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    1. He has enough aluminum in old pencil stubs to pay her off

    2. John follows, pad and pencil in hand, clearly

    3. drawl, just a hint of Tara, to go with that pencil thin moustache and film star grin

    4. He was a tall, lean man with only a clean goatee, a pencil mustache and a brush of brown hair, dressed in his trimly tailored commandant's uniform with shined boots and fez

    5. A small spiral bound notepad and a short, stubby pencil, just like the ones my father might use to mark his score when playing golf at Ouzai

    6. He had no control over the heavenly pencil

    7. “If all the molecular errors were coordinated on an otherwise empty channel, it is possible the effect would be picked up as a signal, but the probability is about as great as a pencil spontaneously tunneling out of a pencil box

    8. black, his moustache was always pencil thin, and his eyes, even in

    9. was apparently writing with his pencil, not on the pages but on the

    10. Sitting up suddenly, she reaches for the lamp beside the bed and turns it, grabs the pad and pencil she knew would be there and quickly scrawls a note – Your name is Billy – and places it in an obvious place on the bedside table

    11. or pencil or calculator in front of him, only the blank desk that he scraped the gum

    12. Sam Peterman snapped his pencil in frustration and

    13. All Harry focused upon beyond that, 'Begin,' was each question in turn, and the sound of his own pencil on the test sheets

    14. He wrote furiously, constantly, only pausing to sharpen his pencil

    15. back for me one more time,” Roman said as he readied his pencil

    16. Why hadn't she been able to convince Mike to do this for her, he was the one with the degree in accounting, she thought as she twirled the pencil between her fingers, gazing down on the numbers that blurred before her tired eyes

    17. He paid great attention to his well-oiled hair and his pencil moustache, which he kept sharper that his drafting pencils

    18. Freddy walked over to the counter, picked up a pad and pencil, and began

    19. Then I took the piece of string with a pencil on it and I attached the string to the nail in the center of the 4 x 8 and the 2 X 8

    20. I'd then held the pencil at the very end and completely drew a circle that was 2 1/2 feet in diameter

    21. Willow wore a black satin pencil skirt with a white blouse and a black vest

    22. One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked

    23. When using an eyebrow pencil to fill in sparse brows, use light and quick feathered motions

    24. Line top and bottom lashes with brown pencil

    25. Instead of fussing over a bun and keeping every hair in place, let loose by twisting your hair into a low chignon and securing it with whatever’s around you, whether it’s a pencil, your eye liner, or a chopstick

    26. I do believe that in his latest novel, „The Dead Town," Dean Koontz had it just about right when he had one of his seedier characters declare: „We think different from what a bunch of pencil neck Ivy League professors of conflict resolution think

    27. I pulled my pencil and paper over to me and wrote my last letters to Mabel, Beth and to Bill Domby I also wrote to Archie Lane the Aussie we had met in Egypt and who had served on Gallipoli

    28. but the one that has stuck with me over the years is simple, direct, and needs no technology other than a pencil or pen and a pad of

    29. pencil in the box

    30. I told her that I got it from a local phone book, that it was scribbled in pencil next to the ‘New Business’ number

    31. Beans began his investigation by picking up the burned out canister of the smoke grenade with a pencil and said he was going to get fingerprints and would know who did this trick

    32. “I wonder if it was written in pen or pencil

    33. The needle was the size of a pencil!

    34. He picked up a pencil and sighed at the fresh feline tooth marks decorating it

    35. Sespian tapped the pencil thoughtfully

    36. After rinsing his mouth he made his way back to the bedroom and sat at the desk, rummaging around in the drawers until he found some paper and a pencil

    37. “Do you have any recommendations this week?” he asked, plucking a pad and pencil out of a bulging briefcase

    38. He grabbed his pad and pencil

    39. Why would she enter those checks in her book and not write them out? Strange,� remarked Steve as he chewed on his pencil a little bit

    40. �Bad love affairs some time lead to murder, counselor,� replied Steve as he tapped his pencil on the table and he looked at the well-dressed attorney

    41. There were fresh magazines on angled pegs, and there was a date written on the tops of the drums in pencil

    42. �Nice sister-in-law she was,� related Steve as he chewed on his pencil, �and that explains the monthly check for $25,000

    43. Brown, too; but he was apparently flying along with a map in his left hand…a pencil in his right

    44. ” Flores leaned over the grim volume and, with the end of a pencil, began to leaf through

    45. Manuel’s idea with the pencil seemed the wise approach: he used two, working together, and quickly returned to the page

    46. “Who is this person; this ‘Mike Scumbag?’” He tapped at the page with the eraser end of his pencil, and glared his rage at poor Manuel, whose Adam’s apple bobbed at the sight of Gordon’s humorless glare

    47. He used a pencil that he found in the desk drawer to check off items in his inventory and make cryptic notes in the margins of Zabiewski’s list

    48. He made enough entries so he felt it would look as if his efforts were genuine, and laid down the pencil

    49. Very short and pencil thin; there is probably more meat on a gypsy’s whippet and if he weighs in at 40kgs he’s had a big night out, I think, describes him to a tee

    50. Normally, you have to bring or buy everything you need, toothbrush, toothpaste, essential hygiene products, even a pencil and paper

    1. Buttworst finished, and the pencils and calculators went to work

    2. The others were still in the throes of chewing their pencils and scratching through confused responses when the Livingson crew met outside the hall and walked to the ice cream parlor, having previously agreed that that was to be their just reward for at least completing the battery

    3. He paid great attention to his well-oiled hair and his pencil moustache, which he kept sharper that his drafting pencils

    4. Li-Li excitedly opened the package of coloured pencils and colouring book and started to colour

    5. As soon as the jury had a little recovered from the shock of being upset, and their slates and pencils had been found and handed back to them, they set to work very diligently to write out a history of the accident, all except the Lizard, who seemed too much overcome to do anything but sit with its mouth open, gazing up into the roof of the court

    6. had a pad of paper and several pencils of varying lengths at the ready

    7. The rest of the drawers were filled with extra paper, erasers, pencils and mailing items

    8. He opened the journal and turned pages with the aid of two pencils

    9. Trevor blew dust from his computer screen, tidied his pencils and papers, then sat back in his chair and studied the grandfather clock

    10. Books, pencils, and gym clothes all went flying

    11. Once Kelly’s steps had traveled far enough, Gorton arranged all the pens and pencils flat on the desk

    12. Sight: I can see my computer monitor, a glass of water, a cup of pencils, the shadow from the blinds on the windowsill

    13. Then, carefully, he rolled them level and gradually vanquished gravity by pushing the nose down until they were loose in their straps, and their pencils floated up from their sleeve pockets

    14. Merchandise still lined the shelves: snow globes, pencils, postcards, and racks of-

    15. “So do rocks, pencils, and shoes,” Sadie said

    16. colored pencils and paper for this part of the process so that I can doodle all around

    17. I picked out a T-shirt, pencils, pens, a few books and two posters for Nathan

    18. Henson leaned on a filing cabinet and watched as the Director gathered a notebook, pencils, maps, a pair of binoculars, and tossed them into the case

    19. They had three imaginary shopping baskets: one for normal office supplies – scotch tape, pens and pencils, etc

    20. The three remaining council members started passing around slips of paper and pencils to the seated vampires

    21. As for the map, it also proved of great interest, with a number of arrows marked with grease pencils and accompanied by unit designations in Chinese

    22. He nodded hello to Graisco and seated himself in one of the overstuffed chairs across from Higgins’s desk that was littered with open files, loose leaf paper, legal pads, pens, pencils, paper clips, and other miscellaneous items that would normally be in the top desk drawer of anyone more organized

    23. Graphite conducts electricity and is the soft gray/black substance used as “lead” in pencils

    24. Surely, a high school would have any number of pencils

    25. I had brought with me from England a set of water colour pencils

    26. pencils and pens that they were swiftly moving over their paper was

    27. But he had not only seen through the front, like he had seen into the toy box and Tim’s cupboard, but had simply reached in and taken out the box of pencils, without opening it

    28. It had gone through his mind that he should also ask them to leave their pens and pencils in the outer office, but he had concluded that there was little point in rubbing salt in their wounded pride by going quite that far

    29. The simple map tables and pencils of the Twentieth Century gave way to computer animation, real-time satellite imagery and Hardin’s favorite, an antique three-dimensional holographic map table used since the mid 21st Century

    30. I put another cookie on the top plate, and then there were two pencils on the plate beneath it

    31. I lifted up the plate of pencils, and there were two dollars on the plate beneath the pencils

    32. Wilx and Krimshaw sat him down in a chair, gave him a clipboard, a few pencils and a stack of blank paper, and told him to merely write down exactly whatever they told him

    33. To my surprise, there was purple vinyl high chair that was waiting for me in front of a long table full of foundation, concealer, mascara, eye curlers, eye pencils, eyeshadow, blush on and lipsticks

    34. my pencils and selected two of a similar shade

    35. Although the pack of pencils and the pastel rainbow-colored

    36. Eye shadow is available in various forms; creams, pencils and pressed powder, all with either a matt or pearl-finish

    37. Powder pencils allow for precise application, while the cream formulations tend to crease in the eyelid

    38. Some eyeliner pencils are water-soluble; they have to be moistened with water or saliva before being applied and will give either a hard or gentle line as required

    39. Other eyeliner pencils are used without moistening them; before buying this type of pencil, test that it is not too hard by using it on the fine skin between your thumb and first finger and checking that it does not drag or catch the skin

    40. The reporters in their little room outside were on the qui vive and I heard a whisper and a busy scratching of pencils as we passed in and the presence of someone else in the District Attorney's office was noted

    41. Not that much sweeping was needed, for the table was big and all that was on it was the notepaper which earlier in the afternoon had been scattered on the floor, a rusty pen or two, some pencils whose ends had been gnawed as the pencils of a child at its lessons are gnawed, a neglected-looking inkpot, and a grey book with _Household Accounts_ in dark lettering on its cover

    42. Within minutes he had bought a steno notepad, three pens, four Venus Velvet HB pencils and a plastic clipboard

    43. "During his visit he remarked to my aunt that he desired to make the acquaintance of the mayor and the school master as that was his habit when he traveled about since the business that he owns supplies pencils, pens, ink and paper to town and school administrations

    44. Where are your red and blue pencils? Guess you haven't been

    45. It is essentially the very substance as we use in pencils, the carbon that makes all living things function, the stuff of coal and diamonds

    46. The wooden walls were lined with shelves full of hundreds of different kinds of thread and tons of each type, along with cloths, jewels, ribbon, needles, measuring tape, tape, glue, hot glue, the 'guns' used for said hot glue, patterns, dye, a microwave(hey you've got to eat some time right?), pens, pencils, erasers(what? they make mistakes too), pop tabs, chains, foam, etc

    47. Pencils rolled, coffee cups jingled

    48. Bring paint colors or color pencils and some paper to draw a picture of the boat and label the areas

    49. For he had grown to be a man, and was about to be immersed in things--as indeed the chambermaid, emptying his basin upstairs, fingering keys, studs, pencils, and bottles of tabloids strewn on the dressing-table, was aware

    50. The young lady herself received the news as tidings of great joy, went about in a solemn sort of rapture, and began to sort her colors and pack her pencils that evening, leaving such trifles as clothes, money, and passports to those less absorbed in visions of art than herself

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    Synonyme für "pencil"

    pencil ray beam shaft streak stream rod stick indicator graphic instrument lead chalk