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perplex Beispielsätze
1. The question was: What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query
2. 4 "Ganid, I can well understand how some of these problems perplex you, and I will endeavor to answer your question
3. This was one of those life changing decisions, which may have been planned, that would disturb, perplex, haunt, and taunt me for the rest of my life
4. Mayor Cassim repeated the word “Yoda”, that he heard in his translator, silently to himself, looking perplex
5. Yes, she concluded, here on these grounds she found contentment and comfort from her pains of life; all her troubles and all the ills of the world, even that dreadful war across the ocean, seemed menial while in the sanctuary of this place, even though her mind was wont to churn and perplex about issues over which she had no control
6. It however explains many things about this young Dows that had left me perplex
7. That rendered Konovalov perplex for a moment and he examined the course of a few individual Morg ships before an explanation came to his mind, making him grin with glee
8. Ferguson was left perplex by that
9. They have different perplex
10. The sergeant then looked at his corporal, perplex
11. As he was about to reenter his house just before supper, Pierre suddenly slowed down his pace and stopped in front of his door, perplex: somebody was playing the piano he had in his lounge
12. What is Magic? is a book for beginners on the spiritual path of magic which answers the foregoing questions, and addresses many of the doubts which often perplex new magicians
13. perplex me because sometimes the day of celebration is months away from your actual birthday and sometimes there are different days on which you can have a party for your name
14. This seemed to perplex and irritate the other mercenaries
15. Now watch the movements of the Sadducees, as they frame their proposition for the Lord, expecting to perplex and confuse Him as they had the Pharisees
16. The diversity of belief, therefore, on this subject, among the adherents of the doctrine here defined, is not peculiar to them, and is occasioned by apparent decrepancies of statement in the Biblical writings, especially in the English version, which perplex the students of both systems
17. He found nothing to perplex or disappoint, much to admire and approve, for overlooking a few little affectations of speech and manner, she was as sprightly and graceful as ever, with the addition of that indescribable something in dress and bearing which we call elegance
18. "We're dismal enough without conjuring up ghosts and visions to perplex us
19. I used to draw a comparison between him and Hindley Earnshaw, and perplex myself to explain satisfactorily why their conduct was so opposite in similar circumstances
20. He took out his black pipe and was going to fill it with negro-head, when, looking at the tangle of tobacco in his hand, he seemed to think it might perplex the thread of his narrative
21. All around, there were monuments carved with armorial bearings; and on this simple slab of slate—as the curious investigator may still discern, and perplex himself with the purport—there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon
22. Lavrushka, understanding that this was done to perplex him and that Napoleon expected him to be frightened, to gratify his new masters promptly pretended to be astonished and awe-struck, opened his eyes wide, and assumed the expression he usually put on when taken to be whipped
23. “That may be so, but I do not allow it,” and his tone implied, “You city gentlemen may think to surprise and perplex us, but we in Eastern Siberia also know what the law is, and may even teach it you
24. Lavrúshka, understanding that this was done to perplex him and that Napoleon expected him to be frightened, to gratify his new masters promptly pretended to be astonished and awe-struck, opened his eyes wide, and assumed the expression he usually put on when taken to be whipped
25. As for these duties of our office, these examinations, all this formality—you yourself, you will remember, touched upon the topic just now, batuchka—these examinations, and so forth, sometimes perplex the magistrate much more than the man under suspicion
26. You have no kind of evidence, and the man of yesterday does not exist! All you wish is to perplex me—to enrage me, so as to enable you to make your last move, should you catch me in such a mood, but you will not; all your pains will be in vain! But why should he speak in such covert terms? I presume he must be speculating on the excitability of my nervous system
27. That these shells, such as abound in our rivers, ponds, and lakes, should be found in low prairies along the banks of waters which frequently overflow them, excites no wonder, nor even surprise; but that these shells should be found thus imbedded in pebbles and sand underneath several feet of alluvial soil, in situations more than one hundred feet above the waters of any stream now in existence, is calculated to perplex the mind of the superficial observer
1. His turn to look perplexed
2. “Wizard?” Alan was even more perplexed with this turn in her line of interrogation
3. patiently, but was, if anything, even more perplexed by
4. perplexed at this news, I wandered around the Bastille
5. " The meter spat it out, Lemoss looked perplexed and tried again, this time two ducits spat out
6. to say though was another question that perplexed me
7. He would stand and watch in perplexed and disconcerted silence
8. Neither ChériAna nor GingerKat could help but laugh, even though the Elf was perplexed by their response
9. And the thief looked on for a few moments, perplexed
10. This had Bradlee utterly perplexed
11. slightly perplexed about the whole matter and with a bad taste
12. He was perplexed and overcome by a powerful urge to walk over to her, but his thoughts were broken by the slamming of a door
13. Without a word, Longleaf sprinted for the door, utterly perplexed as to why his own ship was leaving the harbor without him
14. It took the perplexed doctor a while to get him up again, for he kept passing out
15. So I said a bit perplexed “So f what and what is the cheetah doing by the f way?”
16. Once, being obnoxious according to the perplexed Chaplain, I asked why the issued Bible repeated itself in the first four books of the New Testament and would it not be better just to choose one gospel and get done with? It was not as if you needed more than one statement on the same subject because the Apostles were fairly reliable witnesses and would not any of the gospels do? And then add something practical, like Proverbs perhaps? He had no answer, and just shook his head and muttered to himself under his breath about the obnoxiousness of Flying Squad members
17. I was that child and it took some convincing from the perplexed teacher
18. “Nothing,” he answered, ever more perplexed
19. Truman was also perplexed at other discoveries
20. Ethan looked ever more perplexed, especially by the sudden change of mood in the middle-aged man
21. When Colling took time to think about it, he had to admit that he was perplexed
22. i was quite perplexed with
23. and Haman sat down to drink; but the city Shushan was perplexed
24. “Huh?” he grunted, perplexed, only understanding the question
25. “Huh? What happened?” Luke said in a quick and perplexed tone
26. He observed his outfit with perplexed interest, his
27. Perplexed, he paused until each of them had boarded the
28. 18 How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yes, the flocks of sheep are
29. “Yes, of course, but the poor girl looked so perplexed
30. I was perplexed by the great value she seemed to put on the lives of my enemies
31. That Saul was still alive, and very much King of Israel, must have perplexed him sorely
32. Most of the God Boys looked quite perplexed at this
33. in all to the business, with four thousand Macedonians, and that the Macedonians being perplexed, the eight thousand destroyed an
34. I was still perplexed by my conversation with Officer Harley last week; of course I knew a lot would be expected of me because of Jesse’s status in the agency
35. staring them all down, they looked perplexed
36. "And what is that?" I ask, perplexed
37. Perplexed, bothered, bewildered, and groping in the dark, Roger faced still another turning point in his life
38. perplexed about the situation
39. more perplexed when the adults began dancing around and
40. In order to address this issue, he wrote a book entitled The Guide for the Perplexed
41. 31 What for being greatly perplexed in his mind he determined to go into Persia there to take the tributes of the countries and to gather much money
42. 20 And he told them of the battle that they had in Babylon with the Galatians how they came but eight thousand in all to the business with four thousand Macedonians and that the Macedonians being perplexed the eight thousand destroyed an hundred and twenty thousand because of the help that they had from Heaven and so received a great booty
43. His perplexed subordinates stared in wonder until he told them his deduction
44. 7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by Him; and he was very perplexed because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead
45. 4 It happened while they were greatly perplexed about this behold two men stood by them in dazzling clothing
46. From now on you shall be speechless and shall not be able to speak until the day in which this shall come to pass because you did not trust this my word which shall be accomplished in its time; And the people were standing awaiting Zacharias and they were perplexed at his delaying in the temple; And when Zacharias went out he was not able to speak to them: so they knew that he had seen in the temple a vision; and he made signs to them and continued dumb; And when the days of his service were completed he departed to his dwelling
47. Are not you 4 better than they? Who of you when he tries is able to add to his stature one 5 cubit? If then you are not able for a small thing why are you anxious about the 7 rest? Consider the wild lily how it grows although it toils not nor spins; and I say to you that Solomon in the greatness of his glory was not clothed like one of 8 them; And if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow 9 is throw into the oven how much more shall be to you O you of little faith! Be not anxious so as to say What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or With what shall we be clothed? Neither let your minds be perplexed in this: all these things the nations of the world seek; and your Father which is in heaven knows your need of all these things
48. 36 And when Jesus had finished all these parables he moved from there and came to his city; and he taught them in their synagogues so that they were perplexed; And when the Sabbath came Jesus began to teach in the synagogue; and many of those who heard marvelled and said How came these things to this mane And many envied him and gave no heed to him but said What is this wisdom that is given to this man that there should happen at his hands such as these mighty workse Is not this a carpenter son of a carpentere and is not his mother called Marye and his brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judase And his sisters all of them note are they not all with use How has this man all these thingse And they were in doubt concerning him; And Jesus knew their opinion and said to them Will you haply" say to me this proverb Physician heal first yourself and all that we have heard that you did in Capernaum do here also in your own city? And he said Truely I say to you A prophet is not received in his own city nor among his brothers for a prophet is not despised save in his own city and among his own kin and in his own house
49. And when he drew near to their boat his disciples saw him walking on the water; and they were troubled and supposed that it was a false appearance; and they cried out from their fear; But Jesus straightway spoke to them and said Take courage for it is I; fear not; Then Cephas answered and said to him My Lord if it be you bid me to come to you on the water; And Jesus said to him Come; And Cephas went down out of the boat and walked on the water to come to Jesus; But when he saw the wind strong he feared and was on the point of sink- ing; and he lifted up his voice and said My Lord save me; And immediately our Lord stretched out his hand and took hold of him and said to him 9 You of little faith why did you doubte And when Jesus came near he went up to them into the boat he and Simon and immediately the wind ceased; And those who were in the ship came and worshipped him and said Truly you are the Son of God; And straightway that ship arrived at the land which they made for; And when they came out of the ship to the land they marvelled greatly and were perplexed in themselves and they had not understood by means of that bread because their heart was gross
50. 25 And on that day whereon they came down from the mountain there met him a multitude of many people standing with his disciples and the scribes were discuss- ing with them; And the people when they saw Jesus were perplexed and in the midst of their joy hastened and saluted him; And on that day came certain of the Pharisees and said to him Get you out and go hence; for Herod seeks to kill you
1. In this case copyright law was involved, which seems to be a huge mess that perplexes many people
2. Another word that perplexes Christians is the word “elect,” found above in Matthew 24:22
3. Try to realize that there is nothing new in the state of things which now perplexes you
4. What perplexes me is that no one has come up with a better option than methadone
5. ‘Well, what is it perplexes me?’ Levin said to himself, feeling beforehand that the solution of his difficulties was ready in his soul, though he did not know it yet
6. The third principle is perhaps the one which perplexes most new traders and it is this – how do I know when the market is in congestion? After all, it's easy to look back in hindsight and see where the price action has been consolidating for some time, but when the market action is live, it is only 'after the event' that any consolidation phase becomes self evident
7. Yet one thing perplexes me to this day : how he, Lambert, succeeded in gaining admittance to, and fastening himself upon, such an unapproachable and superior personage as Anna Andreyevna
1. here Jean was introduced to the perplexing world of
2. What the Legate found perplexing was the way in which those who uttered his name seemed unwilling to elaborate
3. What had those eerie eyes seen? Who haunted his thoughts now? The Dark Brotherhood and sad stories of betrayal…it was conceivable and yet perplexing
4. But to listen to their conversation was perplexing yet fascinating
5. Was this mad? Is this what she wanted? It was perplexing
6. What may be the most perplexing of his sins is the fact that those sins, consisting of insider trading and many other violations of the requirements of stock trading at the time, were rewarded by FDR by appointing Big Bad Joe to head the Securities and Exchange Commission
7. Her eyes ran slowly over his face, taking in every perplexing feature
8. He remained with his back to her, not sure how to handle the situation or what to expect when he turned to face yet another character in his very real, perplexing dream
9. It just sprouted open in a most perplexing way
10. Eliminate these illusions, though, and you are confronted with this raw truth: despite being enslaved in a finite body, you are an infinite mind yearning to make sense of a perplexing yet terrifying reality
11. And the Shepherd said to me "Why are you reasoning in yourself and perplexing your mind and distressing yourself? for the things which you cannot understand do not attempt to comprehend as if you were wise; but ask the Lord that you may receive understanding and know them
12. the midst of difficult and perplexing circumstances
13. The idea that electrons can only occupy certain discrete energy levels was very perplexing to early investigators and to Niels Bohr himself becase the electron was considered to be a particle
14. One of the most perplexing things for Christians to understand is that the devil really was defeated 2,000 years
15. We can learn “how” things will change together and collectively find Socialutions for many of today’s perplexing problems, and that is a good thing!
16. The most perplexing question that I have to find an answer to is: Why should I remain here now that I have mastered the ability to leave at will? Why should I wish to remain trapped in this body which is trapped in this prison? Maybe, I can leave my body until it is time to go home--in the spiritual world there is no sense of time
17. This was a most perplexing situation indeed
18. He never once offered a suggestion as to how the apostles should solve these perplexing problems
19. Only honest and brave individuals are able to follow valiantly through the perplexing and confusing maze of living to where the logic of a fearless mind may lead
20. It was and still is a perplexing puzzle with no solution for the League’s planetologists and geologists
21. This was certainly becoming a perplexing mystery no doubt, and the mention of the Grey Ghost in relation to the victim intrigued him enough to continue with augmented interest
22. This was definitely becoming quite perplexing, Feltus admitted to himself, especially since this may indicate that Terence had been in the area where his wife met her death
23. She then followed his glance to the front, with a look of insult at his perplexing abruptness
24. It was a perplexing issue, a debacle that he had not been adequately prepared to address given his strong convictions regarding the preacher’s involvement after learning of his daughter, the young nurse in France who had been tainted by Terence
25. Having obtained this crucial information, the killer must have waited until a more appropriate time to return and finish off this last loose end that drew the definitive line between freedom and the gallows; however, the issue of timing was also very perplexing given their inability to determine with any accuracy the time frame in which the murder had occurred, especially since Dr
26. This is all very perplexing
27. I had leaned back against the stone wall, thinking, if not showing, that this question was perplexing
28. BJ: “That seems a bit perplexing
29. Hillary could not understand the perplexing scene that confronted her
30. acknowledging that the most perplexing of all religious ideas
31. As perplexing as it seemed, he knew this complexity of big packages had something to do with the gym’s name
32. candles to complex psychometric charts, must have been perplexing
33. Can’t the origin of the so-called false revelation said to be in praise of Al Lat, Al Uzza and Manat be seen in this background? Maybe, it’s an idea for the Musalmans to see whether or not these vexing as well as perplexing ‘Satanic Verses’, whose authorship Muhammad had denied, are indeed Quranic interpolations
34. The most perplexing facet of the whole thing was that he wasn’t at all sure which of them was doing the pulling
35. And it is perplexing or puzzling, I suppose, that only a
36. But as awful as the thought of a nuclear war was, it was not as psychologically perplexing as the
37. However, it is this trans-national, trans-cultural, and trans-temporal consciousness, the enigmatic and perplexing consciousness of cause, the cause of love, which alone is the womb of salvation, to which we owe our allegiance, body, mind and soul
38. Danny realised that if Sebastian tipping off the paparazzi, it was probably the film crew doing so, but he found the whole thing perplexing
39. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of life? What is beyond this life? Architecture has been used to teach these mysteries and, in part, reveal answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions
40. It is perplexing to me, and it's
41. Harvey-Browne into a radiance of smiles perplexing in conjunction with her age and supposed superiority to vanities
42. And annoying and perplexing as her untroubled conscience was it was yet not so annoying and perplexing as her wild joy in Italy
43. "I should say that I did," I returned, glad to ease my mind of what had been perplexing me ever since
44. Despite their mastery of aerial combat those women were ill-prepared to handle perplexing mirages woven by expert specters
45. However, something more perplexing seems to be at the heart of the prophecy
46. “In a sense, I guess I am,” responds the man, slightly perplexing his interlocutor, “but in
47. I have come across perplexing relics
48. One of the more perplexing questions in this process, is how did life-energy emerge from non-life or inorganic energy?
49. The thought that the great detective had the answer to this perplexing mystery of the missing footballer, yet would not reveal it till the morrow, tormented me
50. to unraveling many perplexing mysteries that have surrounded The Apocalypse and the New