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    perfectly calm Beispielsätze

    perfectly calm

    1. He was perfectly calm, eyes steady, face placid

    2. Though the horses were perfectly calm under the careful guidance of their riders, both Feltus and Terence were skittish for their own private reasons

    3. With a perfectly calm and confident air as well as his trustful aides behind him, Feltus took a step forward so that the rest of the suite would be in his sight; his footstep echoed portentously in the somber and tense atmosphere

    4. “She was perfectly calm when she left me

    5. Strange to say, he seemed immediately to have become perfectly calm; not a trace of his recent delirium nor of the panic fear that had haunted him of late

    6. Perfectly calm and steady, he sometimes repeated them to himself as he walked; but, he heard them always

    7. "Well," said he in a voice perfectly calm, and no muscle of his countenance disturbed, "well, my dear Vampa, it appears to me that you receive a friend with a great deal of ceremony

    8. "You have there a most charming mistress, viscount," said the count in a perfectly calm

    9. "I asked you," continued Villefort, in a perfectly calm tone, "where you conceal the poison by the aid of which you have killed my father-in-law, M

    10. Ulbrickson scoffed, said he was perfectly calm, and inserted the wrong end of a cigarette into his mouth

    11. "Certainly not, senor," she said, with that perfectly calm openness of manner which characterized all her utterances

    12. Kitty was the only person who felt perfectly calm and happy

    13. Be perfectly calm, be careful

    14. Otherwise, she looked perfectly calm and composed

    15. There had been little subtle signs, little suspicions for the past month; things as deep as sea tides in her, like looking at a perfectly calm stretch of tropic water, wanting to bathe in it and finding, just as the tide takes your body, that monsters dwell just under the surface, things unseen, bloated, many-armed, sharp-finned, malignant and inescapable

    16. There was a rather hard look in his beautiful dark eyes even when he was perfectly calm

    17. Though not outwardly shaken by the event (indeed, she seemed perfectly calm), she was trembling inwardly from head to foot

    18. I could never understand how, five minutes after the Major left, there was a mass of drunken prisoners, whereas as long as he remained every one was perfectly calm

    19. He was perfectly calm

    20. The boxer alone was perfectly calm; he twisted his moustaches with affected dignity, and if his eyes were cast down it was certainly not in confusion, but rather in noble modesty, as if he did not wish to be insolent in his triumph

    21. Kirillov, on the other hand, was perfectly calm and unconcerned, very exact over the details of the duties he had undertaken, but without the slightest fussiness or even curiosity as to the issue of the fateful contest that was so near at hand

    22. Botchkova seemed perfectly calm

    23. Her black hair was arranged in ringlets over her forehead in the same way as it had been two days ago; her face, though unhealthy and puffy, was attractive, and looked perfectly calm, only the glittering black eyes glanced strangely from under the swollen lids

    24. The fowl, with red comb shaking, seemed perfectly calm; he only rolled up his eyes and stretched out and drew in one black leg, clawing the girl’s apron

    25. How can they, even, who take no active part in it,—the spectators, whose indignation would be aroused by accounts of private violence, even though it be but the ill-usage of a horse,—how can they allow this shocking business to go on without rising in wrath to resist it, crying aloud, "No, we will not allow you to flog or to kill starving men because they refuse to surrender their last property villainously attempted to be wrested from them!" And not only are men found willing to do these deeds, but most of them, even the chief instigators, like the steward, the landowner, the judge, and those who take part in originating prosecution and punishment, the Governor, the Minister of State, the Czar, remain perfectly calm, and show no sign of remorse over such things

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