itself have any number of causes

    13. It is known to stimulate the immune system and produce antibiotic compounds that inhibit the growth of some pathogenic microorganisms

    14. and breathing in the curved pose would only secure a pathogenic pos-

    15. These strains are the demonstration of pathogenic

    16. Although scientists have long known that in the wild state its saliva contains pathogenic bacteria, it was only in 2009 that this species was also shown to possess a pair of true venom-secreting glands, present in its lower jaw

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    Synonyme für "pathogenic"

    infective morbific pathogenic