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    1. But of all the productions of land, milk is perhaps the most perishable

    2. The greater part of goods, besides, are more perishable than money, and he may frequently sustain a much greater loss by keeping them

    3. But though a particular merchant, with abundance of goods in his warehouse, may sometimes be ruined by not being able to sell them in time, a nation or country is not liable to the same accident, The whole capital of a merchant frequently consists in perishable goods destined for purchasing money

    4. Nothing, therefore, it is pretended, can be more disadvantageous to any country, than the trade which consists in the exchange of such lasting for such perishable commodities

    5. That this extraordinary profit, however, is no more than sufficient to put his trade upon a fair level with other trades, and to compensate the many losses which he sustains upon other occasions, both from the perishable nature of the commodity itself, and from the frequent and unforeseen fluctuations of its price, seems evident enough, from this single circumstance, that great fortunes are as seldom made in this as in any other trade

    6. He said that church members had cleaned it up a bit, and thrown away most of the perishable items, but that the power and water were still on

    7. Every sober-thinking individual (intuitively) understands that Freedom is a perishable commodity that should be handled with care

    8. “In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the geniunes of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ

    9. Their fission reactors had been carefully tended and their perishable supplies replaced when they went stale so that their fusion reactors could be quickly restarted and the ships sent out

    10. concluded that the changing world, visible to the senses, is too perishable and unstable to

    11. But these rewards are finite and perishable

    12. immutable (the perishable and the imperishable)

    13. ing these questions that the Self alone is real and also that the bodies of all living beings are perishable

    14. its fruits are perishable

    15. As a matter of fact, it has over 47 times the antioxidant value of fish oil, which helps prevent the perishable omega-3

    16. Proceeding with this theory then, Jesus’ perishable,

    17. But when this perishable will have put on the

    18. It is sown a perishable body,

    19. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised

    20. But when this perishable will have put on

    21. perishable will have put on (enduno) the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on

    22. It (the body) is sown a perishable BODY, it (the body) is raised an

    23. • New International Version: “For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the

    24. things that have a perishable nature, or a limited duration, as the priesthood of Aaron, the

    25. when this perishable will have put on [enduno] the imperishable, and this

    26. " Instead of saying mankind is immortal; therefore, cannot be destroyed, this is speaking of the frail and perishable nature of a person, that their life depends on the breath in the nostrils

    27. PUT ON IMMORTALITY: "For this perishable must put on (enduno) the imperishable, and this mortal must put on (enduno) immortality

    28. But when this perishable will have put on (enduno) the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on (enduno) immortality" (1 Corinthians 15:53-54); most every one understands that a person cannot put on something they already have on

    29. It (the body) is sown a perishable BODY, it (the body) is raised an imperishable BODY; it (the body) is sown in dishonor, it (the body) is raised in glory; it (the body) is sown in weakness, it (the body) is raised in power; it (the body) is sown a natural BODY, it (the body) is raised a spiritual BODY

    30. · New International Version: “For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality

    31. · New American Standard Bible: “For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality

    32. Unlimited duration when it is speaking God, limited duration of things that have a perishable nature, or a limited duration, as the priesthood of Aaron, the covenant of circumcision, the three days Jonah was in the belly of the whale, etc

    33. This is much simplified when we remember bottles in those days were made of perishable substances such as leather and skins of animals

    34. ’ A life which, notwithstanding the possession of a spiritual faculty, persists in being animal, or psychical only, is by divine decree transitory and perishable

    35. Apart from such renewal in the Divine likeness, life, however intelligent, is perishable, for the soul {sous} has no union with Eternal Love

    36. From the first Adam they have received by traduction of being a nature which is animal and perishable

    37. The grass withered, and the flower felt away (the reason of the necessity of regeneration is not only the sinfulness but the perishable nature of man)

    38. It may be asked of us, Do you indeed believe that regenerate man passes into endless being; or that true faith carries with it a destiny so different from that of common men, as you would assign to it? For who that reflects on the community of the human race in all its conditions of temporal existence, on its common origin, on its physical, intellectual, and moral unity, on the historical, ancestral, and social causes which determine so much that we call character, on the many excellences of the bad, and on the manifold imperfections of the good—can fail to stumble at a doctrine which places the seal of indestructibility on the foreheads of some, and relegates the unsaved remnant of mankind, with all their virtues, struggles, and woes, to the realms of the perishable, and the doom of irremediable destruction?

    39. And so this diviner order of the Kosmos reigned through untold ages, while the earth swarmed with the mortal lives that sprang into being in successive bursts of the all creating Energy,—which never, by existing law, excluded itself from operating by introduction of fresh elements, but vindicated, even in a world of perishable plants and animals, both its love of continuity, and its absolute sovereignty and freedom,—at once in Creation and Destruction:—it may be bringing, as men say, life out of life, varying its forms under the pressure of external conditions, and achieving its present results by a gradual transformation of pre-existing types—though of this the fossil record contains no evidence —or, it may be, in the popular sense, creating, time after time, new tenants of the void, and causing the fruitful Earth to bear in succession the original distinct kinds of living things, out of which all sub varieties have sprung

    40. Man at his creation was of earth (coikoperishable

    41. Christians who are disposed to dwell in a pretentious spirit upon their 'privileges’ are very likely to look, complacently upon their own immortality, in contrast with the, perishable nature of their unsaved neighbors

    42. " Instead of saying mankind is immortal and therefore, cannot be destroyed, this is speaking of the frail and perishable nature of a person that their life depends on the breath in the nostrils

    43. PUT ON IMMORTALITY: "For this perishable must put on [enduno] the imperishable, and this mortal must put on [enduno] immortality

    44. I gazed long at the weather-worn block, and, stooping down, perceived a hole near the bottom still full of snail-shells and pebbles, which we were fond of storing there with more perishable things; and, as fresh as reality, it appeared that I beheld my early playmate seated on the withered turf: his dark, square head bent forward, and his little hand scooping out the earth with a piece of slate

    45. They were perishable

    46. She believed in him as an excellent man whose piety carried a peculiar eminence in belonging to a layman, whose influence had turned her own mind toward seriousness, and whose share of perishable good had been the means of raising her own position

    47. ” For an enlightening reminder of how perishable the performance of different investment styles can be, see www

    48. I gazed long at the weather-worn block; and, stooping down, perceived a hole near the bottom still full of snail-shells and pebbles, which we were fond of storing there with more perishable things; and, as fresh as reality, it appeared that I beheld my early playmate seated on the withered turf: his dark, square head bent forward, and his little hand scooping out the earth with a piece of slate

    49. There Charley could with his delicate exploring nose read his own particular literature on bushes and tree trunks and leave his message there, perhaps as important in endless time as these pen scratches I put down on perishable paper

    50. That my spirit should be veiled in perishable matter,

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    perishable spoilable