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    pillion Beispielsätze


    1. I squatted on the pillion and couldn't get any wetter, so I relaxed into the rain like you relax into the sea, and right away felt much better, calmer

    2. Climbing off the pillion was torture

    3. Rosie, a 30 year-old teacher, begged to ride pillion as far as York where her parents lived

    4. I find someone willing to ride pillion with me, and then Daniel decides to come with us as well: he would rather travel with us than go to see the Dalai Lama

    5. When they stepped out of the house and got onto Sathyam’s Lambretta for a ride into the wilderness, riding the pillion, as they crossed the city limits, she enlaced him eagerly

    6. He was disgusted that though he had the means to let Roopa go around in a chauffeur driven Chevrolet, he was unable to offer her any more than a pillion ride on his Lambretta

    7. Its pillion passenger gripped the bike with his thighs because he was holding a camera in his hands

    8. No sidesaddle or pillion for her, not for Joe

    9. I removed the helmet, my heart still thumping in my ears, and tried to lift my sweaty hair from my head with fingers that were still stiff from gripping the pillion handlebars

    10. He had a pillion behind him on the stout palfrey, and his orders were, he said, to bring Mistress Pomona back with him

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