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    piton Beispielsätze


    1. It had taken a score of masons a score of years to hammer the pitons for all those, hanging from their work as they progressed

    2. Small flakes of rock were dropping out of the roof around the ring pitons

    3. And he learned from Kapitonitch, from his nurse, from Nadinka, from Vassily Lukitch, but not from his teachers

    4. Some lady,’ said Kapitonitch, who, not yet dressed, in his overcoat and galoshes, had peeped out of the window and seen a lady in a veil standing close up to the door

    5. As he took off the cloak, Kapitonitch glanced at her face, recognized her, and made her a low bow in silence

    6. Bent double, and his galoshes catching in the steps, Kapitonitch ran after her, trying to overtake her

    7. had come, and that Kapitonitch had let her in, and that

    8. Lena Pepitone, her maid and sometimes seamstress, once recalled that while Marilyn’s divorce from Joe DiMaggio was being finalized, she went to live with Sinatra for a couple of weeks so that she could regain her emotional bearings

    9. Much of what Pepitone recalled in a book she wrote with William Stadiem titled Marilyn Monroe—Confidential has been called into question

    10. According to Lena Pepitone, Sinatra would call Marilyn often and she would speak to him, not at all concerned that Joe might walk into the room at any moment

    11. The general shouted in his fury; but it was to be concluded that his wrath was not kindled by the expressed doubt as to Kapiton’s existence

    12. As a rule he would have merely shouted down the doubt as to Kapiton, told a long yarn about his friend, and eventually retired upstairs to his room

    13. Alexander Kapitonovich Malikov, who lived in the seventies in Orel, preached the doctrine of “God-humanity,” consisting in this, that each man ought to be re-born morally and exalt the divine principle which was in him

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