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    Verwenden Sie „pauperize“ in einem Satz

    pauperize Beispielsätze




    1. It might pauperize the parents and destroy parental responsibility

    2. They evidently thought that it would be better to destroy the health or even the lives of the `dear little children' than to pauperize the parents or undermine parental responsibility

    1. The hidden ‘solutions’ and reasons for the malady suggested by this charlatan varied: he posited that the sufferer was being affected by the glance of an envier’s eye; he mentioned buried magic tools and the snatching fear which occurs shortly after sunset; he called for the offering of sheep to the magician, that had to be immolated; such proposals continued until the father became utterly pauperized while his son remained ill, because he was simply suffering from chronic migraine!!

    2. They humiliated, degraded and pauperized those who received them, and the existence of the societies prevented the problem being grappled with in a sane and practical manner

    3. Already she had another in process of construction, and she pillowed her cheek against the battered volume containing the encounter between Cophetua and the beggar maid, though he was not a king, and she was not pauperized

    1. The first requisite for a really good use of wealth by the millionaire who has accepted the gospel which proclaims him only a trustee of the surplus that comes to him, is to take care that the purposes for which he spends it shall not have a degrading pauperizing tendency upon its recipients, but that his trust shall be so administered as to stimulate the best and most aspiring poor of the community to further efforts for their own improvement

    2. There is no danger in pauperizing a community in giving for such purposes, because such institutions relieve temporary ailments or shelter only those who are hopeless invalids

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    Synonyme für "pauperize"

    beggar pauperise pauperize