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    pinkie Beispielsätze


    1. Considering how big the waves could be even all the way down here in the pinkie finger of the Dromedian arm, this was nothing

    2. The pinkie promises, forgotten in all the excitement, are now administered

    3. I step on a Candor girl’s pinkie, and her face twitches

    4. ” My finger traced a flower, smaller than the tip of my pinkie

    5. The admittance report shows she was missing a finger, her left pinkie

    6. ’ He wiggles his pinkie to show him how it works

    7. “Here’s something else---your man was missing the fingertip of the pinkie on his left hand

    8. He rubbed a portion of the window with the side of his pinkie and looked through

    9. About a block from the border I felt a sharp sting to my left pinkie

    10. stoppable forward momentum carried him into his comrade of the broken pinkie

    11. ‘Well < what’s that smell? What is that?’ Kay pointed a pinkie to the dark mound of

    12. He placed a lover’s knot ring onto her pinkie and kissed it and each of her fingers, to seal their troth

    13. His index, and middle finger all touched his thumb while his ring and pinkie finger remained outstretched at a forty-five degree angle

    14. But as good a cop as she is—she has more instinct in her pinkie finger than most cops will ever have in their whole bodies—she doesn’t always see the bigger picture

    15. She’ll usually scream something like “QUICKBOOKS!” and then I scream back: “I’m totally going to do that starting today, pinkie promise!” and then I duck into the bushes before she can realize that most of the receipts are actually just napkins with scribbles on them, like “I needed to buy a kangaroo outfit for work but the flea market doesn’t give out receipts

    16. He cut off small portions of line, tied them to the large fishhooks, and then tied three hooks to the fingers of one hand, one on his pinkie, one on his middle finger, one on his thumb, orienting them as if they were claws

    17. It was smaller than my pinkie nail, tiny

    18. Hawk made a phone with his thumb and pinkie

    19. With two shakes he was able to reach the edge of the contents with his pinkie

    20. I noticed that the pinkie and ring finger of his left hand were shorter than normal

    21. As before, the short, wiry man with the coarse red hair made a steeple with his hands, highlighting for me and everyone close enough to see him that the pinkie and ring finger of his left hand were shorter than the others

    22. I held little Alex’s hand with my pinkie, and I silently mouthed the words, Help me, pup

    23. ‘Dear, dear Raimundo,’ Shelley Capon stirred his drink with his pinkie

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