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    1. of the ‘ageing’ population, both on account of increased lifespan for pension and social security and higher healthcare costs

    2. This has forced them to curtail on such expenses and also reduce/do away with the assured returns on the pension schemes

    3. In India, we hear that the government may be planning to limit pension till the age of 75

    4. Your mother and I also have a pension fund of a few thousand that we could cash in, but it would take a week at least for that

    5. Pension funds to be cashed in, which would take at least a week, plus some prize bonds, would come to just under 10k

    6. In the meantime, she still works as a chamber maid in the Hotel “Blue Rose” in Vouliagmeni, while my parents have undertaken the bringing up and support of her two sons – which means at least half of my father's pension is spent on the needs of Alice and her children

    7. His wife of twenty years chose the pension and condo in Sao Luis rather than a berth on the Lula and now she was his greatest disappointment, he knew then it had been a one-sided relationship all along

    8. I am authorised by the High Guild to inform you that in recognition of the services of the family of James Joris Lilwin (known as Sweet) a small pension will be paid to you for the duration of your life

    9. Thus, if a guinea be the weekly pension of a particular person, he can in the course of the week purchase with it a certain quantity of subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements

    10. If the pension of such a person was paid to him, not in gold, but in a weekly bill for a guinea, his revenue surely would not so properly consist in the piece of paper, as in what he could get for it

    11. As the same guinea which pays the weekly pension of one man to-day, may pay that of another to-morrow, and that of a third the day thereafter, the amount of the metal pieces which annually circulate in any country, must always be of much less value than the whole money pensions annually paid with them

    12. That his political leaders who gave the instructions to do so are on a nice fat state pension living ordinary lives is something you can judge for yourself

    13. "She reckoned you were trying to steal her pension book

    14. The worse is, he had two patents worth millions and signed them over to the company he worked for and now there isn’t so much as a pension to raise their daughter on!”

    15. Helping us might put his pension at risk –

    16. I knew that a disability pension wasn"t going to keep me going for long

    17. The poor man had been turned down for a disability pension six times, and yet the guy had lost about the last hundred jobs he had, due to the mean and arbitrary nature of back trouble

    18. The pension application process turned out to be kind of mean and arbitrary as well, with every government employee, charged with the responsibility of administering those pensions, taking great delight in conspiring to deny those benefits to anyone that actually needed them

    19. Harry just wanted his pension, understandably enough

    20. Oh! And Harry has forgotten all about his disability pension

    21. “Whereas you are in it for the pension, the benefits and the mademoiselle

    22. government contributes the amount that they estimate is needed for a minimum pension

    23. adequate pension and the government would not have the present problem that exists today

    24. I was allowed to join permanent staff in the Department of Education with rights to a pension (previously denied to me when I was a divorced “alien

    25. There were other documents forged as well – my dad’s pension fund for example had a letter, sighed by us, the children who stated how we loved this woman and how she cared for my dad, day and night at his bedside etc

    26. Now that he's on full pension, he feels

    27. from the RCMP's insurance and pension funds to cover agency

    28. concerns about the misuse of RCMP pension funds, his "protestations fell

    29. pension constituted a breach of trust”

    30. was assigned to assist in the OPS investigation of the pension scam, and

    31. concluded, "what happened in the administration of the RCMP pension

    32. was a cover-up in the abuse of the police force's pension fund

    33. of the pension funds

    34. She felt that monies belonging to the pension plan

    35. of the pension plan issues for a year and a half before he (apparently

    36. Macaulay told us that he had no knowledge of wrongdoing in the pension

    37. Zaccardelli that he had had knowledge of the pension matters for a year

    38. investigation had found abuses of the pension and insurance plans,

    39. At the time of that audit, the pension fund had a value of $12

    40. 3 million was charged to the pension and insurance

    41. The RCMP pension scandal - “investigations stopped as allegations

    42. on irregularities in the pension plan's books, took her concerns to her boss,

    43. November, that concluded the administration of the pension fund was

    44. overriding controls in the running of the force's pension and insurance

    45. 3-billion pension plan and

    46. concerns about how the RCMP was handling the pension fund in early

    47. complicated pension fund tale, stunned the MPs on the committee when

    48. RCMP pension scandal when they appeared before a Commons committee

    49. from the RCMP pension scandal when they appeared before a Commons

    50. 4-billion pension plan that was improperly

    1. with a metal press, an old pre-war monster that should have been pensioned off with

    2. pensioned off but the loss of their families will be undoubtedly very painful to them

    3. Ascough who never thought anything about anything, having discovered that if once you begin to think there is no end to it, and a dried and brittle little man lately pensioned off by the firm he had been clerk to and taking his first trip on the continent in a condition of profound uninterestedness, threw it aside

    4. The count inquired whether any of the ancient jailers were still there; but they had all been pensioned, or had passed on to some other employment

    5. I must not at least sink into the degradation of being pensioned for work that I never achieved

    1. These houses are offerings to ruin in their luxurious pensions,

    2. All taxes, and all the revenue which is founded upon them, all salaries, pensions, and annuities of every kind, are ultimately derived from some one or other of those three original sources of revenue, and are paid either immediately or mediately from the wages of labour, the profits of stock, or the rent of land

    3. As the same guinea which pays the weekly pension of one man to-day, may pay that of another to-morrow, and that of a third the day thereafter, the amount of the metal pieces which annually circulate in any country, must always be of much less value than the whole money pensions annually paid with them

    4. But the power of purchasing, or the goods which can successively be bought with the whole of those money pensions, as they are successively paid, must always be precisely of the same value with those pensions ; as must likewise be the revenue of the different persons to whom they are paid

    5. In England, for example, when, by the land-tax, every other sort of revenue was supposed to be assessed at four shillings in the pound, it was very popular to lay a real tax of five shillings and sixpence in the pound upon the salaries of offices which exceeded a hundred pounds a-year; the pensions of the younger branches of the royal family, the pay of the officers of the army and navy, and a few others less obnoxious to envy, excepted

    6. It was the Nationalists who caused the SAP to carry that label and yes, I accuse the Nationalists for dishonouring the SAP and then running away as fast as they could for their pensions when it all came crashing down

    7. The Nationalists who caused it because of their stupid laws are now off the hook and living well of their fat pensions

    8. The Nationalists got their inflated pensions in return for they knew well how to take care of number one

    9. The ―Propensity to Save,‖ especially among the middle classes, has been superseded by Social Security, Pensions, 401(k)s and Home Equity

    10. We are living in a day and age when the gradual elimination of company pensions, uncertain 401K‘s and a social security system badly in need of reform are compelling most workers to manage their (own) retirement plans more carefully which, for many, implies wor king until the age of sixty five or older until (S

    11. Republicans also sent the Post Office into bankruptcy, forcing the funding of their pensions for 80 years, to try to break postal unions

    12. The pension application process turned out to be kind of mean and arbitrary as well, with every government employee, charged with the responsibility of administering those pensions, taking great delight in conspiring to deny those benefits to anyone that actually needed them

    13. At that point, Elena broke in to say that she knew of a seaside town with pensions and small hotels where she and Tomasz had stayed before the war, and provided directions to Hermann on how to get there

    14. know what this means, don’t you? Both you and I will lose our jobs and pensions

    15. 56 And he commanded to give to all who kept the city pensions and wages

    16. cut old age pensions, medical treatment, and other

    17. the elderly – like health care or old age pensions or

    18. advantage whenever they cut old age pensions,

    19. or the elderly – like health care or old age pensions

    20. food and thousands of poker machines with their pensions, was a mystery impossible to fathom

    21. “There’s no job security or company pensions in this game,” he told him

    22. The friend had a brother who operated one of the hundreds of pensions in the old city

    23. The pretext was offered, in fact, when the president of the republic refused to award any military pensions to former combatants, Liberal or Conservative, until each case was examined by a special commission and the award approved by the congress

    24. In that telegram which was never made public, he denounced the first violation of the Treaty of Neerlan-dia and threatened to proclaim war to the death if the assignment of pensions was not resolved within two weeks

    25. The last time he was seen to take an interest in some matter related to the war was when a group of veterans from both parties sought his support for the approval of lifetime pensions, which had always been promised and were always about to be put into effect

    26. With them he waged the sad war of daily humiliation, of entreaties and petitions, of come-back-tomorrow, of any-time-now, of we’re-studying--your-case-with-the-proper-attention; the war hopelessly lost against the many yours-most-trulys who should have signed and would never sign the lifetime pensions

    27. Included in this action is the readjustment of pensions to be capped at $40K with longer service requirements for the civil servants

    28. The specter of estate tax is looming in the corner of every hospital room in America, or so goes the story, waiting to deprive widows of their husbands’ hard-earned pensions and children of their college funds, if Mr

    29. Women’s pensions are correspondingly smaller because they haven’t paid as much in to the company’s pension plan, and women who live alone reputedly have a difficult time making ends meet, much less saving for anything

    30. Pensions were simply never a good idea

    31. Vyyn nodded soberly at that: with no system of social security or old age pensions, the people of this century depended on their children to support them once age, disease or wounds incapacitated them, making them unable to earn a living by themselves

    32. Hundreds of thousands of employees and investors lost pensions,

    33. After all, how can we remain competitive in this new global business environment if we are paying out on employee pensions when our competitors have already bailed on their pension plans? Maybe you are lucky to still be on the hourly payroll; we’ll don’t worry, the government insured pension fund will cover a small part of paying you YOUR money that is unless every other company dumps their pension plans onto the insured fund then most likely you won’t get any of YOUR money that is unless Congress bails out your pension by raising your taxes

    34. We are nothing but tools for them to be utilized to their maximum efficacy and then discarded without incurring any additional costs such as healthcare, social security, and pensions what have you

    35. You’d stand a better chance of persuading them to give up their pensions

    36. Pensions are almost obsolete because the companies have

    37. •Shall be responsible for the payments of old age pensions, war veterans allowances and disability grants

    38. I propose we legalise prostitution and have registered places of business with medical schemes and pensions in place for the sex worker industry

    39. Examples of nontaxable benefits and pensions consist of the

    40. non-taxable pensions you received during the year

    41. Since most of us are bad at long term planning and are taught by games to expect immediate reward gratification, how hard will it be for us to stay focused and entertained to manage our pensions for fifty working years? Neither the stock market nor any company has that kind of winning streak, yet they are preparing us to want to gamble with our safety net, because we love to game and have been conditioned to demand a more just reward, i

    42. Without having had any of the joys of Siegfried--I can't think Dolly would mutter a name in her sleep that wasn't her husband's--she has spent these years of war cheerfully accepting the results of him, devoting herself to the forlorn and stranded German widow, spending her life, and what substance she has, in keeping her company in the dreary pensions of a neutral country, unable either to take her home to England or to leave her where she is by herself

    43. Having guessed that Dolly was a German widow I might so easily have guessed the rest: the poverty arising out of such a situation, the vexations and humiliations of the attitude of people in the pensions she has dragged about in during and since the war,--places in which Dolly's name must needs be registered and her nationality known; the fatigue and loneliness of such a life, with no home anywhere at all, forced to wander and wander, her little set at Dulwich probably repudiating her because of Dolly; or scolding her, in rare letters, for the folly of her sacrifice; with nothing to go back, to and nothing to look forward to, and the memory stabbing her always of the lost glories of that ordered life at home in her well-found house, with the church bells ringing on Sundays, and everybody polite, and a respectful crossing-sweeper at the end of the road

    44. The reporter spoke to the protesting pensioners who had taken to the streets in their thousands, for they knew it would mean more reduced pensions for them

    45. There's not even a tax on company profits, and, as well as that, they don't tax pensions paid to residents by other states

    46. money in The States, people lose their pensions, lots of scandals

    47. appointed her secretary to the minister of pensions in 1961, she was dissatisfied:

    48. which gave rise to the idea of all western people indulging themselves in literally every sin, every addicting substance, every form of ease, every luxury known to mankind… which in turn created whole new industries of corruption: from the nickelodeon to walking picture shows, to cars, to free TV shows, to free highways, to free pornography on the internet, to mutual funds, to old age pensions, to Bernie Madoff’s 50 billion stolen dollars… Stealing 50 billion dollars isn’t much of a crime when everyone in western society envied him his riches

    49. Our economy has proven that social security, pensions and 401k may not be around for us in the future

    50. Studies show that most pensions do not make up the difference between what you actually need and what Social Security provides

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    Synonyme für "pension"

    pension pension off stipend reward subsidy fellowship scholarship alimony retirement annuity support payment allowance