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    piston Beispielsätze


    1. “Not yet, sir, but it will by the time I’ve finished with it” chuckled Fletcher, tapping it with the wrench, “The main piston has been knocked out of place and now it catches on the casing

    2. piston and the surge of his blood a wild river in his ears

    3. The piston rods jumped into motion and the Belle

    4. din, and the hiss of steam escaping from pressurised piston chambers sounded a

    5. !” His breathing was rapid, like a piston inside a revving engine

    6. Schmidt listened for a moment and effectively heard the faint buzz of hundreds of aircraft piston engines approaching

    7. It radically changed the look of the central nacelle on the P-38 but, as far as Ingrid could see, that change provided a much better view forward and down to the pilot, whose side vision was not blocked anymore by the inner wing sections and the two piston engines

    8. � The pressurized air then activated a piston that deployed four airbrakes around each tail sections, like petals of a flower opening

    9. The B-26 light bombers, who still were a minute away from releasing their bombs, didn’t waste time arguing with her and turned back towards Pusan, gunning their piston engines for all their worth and hurriedly dropping their bombs while their commander started calling frantically the TACG in Taegu for additional fighter cover

    10. “Imagine a hypodermic syringe filled with water and fitted with a piston that allows the water to pass by it on the return stroke

    11. When the piston squeezes out the water, more is drawn in behind it

    12. Now the piston returns back up the syringe and is ready to squeeze out more water

    13. But, if a similar piston is introduced on the inlet side, one piston could be squeezing as the other is returning

    14. It took her less than three minutes to strap herself in and start her two piston engines, by which time the 29 surviving armed jeeps of her airfield defense company were rolling on the tarmac, heading towards the rear cargo ramps of four waiting C-142 heavy transport planes

    15. Her AC-142GT was actually a refurbished model of the plane that had been serving since 1942, with its original four radial piston engines replaced by more powerful and also much more reliable turboprop engines

    16. Less than a minute later, the roar from the four powerful piston engines of the heavy transport aircraft throttled down just before the landing wheels touched the ground, shaking the whole plane and its occupants

    17. Their latest piston engine models of Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf fighters are no slouches either, while their antiaircraft guns are both accurate and expertly manned

    18. They had been taking the Sun for maybe four minutes, relaxing utterly in their long chairs, when the growing noise of aircraft piston engines struck their ears, making them open their eyes to look upwards

    19. It looked like a piston engine from a destroyer that had gotten into a traffic accident with a trumpet factory

    20. Pedro would have to machine us a new piston

    21. I shake them off and return to the piston

    22. Faint, but could just be a small aircraft – piston engine possibly

    23. The rectilinear reciprocating motion of the piston in the power cylinder could be transformed into a rotary motion

    24. This is provided by means of a screw coaxial to the stem – the piston rod

    25. This reflector should stand so that when the cylinder has cooled down and the piston is close to the bottom, respectively the sunlight falls on the cylinder

    26. And vice versa, when the piston is up (the cylinder is heated up), the cylinder should be in the shade [9]

    27. We made a kinematical connection between the 180° rotation of a disc mounted on the screw (piston axis) and this obstruction bar, which has the shape of a wall of a hollow semi-cylinder

    28. Hence, the reciprocating motion of the piston rod reversibly rotates a disc at

    29. As a result of the cyclic heating and cooling (shade) the piston performs slow but powerful vertical reciprocating motion

    30. It seems the piston must be fixed and the cylinder must be movable so only the reflector and the cylinder are at the top

    31. A rod 10 with a piston 9 having sufficient diameter is mounted by means of the stand 11 on a clock tower or building

    32. The piston can move freely with a little clearance (but should be tight in the cylinder) along a cylinder 8 with a bottom and airtight

    33. Isabella responded by moving the brush like a piston in and out, in and out, in and out

    34. by short puffs from cigarettes and swigs of vodka, he removed the piston head assembly to

    35. When the piston head was removed, he saw that the styrofoam packing was loose,

    36. "What I achieved with water in a pipe is actually no different than what is achieved by working the lever to drive the small piston of that hydraulic press

    37. Compress space even today with a piston in a cylinder and then pump the compressed air into a container and such confining of space will increase the heat by the piston effort to reduce the space brought about in the container

    38. This process happens to all spinning things and as much as it happens to a piston connected to a crankshaft, just as much this will happen to an atom spinning an electron in a similar manner as the crankshaft is spinning holding a piston connected

    39. Heads of social organizations, institutions, the concept of a Supreme head-being: God, the making of bread by cutting off the heads of grain, the head of a bed, the head of a burning cigar or cigarette: knocked of as ashes: getting ‘ahead’, the concept of progress as the most important thing in life, competition: getting ahead of your competition, the concept of competitive elimination: ‘heads will fall’, ‘if you are not up to snuff’, snuff: sneezing your head off by taking a pinch of snuff to clear your head, giving ‘head’ sexually, warheads, bombs, firearms, bullets, artillery: any weapon that shoots something: slingshots, arrows, spears, rocks, the heading of a page, a header in grammar, the heading on a page, the heading on a sentence, the heading on a paragraph, somersaults, head-over-heels, crowns, the crowns of Corinthian pillars, pillars do not have heads: all pillars are decapitated, all segments of pillars: all decapitated columns, the idea of decapitating pillars of the community, the idea of dethroning kings, the eating of fruit like grapes, apples, etc; all edible things like coconuts, papaya,, unpeeling the head of a banana and eating it, all vegetables in the shape of a head like onions, cabbage, lettuce, the picking of leaves, the picking of fruits, the picking of beans: all drug foods the picking of spices: creating every single drug we call food, ice cream cones, all ice cream in the shape of a decapitated head, all food portions in the shape of a head, all toppings on all food, decapitated flowers, the Rose Parade: hundreds of millions of decapitated heads of flowers, all fire with flames that are decapitated, all fireworks, the crushing of spices, the picking of decapitated heads like mushrooms, eating nuts, cracking their shell, eggs, corks and bungs used to seal barrels and bottles, the tops of bottles, the sealing and taking off the tops of bottles, jars; all tools that have a head, the head of a hammer, nails, the head of a nail, pounding the head of a nail, the cutting off of the heads of large trees before decapitating them, cutting off the heads of animals to kill them and eat them, all mathematics: the counting of heads, or I’s and adding them up, the using of tools to create decapitated segments, all sports, all balls used in sports, the hitting of all balls, ping-pong, badminton, bowling, bowling pins: the decapitation of bowling pins by a bowling ball, kingpins, kings, jewelry, stickpins with diamond heads on them, canes, walking sticks with metal heads, staffs, any artifact denoting being the head of something, scepters, globes, flyswatters, turbans, musical instruments that blare out sound: decapitating it; using holes in wood and brass instruments to decapitate the natural sound into a shorter wavelength, all fretted and unfretted musical instruments, pressing on a fret to make the note shorter, like a violin or guitar, drums, drumsticks, cymbals, the heads of shoelaces, the detached mentality called the ego: decapitated and disconnected from all the other needs and energy flows of a human being, the concept of life after death as a detached form of spirit, the structure of all hierarchy, all capitalist companies and corporate bodies being ruled and controlled by detached heads of business, the capitalization of letters at the head of a word or sentence or paragraph: especially in ancient sacred Christian texts: where the first capital letter is huge, the eating of fish by decapitating them first, the use of all drugs, narcotics wine, coffee, pills: to create a disconnection between the brain and the rest of the human being, the concept of anesthesia, using drugs to numb the brain or prevent it from feeling the body’s pain, all cultures that value stoicism, macho pigs who cannot love, the concept of the hero as a stone face refusing to face the truth, refusing to feel love, refusing to feel any emotion whatsoever, refusing to cry, the stone carvings of all the ancient Kings, the decapitated carvings of all Kings on coins, the insane idea of all kings ruling by only using their decapitated heads as decapitated coins to spread their authority, all stone busts, plaster busts, the stone faces of all heroes in modern media who refuse to feel human emotion, ping-pong, the computer game: pong, King Kong: the King cut off from State: King Kong falling off the Empire State building: all the video games that are based upon decapitated heads decapitating other heads, which are all based on the old arcade pinball machines that shot decapitated heads that bounced around scoring points hitting and scoring on as many stationary targets of decapitated heads as possible, the decapitation of hair… haircuts, shaving daily, cutting your nails, the idea of assassination as a political tool, the concept of character assassination used in all human societies to cut off people who are thought too uppity or stick out too much, and do not conform… the detached form of observation that only use instruments for the eye: microscopes, telescopes, star-gazing, stamp collecting, the collections of anything from bric-a-brac to gold coins, portraits, still pictures of decapitated heads, cameos, brooches, belt buckles, shoe buckles, still photographs of decapitated heads, talking heads, heads on celluloid talking, heads on screens, moving pictures of talking heads, the idea of a leader as a talking head, all pictures on money of decapitated heads, mouthpieces, microphones, the idea of one person speaking for another, speechwriters, lawyers, politicians, amplified music coming out of a loudspeaker, amplifiers of singing-talking heads, the idea of doing nothing but talking as being the only form of social activity allowed in polite societies, the heads of shoelaces, all knots, topknots, tying hair into knots, the idea of cutting up sounds into words, into letters, into decapitated abstract symbols of meaning separated from thee body of the meaning by segmentation, all segmented forms of tool-use, all tools that segment things into decapitated heads, all decapitated forms of awareness-thinking-feeling, all forms of specialization, all segmented ways of living-doing-seeing, decapitating the natural order of things into decapitated insane pieces: decapitating a family into age groups, decapitating a community into alienated isolated individuals, all mass butchery of living animals by cutting off their heads, morse code, ticker tape, all digitalization of signals into meaningless decapitated codes, the invention of the glass tube: the first decapitated head that could mechanically receive and send energy through nerves called wires, the invention of the transistor: the first sold decapitated head that could send and receive signals, the invention of microchips: tiny decapitated heads with their own tiny brain circuits that could perform more complicated functions than the first huge glass-blown giants called vacuum tubes: because there was nothing inside them, all glass blowing, blowing up molten glass with hot air and then decapitating it to make a glass vase or bottle, all containers from bottles, jars, gourds, ladles, to pitchers and teapots with decapitated lids, all containers, chests, holding treasure, wealth, valuables, all spices and decapitated herbs, all furniture made from decapitating trees, all houses made into decapitated heads where the people living inside them only use their heads and not their hearts or bodies, the steam engine: decapitating steam to explode out in puffs of decapitated destroyed power, all wheels, all round wheels used in machines, all watches, with dials pointing at the decapitated numbers of a disconnected circle, the decapitation of all circles into wedges, pie slices, the invention of the wedge, the invention of the axe as a metal decapitated head to stick on a wooden decapitated piece of branch, all idols, all icons, all figureheads, all abstract symbols representing the head, the pinnacle, the top, the apex, the height of anything, all hierarchical awareness and structures that deem the head as the most valuable, the best, the most noble, etc; Jack-in the Box, all boxes, everything that is put into a box or container, FedEx: the obsession of transporting boxes and parcels, the song; ‘Pop goes the Weasel’, all mass-produced goods that are boxed and shipped, the detachment of specialized labor and work, the creation of holes, digging, all mining, piston heads, engine heads, everything that is called the ‘head’ of something, the froth on the top of a glass of beer,: to be blown away, the use of all zeros and ones: as in Japanese Zeros decapitating American ships, zeros and ones being created and then decapitated inside computers, the use of all zeros and ones in mathematics, scalping, the taking of heads, the shrinking of heads: which the computer microchip is the latest evolution of, …

    40. His skin was cold seaweed and a steam piston thundered against his ribcage

    41. I am told that if you construct a perfectly fitted engine —the piston fitting the cylinder with absolute accuracy and the axles their sockets with no space between, &c

    42. The piston must be allowed some play in the opening of the cylinder through which it passes, or it will not be able to move and show any life

    43. He is the piston that pounds inside our cylinders

    44. I should have known what a piston you were

    45. Suddenly his fist shot out like a piston from his side and it shook itself hard at the lawns and the street and the gathering dusk

    46. He decided to give Doc one of his finest pieces—the connecting rod and piston from a 1916 Chalmers

    47. “Lots of folks don’t know what this stuff’s going to be worth,” said Sam Malloy as he brought out the Chalmers 1916 piston and connecting rod

    48. He loosened the bearing bolts and pulled out the piston

    49. He put piston and connecting-rod in the pan

    50. Jus’ tryin’ to work the piston down

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    piston plunger walter piston